There's three beings who have control over me. My body, my mind and myself. My body is simply used for physical doings and transportation and very rarely will it act on it's own accord. My mind is where the creativity is stored. All my true thoughts, feelings and ideas are born and stored within the confines of my mind. When I personally intervene with my mind while it is working it causes terrible inconsistency in my writing and a lack of flavour. Therefore when my mind is at work it is usually best that I wait idly to see what it has conjured up. I am the voice of reasoning, logic and judgement in this trio. I weed out the bad ideas and false sentiments created by either of my aforementioned companions. I decide what is plausible and what is probable. I often find myself arguing with my own mind, as if he knows what is best for me. However, the final decision of all of my actions ( unless rooted from sudden impulse) resides on me. Not my body 'nor my mind can overrule my self.
A mere scratch on the surface of this thought that has been pulsing through my mind for over half a decade. Directed more towards the writing portion of the chaos that is my brain. Quoted from a recent conversation with an old friend of mine.
i like this "i often find myself arguing with my own mind, as if it knows whats best for me' and sometimes, your mind just doesn't. its you true self that does. thanks for sharing !
Am trying hard to put together the three aspects of your thinking here. Seems that you've decided what controls the controller, the you. Not sure you won't flit from one part of you time to time, using whatever's dominant at the time. Probably wrong, often am, believe me! Anyway, tis your philosophy and your wonderfully written post, thanks lots for sharing it.
A behind the scenes look into an authors mind. Very cool indeed. It's a solid philosophy if you ask me. A strategy that will most certainly give your readers masterpieces to enjoy. I look forward to reading more of your work! Cheers!