![]() ENCHANTED FORESTA Chapter by STAR CHILDTHE ENCHANTED FORESTThis is a poem full of enchantments and magic. I will bring you this epic of magical animals. I hope you will enjoy.
There is a place of magic Having great enchantments. Embrace the magic.
Enticing all. No one can not believe in this enchanted forest. Come with me and you will see many enchanted animals. Have magical adventures. We shall start the epic with the most enchanting animal the deer.
THE ENCHANTED FORESTThere is a place. Having enchantments galore. Enjoy this forest divine.
Enchanting all that enter. Never ending are the adventures. Come with me into the enchanted forest. Having many adventures. Amazing things to see. No need to be afraid my little one. Take the enchanting walk. Enjoy this enchanted forest. Deep magic exists in this place.
From deep in this forest enchantments came. Over all beauty so divine. Riding into adventures to have. Enchanting all that see and believe. Spirits soar through the forest divine. Take in the beauty never ending joy
Take my hand and let our enchantments begin.
This poem will be in many parts. Let’s take walk into the enchanted forest. A place of beauty a place so divine. A place where the trees walk and talk. A place where animals are free having great enchantments.
The first poem in this enchanting series is the enchanted deer.
THE ENCHANTED DEERThere are enchanted animals. Having magic. Entering their realm is easy.
Enchanting is the deer. Never ending roaming. Come join me. Having magic in the heart. A glorious adventure. Never ending is the magic she has. Take the journey. Enchanted deer enchanted deer. Do not be afraid.
Deer’s of beauty. Enchanted you become. Enter and enjoy the beautiful realm. Raise your eyes to the magical world.
Part 2 we go for a walk through the magic and enchanted forest with the enchanted bear. The bear so graceful and so powerful. Now lets walk and talk with the enchanted the enchanted animals.
THE ENCHANTED BEARThere is an enchanted place. Having magic galore. Enchanting and beautiful this place is.
Enjoy this place. Never ending is the joy. Come with me lets walk with the bears. Having power of delight. Adventures are many. Never ending magic Talking with the magical bears. Enchanting all. Do not be afraid my little ones.
Be brave. Enchanting the young. Adventures of great enlightenment they are. Ride into the magic.
I want to welcome to part 3 of the enchanted forest. Next we will soar with the guardian of the sky. Has great power in and enchanted. Pure in soul. A free spirit flying on high. Soar on high with the eagle divine. Enjoy the magic of the parts.
THE ENCHANTED EAGLEThere is an enchanted place. Having magical animals. Enchanting all that enter.
Enchanting the little ones. Never ending magical joy. Come lets fly with the soaring eagles. Having magic in their hearts. Adventures galore. Now lets fly with the enchanted eagles. Take my hand. Enter this world at will. Do not be afraid.
Eagles of magic All come and fly. Gracefully soaring with glorious delight. Light of light magical delight. Enjoy this enchanting wonder.
I want to welcome to part 4 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 4th part we will soar on the back of the enchanted Pegasus the flying horse. Lets soar on high on the wings of Pegasus.
THE ENCHANTED PEGASUS THE FLYING HORSEThere is an enchanted place. Having ancient powers. Enchanting to all that see and believe.
Enter this place and be free Never ending magical joy. Come with me little ones. Have an eternal enchanting flight. Adventures are great. Never ending enchantments. Take the journey. Enter the magical realm. Deep magic exists in this enchanted place.
Pegasus take flight. Enchant the ones that see you. Grand are your glorious wings. Away you fly. Soaring with great wonder. Under the enchanting blue heavens. Souls are enchanted.
There is a horse with great magic. Having grand power. Enter and be free.
Fly my little one fly. Long as this enchanted horse lived. Young ones of enchanted places. Into the enchanted world of the enchanted. Never be afraid my little one. Glorious are your wings.
Horse so divine. Our time to be enchanted is now. Ride with glory. Souls so divine. Enjoy the magic.
