I'll Rescue You!

I'll Rescue You!

A Poem by Sad Penguin

A Mario poem


It was such a lovely day

Then you took her away

The sky brightly shining

Now anger inside me

I clench my knuckles

Fire leaf in hand

Running, swimming, and jumping

Burning with vengeance as I ran

I only thought of you

As I lunged past another

Your smile, your laugh

Tears fell fast

Castle after castle

They preyed upon my love

I'll rescue you tonight

I'm near the end

I see the heat blaze

Fire roars past me

I can see him through the smoky haze

I've made it this far

I won't let you down

Studying his moves

In the lava he drowns

That's when I saw you

You still surprise my eyes

Such beautiful imagery

Worth all my extra lives

I hold you tightly

My heart races

Joyous aching

Once again in your graces

I look deep into your eyes

Like lovers do

I just wish I could utter

"I love you"

© 2012 Sad Penguin

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Added on September 26, 2012
Last Updated on September 26, 2012
Tags: Love, Poem, Poetry, Video games, Mario, Super Mario, Peach


Sad Penguin
Sad Penguin


I'm a male in my twenties who is currently going through a rough patch. More than two years ago, I have been diagnosed with the following: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression, Agoraph.. more..
