A mouse in the house of a thousand lies

A mouse in the house of a thousand lies

A Poem by shawnt5604

the creature crawls
people fall
into the meloncholy of there own lives
as his thoughts absorb
the lies evermore


all the arguments-
relationships dying
loved ones crying
as his thoughts absorb
the lies evermore


undying sacrements
ulderlying the notion
of so much bad intent
as the stubborn minds
of so many lives
making no attempt of mending
their love back together
as his thoughts absorb
the lies evermore


mirrors shattered
pictures torn
feelings that are lost
and never reborn
never a good reason why
never seemed to be a good time
to revive
everything they once had
as his thoughts absorb
the lies evermore


the creature creeps
trying to escape
what has fallen on innocent ears
so many tears
he has witnessed in vein
as he breaks away
into the rain
as his thoughts absorb
the lies nevermore

© 2013 shawnt5604

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Very nice piece ! I think every writer feels this!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is an introspective (relationship?) piece. Noticed vein is likely vain and sacrement is sacrament. Other than that, great write.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Great Work. Love the perspective as if from a mouse or child was stuck in a house of horrors. I hope the escape was without great scars and bruises and they were healed over time.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

great insight! thank you so much
Firstly you have quite an understanding of life and beautiful way of expressing yourself.I am sorry but "vein" is supposed to be "vain".Sorry about the correcting.I loved it by the way:P

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

You re welcome, you really got me good there lol

10 Years Ago

lol my poems may be deep and dark but believe it or not I've got quite the sense of humor lol
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago


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4 Reviews
Added on December 19, 2013
Last Updated on December 19, 2013



New Lexington, OH

Long- time writer and author of two books of poetry: My Heart Bleeds Ink and Embrace The Rain. more..
