Love as it happened

Love as it happened

A Story by SUGATA M

2095 AD.

The much-expected divide finally happened. Men and women started living separately. Rapidly declining popularity of heterosexual relationship over the last few decades was the trigger-point. Moreover the long chronicle of social vices and ailments that included domestic violence, sexual abuse, rape, genital mutilation, sexually transmitted infections, AIDS, Ebola and Zika had needed an unanimously agreed solution which was finally sought under the gender-wise separation. Those linked to third gender also found their much-demanded entity following the same separatist mode.

Mankind finally sought solace within the fragmented and gender-based societies across the world.


The story begins………..

‘Hi, my name is Saina. What’s yours?’

We shook hands. The same old virtual handshake.

She was tall, well-built and astonishingly good-looking with a pair of murderer’s eyes. I fell on the first sight.

It was a stupid beginning for me as I melt so quickly.

I used to remain a guy of that nature. I had the disease of falling in love.

Falling in love sounds comical in the world of virtual relationships. Can you love an image, a mere three-dimensional image of someone who is actually located thousands of miles away from you in flesh and blood?

Most of the young men like me spend hours after the digital dating sites following their work-breaks, choose the girls from the numerous existing sites, go for virtual dates and even enjoy a bout of sex through an enhanced digital process of induced love-making. Next day they change over to another women. You can also buy sex if you prefer hardcore. The sex-workers tune you with their virtual services as per your need and payment. Sex is fully enjoyed without physical touch, viable penetration and exchange of body-fluids. There is no better way that can prevent the incurable sexually-transmitted infections so well where cure of AIDS still remains a dream. Unwanted pregnancies are no more feared by the sex-loving girls. Artificial insemination with the sperms of choice hit the popularity cord high for the planned pregnancies. Men can also adopt children but through complex processes of legal sequencing. The option of parenting is least preferred.

I dated Saina for a week, enjoyed rounds of terrific sexual encounters to only feel the attraction becoming fatal every moment. Saina probably felt not in a different way. The happiness of virtual togetherness swept us away. Finally I expressed to her what I desired from the core of my heart. ‘I would like to meet you flesh and blood, no more digital contacts.’

She was terrified and reminded me that the law of the country is against any flesh and blood relationship. The universal rule of virtual relationship can’t be violated. It can only dip us in deep trouble.

‘I don’t bother.’ I adamantly argued. ‘We must meet and start a family together the way it happened in the past.’

‘You will never get the permit to visit the women’s region.’

‘I will enter your place without a permit.’

‘Please don’t try such daring act. You might be jailed for the rest of your life. Rather you donate your sperm that can impregnate me and I can bear your child. We can always start a family like that.’


I did what she suggested. She got pregnant and gave birth to my daughter.

A couple of days after her delivery I left my place fully making up my mind. I will take entry to the women’s region via the sea-route. I will bribe the coast-guard guys. They will let me in.

It was not easy. Rowing the boat against the tide to reach near the shore in the early, cold hours of the morning took the hell out of me. Then the coast-guard vessel intercepted. I drained my last penny to buy their sanction to get into the women’s land. I covered myself fully in a burqa and after traversing a distance of a kilometer gave her a ring. Her digital 3-D image appeared promptly. She was in a state of shock after seeing me in her territory.

‘Oh my God! You are already in!’

‘Saina, come and join me sharply with our daughter. We must leave this place. I bribed the coast-guard to get in, they won’t allow me to stay here for long. I am under their constant surveillance.’ I said to her in a restless voice.

‘Have they inserted a chip in your body?’ She asked meekly.

‘Yes. Please hurry up. Any delay beyond thirty minutes might endanger my life. Please.’

‘I can’t come so fast Aryan. My residence is around two hundred miles South of the sea-coast.’

‘Take a chopper. You have to reach here by the next thirty minutes. Please Saina. I took the risk of my life to come to your place. Can’t you do a bit more for our love?’

‘Ok, I am coming, I am coming.’ She muttered several times in the phone.

I was waiting.

She didn’t reach.

Almost an hour passed.

I tried several times to her phone. It didn’t respond. I made desperate attempts to reach her through all possible social networking and dating sites where she got herself registered.

She remained unreached.

Soon I saw the chopper hovering right on the top of my head and making quick descent minutes later.  

I initially thought it was a military chopper that came to catch an unwanted intruder like me.It’s now my turn to go with them to the jail for breaking the rule of the country. Nobody will accept the fact that I actually bribed a section of military to get here.

The chopper landed about few hundred meters away from me. But it didn’t drop any uniformed personnel as I expected. It was a woman instead who made a shallow jump from the chopper to touch the ground keeping something tightly held in her arms.

My heart got almost stopped.


And my daughter!

The chopper became airborne soon. I removed my burqa on a jolt and rushed to the woman.

She was tall, lanky, thinly built and with a small baby held tight against her chest.

I got the shock of my life.

She was not Saina.

‘Who are you?’ I asked her. ‘You are not Saina.’

‘You are right. I am not Saina. But this baby is yours.’ She showed me the baby. ‘Your daughter.’

‘Where is Saina?’ I screamed at her. She was one of the most ordinary-looking women who just can’t stand anywhere near to my Saina. ‘Tell me where is she? Why didn’t she come?’

‘She can never appear flesh and blood the way you want.’ She said in a low voice.

‘But why?’ I was feeling terribly impatient and restless. ‘What for? I left my everything and came here for only her.’

‘Please,’ the woman said, ‘don’t be so excited. It will damage your health.’

‘I don’t care.’ I felt like strangulating her forgetting completely that she was the first and foremost woman I met in flesh and blood in my twenty five years of life. ‘I want Saina. Bring her to me right now.’

Fortunately the place was soulless and barren. There was no one to give an ear to our conversation. Otherwise I could have been straightway transferred to the jail for misbehaving publicly with a woman in their own and restricted land.

‘Saina is a virtual woman whom I created to entice handsome man like you in the net. It is me who acted behind Saina. But you were involved too much and I hated to miss the chance to impregnate myself with your sperm. You became the father of my daughter.’ She showed the baby to me again and said passionately, ‘My baby…….our baby.’ She grinned. Her long ugly teeth locked in braces got exposed to make my senses blunt and withdrawn.

‘You are telling a lie!’

‘No. I never tell lie.’ She said vehemently. ‘Try to call her up now, you will understand fast.’

I rang up Saina; every time it struck the phone of the woman.

I didn’t know what to do, even not feeling attracted to the baby any more as aversion towards the woman becoming stronger.

‘Please take us with me. I also left everything for you the way you had left.’ She came close to me and touched my arm. ‘We can start a new life with our baby. Please…………….’

She looked straight to my eyes. They were large and deep. They were about to burst in tears. They were filled in passion for me.

I took a deep breath. I felt I am not the same man I had been moments back.

The coast-guard guys must have lost their patience by this time. They gave me half an hour time but I spent more than two hours inside the out-of-bound land.

I hold her hand tight and started running to the sea where my small boat was anchored. She hold the baby tight and kept pace with my stride. Soon her breath became heavier but the smile in the face didn’t fade out a bit.


Love happens like that my friend, all of a sudden, only with a real, flesh and blood woman.


© 2016 SUGATA M

My Review

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A very interesting tale you have create my friend. New world and new needs. I like the set-up of the story and I wanted to know and read more. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing story.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 16, 2016
Last Updated on December 16, 2016



New Delhi, South Asia, India

Moody, creative, romantic man loves intelligent and witty women and friendly men, adores simplicity and abominates double standard more..


A Story by SUGATA M

Scent Scent

A Story by SUGATA M