My Little Angel

My Little Angel

A Poem by Lala

I'm thinking about the future in which I maybe
Give life to my first baby
These upcoming thoughts are directed at you
And to all the things that I will do
The lullabies I will sing
To my little princess or king
Stories I will read before you sleep
And how I'll help you count your sheep
You are my little mini-me
And it is my angel you will always be
But mostly I'm thinking of the day that will arrive
When you no longer need me to survive
From nightmares you won't need protection
And you'll no longer crave my affection 
You won't need me to hold your hand
Or admire the castle you build in the sand
No more healing kisses needed when you're in pain
Things will simply no longer be the same
One day I will have to let go of control
And no longer play the parent role
I have to take away my brakes
And let you make your own mistakes
The future is clear, I know the result
One day you will be an adult
And of course I have no doubt whatsoever
That I will love you forever
Yet I'm feeling a bit unsteady
Because I'm missing the little you already

© 2015 Lala

My Review

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Beautifully captured thoughts of the future and what joy it will bring. Even thinking about it makes you miss them already. Beautiful. letting them be their on selves and making their own mistakes, while always being there for them. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your respond to it, thank you for sharing that as well :D

9 Years Ago

You're welcome :)

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1 Review
Added on September 13, 2015
Last Updated on September 13, 2015



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