No Don't fix it! Make A Movie!
I read the newspaper every morning but it always says the same thing just written a little differently. It usually reads something like this, though not in this order...
People were killed, something caught fire, someone got arrested, one sports team won, another team lost, the government is doing something stupid, AGAIN! My point, nothing is changing. The news for today is practically identical to the news one hundred years ago and honestly, considering that we are a race fueled by caffiene and SSRI's, I don't know why I'm surprised. We hate it when something tragic happens to us, but we love to watch it happen to someone else. Hell, we'll just make a film about it and it'll make billions at the box office.
The truth is we all cry for peace but we don't want it, we want disaster. At least some of the time. Without all the tragidy and drama life would really just be boring.