Always a Part of Me

Always a Part of Me

A Poem by Lala

I will never forget the moment we met
Little did I know you would be something I'd regret
But at the time you seemed almost perfect
There was not a flaw I could detect
You were the answer to a prayer I prayed
One I did not even realize I made
But further down the road
It were your true colors that showed
I was never your one and only
You just needed me when you were lonely
You were an adventure gone wrong
One that helped me get strong
I hate you now because I loved you then
But I know I will be okay again
Because I know that in order to live
I need to change my perspective
I always had a personal strife
About you being an undeniable part of my life
Your past presence I always tried to forget 
But now I changed my mindset
I began to see the experience in a different way
And my grudge began to decay
Because it was mandatory
To see you as nothing extraordinary
Forgetting you, would be like forgetting the food I ate
Or the nightmares I had when I was eight
Or the movies I have seen
In order to forget you, I'd simply have to wipe my entire memory clean
So forgetting you, would be like not being able to recollect
Everything in my life that had any kind of effect
What I am simply trying to say
Is that I cannot wish you away
I cannot dismiss you from my thoughts
But from now on I call the shots
So you no longer have control over me
And I can finally feel free

© 2015 Lala

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Added on April 17, 2014
Last Updated on September 17, 2015



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A Poem by Lala