I’m changing,
molding, shifting, meeting
you blow for blow
and finding fluidity
in the motion of our bodies
holding for long hours;
you change (me)
(our love is growing)
I change (you, in some small way)
[because we all change,
and sometimes this is good,
and sometimes it’s scary
and fills us with doubt,
and sometimes it’s wrong
and the change breaks us
into pieces and feeds us to dogs
who crave nothing more than to
ravage our spirits]--
But hear me, love,
friend, companion,
heart of my heart:
I’m changing,
my heart growing wings,
my eyes piercing dark distance,
my lips learning new lyrics
that one day will describe this,
us, our story, your heart’s
impact on mine,
and the way our lives
will never be the same.
Life will change us,
and we will not stop
growing and learning,
moving and travelling,
expanding, contracting,
ebbing, flowing,
in an endless cyclical motion
never the same from moment to
So I think it’s best you know:
I’m changing, love, and
I hope you don’t think me
dishonest or foolish,
naive or careless,
but you have left a fresh
impression on my mind,
and forever I will have gained
from your light in my life
and your words on those pages
and your everything (the everything
that compiles to make you you--
I love it all); and that’s new;
that means something,
and that something goes beyond
all fathoming because it means:
love like spring brings new things,
and my heart has changed into
a secret orchard, open to you,
and you alone.