I want to welcome to part 5 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 5th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting Coyote. Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED COYTEThere is an enchanted place. Having strong magic. Enchanting those that enter.
Enriching the soul. Never ending adventures await you. Come lets walk among the enchanted forest. Having many adventures. Amazing is this place. Never forget this world. Talk to the enchanted coyote. Enjoy the enchanting ways. Deep in the enchanted forest lives the enchanted forest.
Come little one do not be afraid. Our adventure begins. You are the enchanted one. Open the door and meet the enchanted coyote. Take an enchanted ride. Enchanted forever more.
I want to welcome to part 6 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 6th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting HAWK. Its power its magic and its enchantments.
is an enchanted place.
I want to welcome to part 7 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 7th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting TIGER. Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED TIGERThere is an enchanted place. Having great power. Enter this special realm.
Enchanted is this place. No one will harm you. Come with me to the enchanted world of the tiger. Having ancient powers. Adventures to begin. Never ending joy. Take the handle open the door. Enchanted is the lion. Deep is the magic.
Tigers of the enchanted realm. In the enchanted forest. Grand is the forest divine. Enter its beauty. Realm of divine power. Soaring with delight.
I want to welcome to part 8 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 8th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting RHINOCEROS. Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED RHINOCEROSThere are enchanted places. Having great ancient magical powers. Enticing the young and the young at heart.
Enchanting the spirits. Never ending joy. Come my little one magical adventures await. Having great enchanting powers delight. All that enter are magical. Never ending is the enchanted forest divine. Enriching the innocent. Deep in the enchanted forest roams a Rhinoceros divine.
Rhinoceros riding the magical realms. Having the enlightening power. Into magical forests we can enter if we believe. Never be afraid. Come through the magical door. Enter through the invisible doors. Ride the enchanted rhinoceros. Over the magical realms. Ride through this magical place on the enchanted rhinoceros Souls of the enchanted play in the enchanted forest.
I want to welcome to part 9of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 9th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting ZEBRA Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED ZEBRAThere are enchanted places. Having delightful magic. Embarking on the adventures galore.
Embrace the wind. Never ending flight. Come little one magical adventures await you. Having great enchantments. A beautiful world it is. No need be afraid little one. Talk with the enchanted zebra. Enter through the door. Deep in the enchanted forests the zebras roam.
Zest for life they have. Enriching the souls of the young. Brave are the enchanted. Raise your voices on high come be enchanted. Adventures will come to my enchanted little ones.
I want to welcome to part 10of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 10th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting WHITE WOLF Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED WHITE WOLFThere are enchanted places. Having powers of old. Enter through the invisible door.
Enchanting worlds lay before you. Never ending is the magic. Come be enchanted. Having magical powers. Adventures to be had. Never ending joy. Take a walk into the enchanted forest. Enjoy talking to the enchanted white wolf. Deep magic does exist.
White wolf of beauty. Happy you are. Into the enchanted forest we go. Talk to the enchanted wolf. Enter the new adventure.
Wolf that roams the forest so delightful. Overhead beauty delight. Long ago ancient powers. From ancient times they come.
I want to welcome to part 11 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 11th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting SNOW LEOPARD Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED SNOW LEOPARDThere is a place of magic and enchantments Having great adventures. Enchanting all that come.
Enjoy the enchanting walk. Never ending magic. Come see the enchanted snow leopard. Have grand adventures. Amazing the snow leopard is. Never ending joy. Talk to the enchanted snow leopard. Enchanting all that come. Deep in the enchanted forest it roams.
Snow leopards roam with magic. Never ending enchantments. Overhead you see the enchanting sky. When the snow leopard talks you better listen.
Leopard of magic brings the enchantments to me. Enter and be enchanted. On the enchanted trails you will discover. Places of magic truly exist. Adventures abound. Ride the snow leopard. Deep in this enchanted forest live many enchanted animals.
I want to welcome to part 12 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 12th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting UNICORN Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED UNICORNThere is magic in the air. Having the most beautiful enchantments. Enriching the soul.
