An Open Eye On Latent Lives

An Open Eye On Latent Lives

A Poem by S.S.P.

it's difficult to mourn an unexamined life and cnn will continue when your clicker's sold at goodwill. leave a little something, live a little something. an exercise in simplicity. 7/3/09


with a steadiness of effort

and disdain of withered time

we can achieve beyond all doubt

the ambitions of our mind


a mission met with a touch of toil

and our fondest hopes shall be

and to think we cleave supernal dreams

to turn on our TV

© 2009 S.S.P.

My Review

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this was oh so good. (:
&& i get it. lol....
its def. not about celine dion...
haha. or maybe.... well, anyways...
this is wonderful.. just like you.
(awh.) haha. (: *buys you cupcake.** xD

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Simplicity can be powerful as proven here. A blistering write that left me thinking. Amazing what words can convey.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 3, 2009
Last Updated on July 3, 2009



SouthWest, VA

36 y/o going on 90, here now, gotta do something to keep the next half interesting. Aside from the poems I am also a failed musician, artist and capitalist. Feel free to write if you like, i'm only .. more..

untitled untitled

A Poem by S.S.P.

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