Devils on My Shoulder

Devils on My Shoulder

A Poem by Lala

I wonder if I'll ever believe in my own potential
Because my mind is simply too influential
With every right, there is a wrong
A weak thought surfaces whenever I feel strong
Having a little devil on each shoulder
Always hoped they would disappear as I got older
But their presence is still here
And deep down I know they will never disappear
How do you fight something that doesn't physically exist
Something that rises no matter how much you resist
Hearing a nonstop voice in my head
One that leaves no negativity unsaid
I always hear you, with everything I do
Making me believe everything you say is true
Discouraging and pessimistic
Fooling me into thinking it's realistic
But my hope remains that this voice in my head
Will one day turn my devils into angels instead

© 2015 Lala

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I really like your rhyme scheme in this one. I know this feeling all too well. I'm hoping my devils turn to angels one day too. Great work with this.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I sincerely hope they will for you too :) xx

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1 Review
Added on November 8, 2015
Last Updated on November 8, 2015



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