I Tip My Hat To You

I Tip My Hat To You

A Poem by Sad Penguin

For my friend


A Lone ranger
He stands in the desert
Keyboard drawn
From every bit of his soul
To his menacing terabyte

An amazing friend
Who will back you up
Never becomes floppy
Always stands up

His mood is chilled
Even under the most demanding situations
Not much bugs him
Schooling everyone
From Mcafee to Norton

He wears a beard
Like most cowboys I know
Throwing magnetic disks like knives

You can't break through his security
When hackers see him
They just walk home pissed

He occasionally wets his whistle
Like many do in the west
He cleans his teeth with cacti
Spits out thistle

When you see him get off his horse
He usually grins
Ready to draw the weapons, holstered in his Dimms

His cache level is legendary
His fingers quick as lightning
Don't ask Jeeves
This guys mind is more enlightening

His memory is anything but random
He takes a bite out of apple
He gives another grin
Chucks back a Snapple

Then as quickly as he came
He disappears
But he leaves something behind
Once the smoke clears

A business card like no other
It says he does in home repair mother f****r

© 2012 Sad Penguin

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Added on February 28, 2012
Last Updated on February 28, 2012
Tags: Friendship, Friend, Poem, Poetry, Funny, Humorous, Humor


Sad Penguin
Sad Penguin


I'm a male in my twenties who is currently going through a rough patch. More than two years ago, I have been diagnosed with the following: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression, Agoraph.. more..
