Her Time Thought

Her Time Thought

A Poem by Lala

Endless conversations with zero expectations
His hesitations are met by her patience
She knows his conscious is ablaze
Wanting to put out those flames
Not caring if it will take days
By his side is where she stays
In that moment she witnessed his gaze
Whilst he walked through his mindful maze
Without saying a word his eyes drifted
Knowing his mind was twisted 
She replied to his silence
With phrases that weren't scripted
When she spoke she felt disconnected
It wasn't planned, it was all unexpected
Maybe talking will do more harm than good
But she knew she still should
At the surface she looked calm
Yet deep down she was nervous
But she knew speaking was better
Than leaving the moment wordless

She exhaled and started with a sigh
I know how time flies by 
Making us wonder about the why's
The what if's and the goodbye's
But time is also just a construct in your head
A concept we love yet dread
I know moving forward is hard
With a soul that is scarred
With thoughts you can't disregard
When you deal with a current and previous world
When the past and present are intertwined
It's like you're always one step behind
Because one leg is here, the other one there
Time is gone yet you have so much to spare
Making your mind float everywhere
And all of this is just a thought
How time is not ours yet it's all we got
Life moves on no matter what we do
The day arrives and the night will too
Time rearranges but it seems nothing changes
Yet everything becomes different for you

With a contemplative stare she spoke
I know we all search for our purpose
Without it we feel worthless
Frustrated when we can't figure it out
Like we're on the right track
But we're taking the wrong route
Time keeps moving on and that's a fact
It's a part of life's contract
Hours, minutes and seconds
Count down fast until we reach the heavens
So let me give you some advice she said
When it all gets too busy in your head
When you just want to run away instead
There's a way to slow down the clock
To block time from going tick tock 
To temporarily make it stop 
It's what I think about whenever we talk;

Time can be escaped with a kiss
Be traveled through with memories you reminisce
Of your childhood or someone you miss
Time can be released through music 
Or by reading a good book
Time can be paused with just one look
Of someone you hold dear
Who can make time just disappear

With a smile she ended her plea
I hope I opened your eyes to see
How you can escape reality
Even if it's just temporarily
And just know that to me
You are my time metaphorically
Something I have and don't have simultaneously 
Something I long to have more of
But every minute we spent I love
She said with time I have been blessed
Then a smile was no longer expressed
Because she feared the day
Where she'd watch her time tick away
Because no matter how much you pray
Nobody can make time stay

© 2017 Lala

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Added on December 10, 2017
Last Updated on December 12, 2017



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