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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Marks I Will Leave

Marks I Will Leave

A Poem by Lala

Some people will be in your life temporarily but will leave a permanent mark. I was thinking about which ones I will leave on you. The ones you will remember from the time we were close. And I wouldn't be me if I didn't focus on the cons instead of the pros. So when you meet someone you become devoted to I wonder what you will say about this girl you knew back in the day. If you happen to think about me and start to reminisce, I think it would go a bit like this;  

I'm happy you like your make-up free face, because I knew someone and for her that wasn't the case. She never believed me when I said it didn't matter, because she was convinced that with it I liked her better. I said what truly matters lies within but that was a helpless battle I could never win. 

I'm glad you don't bottle things up and speak your mind. Finding someone like that is hard to find. This one girl always kept things confined no matter how often I asked. I tried to untangle her thoughts in the past but she had so many knots they stayed intertwined. So I'm delighted you communicate well, since it will save us both some hell. With her an update always arrived too late. When she was struggling with things on her plate it took ages to tell me what was so troubling. And by then for me things already passed the expiration date. She blamed me for not caring but how could I if she wasn't sharing. So thankfully you are wearing your heart on your sleeve and your feelings aren't hard to perceive.  

I like it that you have specific goals you want to reach. I often gave that one girl a speech about figuring hers out. But she never knew what hers would be about so she was always in a state of doubt. She never had a passion or desire. Never used her wings to fly higher than necessary. I guess in a way she was her own biggest adversary. So I'm relieved you want to be more than just ordinary. That's something in people I adore but could hardly find before. Therefore I'm glad you want more because that makes you an interesting person to explore. Unlike that girl who was the definition of a closed door. 

So yeah, on my worst days I believe this is the way you will remember me. That these are the only marks I will leave. Little references of how you don't want things to be. How our past and me is something you look at only to tell others how you're glad they are not like that. But if it helps you then that's okay. I am no longer your burden, you're finally freed. And if I helped by making you realize what you want and need I at least did that one good deed. 

But to be honest, maybe you won't think about me at all anymore. And that's even scarier to think about. Maybe I left no marks, not even a single one. Just unremarkable. Once in your life but now simply gone. Leaving nothing behind, all of me reduced to none. If that's the case I will know my place. And what I'll try to remember then is although you won't think about me again, I guess despite it all we had a good run. 

© 2020 Lala

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This is well written and easy to want to keep reading....but such a sad situation .. ..I think all of us tend to exaggerate our affect of others. Quite likely, we should just concentrate on a few a not think we can change the world? Just a thought

Posted 4 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 18, 2020
Last Updated on May 16, 2020



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