Death of My LoveA Poem by S.M. MellingA poem I wrote for my most recent ex, who loved me less than I thought but more than I knew.This is a dirge to the end of my love, as I mourn, and grieve, and lament for my heart. This is an ode to the pain of regret, as it slashes, and lances, and hacks me apart. I once knew a love I thought was divine, like the Gods above, it was timeless and pure. I carried it close to a heart that cried out for refrain, from the strain of the pain it endured. A lifetime passed engrossed in my love, for a phantom, I hoped, would one day appear. Yet there is a twin to the phantom I adore, who purses, and peers, and glares with a sneer. With her I did battle for the love of my heart, but her weapon was words, and I could not compete. She fought me with such relentless determination, and so awe-struck was I, that I could not retreat. I wanted to love her but I feared I could not, her twin, I still hoped, one day I might save. Yet time and again she would act out to hurt me, but by the passion of love did she have me enslaved. then the many amends, quickly she gave. I hoped that my heart could sway lady love, yet in truth, I know, that this was folly. My heart had suffered a thousand or so slings, and arrows? It won't last, even a single volley. So this is the goodbye I thought never to write, the damage, I'm afraid, has already been done. The pain I'm enduring has begun overwhelming, and the death of my love has already begun.
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