Enticing the wonders of this enchanted world. Never ending joy. Come with me it is time for adventures galore. Happy are the enchanted children. A walk with the unicorn is special. Never ending adventures. Talk to the enchanted unicorn. Enchanting to all. Deep magic it holds.
Unicorns of magic come to me. Never be afraid little ones. Into enchanted places we go. Come lets show our magical selves. Over there they stand. Raise your enchanted voices arise. Never ending is the magic.
I want to welcome to part 13 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 13th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting ORCHARD DRAGON Its power its magic and its enchantments. On the far side of the forest near the mountains lays an enchanted garden. Lives the enchanted orchard dragon. The protector of this was surrounding areas.
THE ENCHANTED ORCHID DRAGONThere is an enchanted place. Having forever beauty. Enriching the soul.
Enchanted by its beauty divine. Never ending is its magic. Come with me lets ride the orchid dragon. Having the enchanting souls. Amazing it is. Now lets fly. Take my hand and we shall enter the dragon realm. Enjoy this magical place. Dragons of beauty dragons of beauty.
Our glorious flight begins. Raising enchanting voices. Climb on high. Having adventures galore. Innocent ones enter at will. Deep magic is in them.
Dragons of beauty. Raising magical voices. Away we go. Glory they show. Once a child enters they are forever enchanted. New adventures will be had. Soar with the magical dragons.
I want to welcome to part 14 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 14th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting koala Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED KOALAThere is a beautiful place full of magic. Having the most enchanting and wonderful animals. Enchanting the young at heart.
Enchanted are all that enter this forest. Now lets start our magical journey. Come with me into the magical forest divine. Adventures are many. Now feel the magic. Talk to the enchanted koala. Enter the magical door. Deep magic is in this forest.
Koala’s of the forest. Overhead they watch. Amazing and gentle they are. Long time magic they share. A cute little enchanted bear you are.
I want to welcome to part 15 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 15th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting owl Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED OWLTrees are full of magic as the owl hoots. Having great and many enchantments. Enchanting all that hear.
Enticing all to feel the magic. Never ending adventures. Come with me to the lands of enchantments. Have a talk with the owl so enchanted. Adventures you will have. No need to be afraid my sweet enchanted little ones. Take flight. Enjoy the enchanted owl and the magical journey. Deep in the forest the owl resides.
Owl hoot in the forest. Wonder into this enchanted forest and be enchanted. Long ago the power came.
I want to welcome to part 16 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 16th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting ELK Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED ELKTake a walk into the forest. Having many adventures. Enchanting all that come.
Enter this forest and be enchanted. Never ending joy. Come see and feel the magic. Have adventures galore. Amazing things you will see. Never ending are the adventures. Talk to the elk so enchanted. Enticing the young ones. Deep magic they have.
Elk of magic so powerful. Long ago the enchantments were discovered. Keep to the secret doors into enchanted worlds.
I want to welcome to part 17 of the enchanted forest. This enchanted animal so beautiful so magic and so enchanting. The enchanted animal of the 17th part we will we will walk and talk with the enchanting MOOSE Its power its magic and its enchantments.
THE ENCHANTED MOOSETake an enchanting walk with me. Have a magical journey. Enchanted by the forest all become.
Enter through the magical door. Never ending are the adventures. Come lets walk with the moose of the enchanted forest. Having magical adventures. Amazing the moose is. Never ending is the joy. Talk to the enchanted moose and become magical. Enter this beautiful forest. Deep in this forest magic exists in this forest.
Moose so enchanted. Oversee the enchanted little ones. Our time in this forest is magical. Spirits live in this forest. Enriching the soul of the enchanted little ones. © 2013 STAR CHILD |
StatsAuthor![]() STAR CHILDHOGWARTSAboutI love to write poetry i do many kinds of poetry but mostly i like taking people to magical places i mostly write about dragons and fairies i enjoy writting for children more..Writing