I sit here on this dark winters night
and tremor as I become more engulfed in my fright
a tear streaks my cheek
and I scream for the release I seek
rocking back and forth, I feel the cold tiles on my bare skin
and I no I haven’t enough strength within
I no any moment ill grab the silver blessing
and it will be my skin the knifes caressing
coming back to sad reality I look at the scars on my arm
each and every person that caused those marks meant no harm
I guess its me to blame
but I feel no shame
for every time I pretended I was fine
then went home to my blade to make another line
I was happy to finally feel the sweet sting
its a wonderful mysterious thing
the freedom of the blood flowing from my veins
and away with it goes all my pains
mid scream I stop and smile
as I pull myself off the tile
I pick up my blade
so once more reality will fade
because I just realized I wasn’t weak
it was the sweet surrender of flowing blood I did seek
that all along I was fighting to see
because the lovely blade and crimson tears are part of me.