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Unreciprocated Love

Unreciprocated Love

A Poem by Lala

This poem was written based on a request, which you can find in the note :)

It took long for us to realize
That we were each others paradise
When you finally were by my side
Everything in my world intensified
All the cliches about love became true
And nothing was more beautiful than you
But our dating began to consist of debating
Only fights that led to hating
You were my girl and best friend
But we could no longer pretend
Our situation could not be amended
So our communications ended
But it was merely silence before the storm
A quietness that caused our relationship to transform
Because after you returned
You clarified that the bridges were burned
Yet I wanted to cross them all
Because love was still making me fall
Wanting you as I wanted you before
And every time I see you I want you even more
But I am living with an unreciprocated feeling
With a heart that is incapable of healing
Because it still belongs to you
And I wish you felt the same way too

© 2015 Lala

Author's Note

I'd love if you could write a poem about the current situation with my girlfriend/best friend. We've been friends for 9 years. Last year we became a couple. We both fell in love deeply and it got really intense. The last couple months of the relationship, we started fighting. In February we broke up. We didn't talk for a month. Fast forward now, we see each other every weekend. We hang out and she sleeps over. My feelings are getting in the way but she doesn't want a relationship. It hurts.

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Added on June 1, 2015
Last Updated on June 1, 2015



Welcome to my page! I know we're all writers here, but if you like my writing and are interested in me writing something for you, just hit me up! I do freelance poetry writing and it truly makes me.. more..

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