Poems about poetry are always fascinating to read, and you did the subject justice. I think, however, it would flow smoother if you punched up your punctuation a little; don't be afraid to use commas or any other punctuation marks - the short sentences in the poem make it seem choppy, and that really messes with your poem's flow. Also, you should take the apostrophe out of the word "gods"; I assume because it's not capitalized you're referring to plural gods, in which case the apostrophe is unnecessary.
Rhea, this is a nice little piece you've written here. I love the gentle rhyming schemes of each of the verses. It's got a nice flow to it, and I can tell it comes from the heart. Thanks for sharing!
Hello Rhea,
I read the sentiment of your poem and you say so much of what is in my mind. I enjoy your poetry because it comes from the heart. Each poem you write exhudes sincerity for your subject, be it love, poetry, your faith, whatever - and this is the start of the poet's path. I believe however that the way ahead now is to polish your writing style - to learn more of the technicalities of writing. Is there a local writers class or club where you can get tuition? Why not buy a book on the basics of verse? I have noticed a tremendous difference in the quality of my work since I attended extra mural classes in creative writing at Liverpool (UK) University. You certainly do have a problem with flow and format which could easily be remedied and would improve your work no end.
Of course, some say they like their work to be untrained, and their own - unrestricted by rules and style. My own feeling is, "If ever I need an operation, don't give me such a surgeon"
Here is a few words on the subject of words which inspired me and I hope, you.
The following is a passage from the memoirs of Pablo Neruda, translated from the original Spanish. Neruda was a Chilean, a winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, Chilean Ambassador in Paris at the time of the Allende regime and a poet of rare excellence. He wrote on a wide spectrum of subject matter, his poems on love, travel, injustice and the Spanish Civil War being exceptional.
. . . You can say anything you want, yessir, but it's the words that sing, they soar and descend. . I bow to them . . . I love them, I cling to them, I run them down, I bite into them, I melt them down . . . I love words so much . . . The unexpected ones . . . The ones I wait for greedily or stalk until, suddenly, they drop . . . Vowels I love . . . They glitter like coloured stones, they leap like silver fish, they are foam, thread, metal, dew . . . I run after certain words . . . They are so beautiful that I want to fit them all into my poem . . . I catch them in mid-flight as they buzz past, I trap them, clean them, peel them, I set myself in front of the dish, they have a crystalline texture to me, vibrant, ivory, vegetable, oily, like fruit, like algae, like agates, like olives . . . And then I stir them, I shake them, I drink them, I gulp them down, I mash them, I garnish them, I let them go . . . I leave them in my poem like stalactites, like slivers of polished wood, like coals, pickings from a shipwreck, gifts from the waves . . . Everything exists in the word . . . An idea goes through a complete change because one word shifted its place, or because another settled down like a spoiled little thing inside a phrase that was not expecting her but obeys her . . . They have shadow, transparence, weight, feathers, hair and everything they gathered from so much rolling down the river, from so much wandering from country to country, from being roots so long . . . They are very ancient and very new . . . They live in the bier, hidden away, and in the budding flower . . . What a great language* I have, it's a fine language we inherited from the fierce conquistadors . . . They strode over the giant cordilleras, over the rugged Americas, hunting for potatoes, sausages, beans, black tobacco, gold, corn, fried eggs, with a voracious appetite not found in the world since then . . . They swallowed up everything, religions, pyramids, tribes, idolatries just like the ones they brought along in their huge sacks . . . Wherever they went, they razed the land . . . But words fell like pebbles out of the boots of the barbarians, out of their beards, their helmets, their horseshoes, luminous words that were left glittering here . . . our language. We came up losers . . . we came up winners . . . they carried off the gold and left us the gold . . . they carried everything off and left us everything . . . They left us the words.
Pablo Neruda, 'Memoirs'
* Spanish, of course but doesn't it apply to us all?
Please accept that I see in your work great potential and my comments are meant to help, not discourage. If you want me to help with any editing or comment, send me a message and I'll give any help I can.
I agree... expression
through poetic form
is quite lovely most of
the time and is a way we
can express how we are
feeling without having to
speak it outloud. Which is
very difficult for most of us
to do..
Falling in love with words...
I love that sentiment!
Wonderful piece my friend,
your thoughts gracefully expressed...
through ... poetry :)
Very true Rhea. Expression which is freely flowing carries emotions intact to reach every heart you intended to receive. We convey our feelings a language of heart, only poetry can do best.
A lovely poem, well expressed.. what a poem intended to be.
Poems about poetry are always fascinating to read, and you did the subject justice. I think, however, it would flow smoother if you punched up your punctuation a little; don't be afraid to use commas or any other punctuation marks - the short sentences in the poem make it seem choppy, and that really messes with your poem's flow. Also, you should take the apostrophe out of the word "gods"; I assume because it's not capitalized you're referring to plural gods, in which case the apostrophe is unnecessary.
Indeed, poetry is a powerful form of art, more quickly reaching into the soul of the reader and the writer than most other forms. Not everyone is a poet, but I think everyone can gain the intended messages of poetry. Very eloquently said! I wonder, and this is for the purpose of experimentation really, if your rhyming pattern was intentional or just happened. I ask because in the second to last stanza you broke form. I prefer to stay away from rhyming because it tends to eat away at the message I am trying to convey and I wonder if that is what happened to you in this poem. What if, just for the sake of experiment, you tried re-writing this poem again, just letting your heart speak for you and not rhyming at all? (at least not with intention). If you do choose to try it, let me know, I'd love to read it again. Thank you for sharing this!
"Poetry moves mountains, changes hearts and can settle a soul.
Magnificent words that uncover real truth and real meaning."
wow! This is great, simply awesome..What a great poetry about poetry..
Imagery is just awesome and conveys such a great meaning!
Very strong piece of writing!
The next paragraph is when I first started with writing on WritersCafe. Since then I have been happily married to Sabine my wonderful, beautiful godly french/American wife. Between us we have 10 Child.. more..