A Story by SUGATA M

‘My name is Rakesh Ranbal Mehra.I am a film producer, want to make a film with you.’

Sriram had no idea about this weird looking man. He had never met him in any filmy gatherings or award ceremonies before. Looks like a complete stranger was just dropped from nowhere to produce a film.

This man was after Sriram for quite sometime to fix an appointment which finally happened inside a five-star hotel in Juhu. Rakesh Mehra booked a special sea-facing suite over there for the meeting with the ace director of Bollywood.

‘I know your fees well Mr. Sriram. I am ready to double even triple it. The selection of casts and crews would be entirely under your custody. I will never poke my nose into that. Funds, you can take it as unlimited, spend it the way you want, shoot the film in the best studio and location of the world, hire the best technician and special-effect guy, if needed  from Hollywood. I won’t have any say.’

Sriram was a bit surprised. Today’s producers are nastily interfering even without minimum sense of creativity. This man was not only different but looked to be damn novice in film production.

‘But the storyline will be mine. I won’t compromise on that.’ He grinned showing his frontal pair of gold-plated teeth.

Rakesh Mehra was a tall, well-built man in his mid fifties; long curly hair touching down his neck with several fringes hanging oddly across his broad forehead. He had a long face fitted with a pair of large, dreamy eyes, sharp nose and a pair of abnormally delicate lips somehow not matching with the stern facial features. The perfectly trimmed and colored goaty gave an immediate impression of a perfect villainous look. If can act well this man would be a cool bad man in the films, thought Sriram’s fifteen year old and ripe directorial mind.

‘So what’s the storyline?’Sriram came to the point straight.

‘My story will start with a fifteen years old boy who migrated from a small, remote village to the big city in the search of the killers of his family. He found them after five years, eliminated each of them in gory encounters and raised his own gang in the process. Soon he became the kingpin of the local underworld. But his rival gang and local cops combined and managed to finish him. His bullet-stricken, lifeless body was thrown into water which was later on recovered by a group of Aghori sadhus after a couple of days.They brought back life to the rotten, decomposed body through their unique spiritual practices and rituals.  He came back to the city, regrouped his fragmented gang, took revenge against his rivals and associated cops and became the ultimate, undisputed power house of the underworld.’ Rakesh Mehra narrated the story uninterruptedly, in his slow, husky voice and with a poised, confident style.

Another hackneyed, violent story on underworld mafias with spiritual twist which might work with heavy doses of spices like tapping item numbers and sex of course.

‘I also selected the title of the movie.’ Said Mehra.

‘What’s that?’

‘Devil.’ Mehra said with a devilish smile.

‘Interesting!’ commented Sriram.

‘What’s your take on this?’

‘I need some time to think over and also check my dates.’ Sriram said casually.

But the next thing Rakesh did was rather out of his thought.He took out a cheque from his pocket and handed over to him.

The amount of the cheque flashed Sriram’s eyes.

‘Your advance, signing amount you can say. I would like to finalize thedeal right now. I already told you money is not a factor. Make my ‘Devil’ the most expensive movie ever shot in the history of cinema. Rakesh Mehra said in an authoritative voice.

‘Can we think about a better name of the film?’

‘Let me repeat what I had already told you before. The storyline and title of the film can’t be changed by any means. This would be the sole conditions of our deal, Mr Sriram.’

The signing amount was so heavy that Sriram could hardly get options for other thoughts.

‘Ok’. He said in a flat voice.

‘Thank you very much Sir.’ Said Mehra radiating warmth and happiness from his voice. ‘It would be a honor and privilege that someone of your stature is ready to make my film.’

Sriram was heavily surprised at his own behavior. He couldn’t really remember when and where last time he had made such on-spot decision to make a film. When volume of money speaks rests automatically remain inaudible. He is still lured so much by money after spending years in the industry.

His latest film, a totally masala picture with one of his favorite, reigning superstars has been doing good business. He generally takes six months break after completing a film. But Rakesh Mehra broke his rule today simply with the power of his money.

Sriram did two immediate phone-calls after accepting Mehra’s offer, one to his most trusted story and script writer Snehal to alert him on the storyline and the urgency of the project. The second one to his ten years old secretary Rusha to check on the dates of Ranveer and Deepika. He wanted the best pairof Bollywood for the film.

Rakesh Mehra initially wanted the film to be complete by six months. Sriram asked for one year time. ‘We need to build up a good script for your film and I want to involve the best people of the industry for that. I don’t compromise on the quality of the story and the script.’ He was able to convince Mehra who agreed without a second debate.

Snehal, creator of the stories and scripts of most of his blockbusters came up with an unique suggestion in between. ‘Boss the end of the story doesn’t seem to be positive. Public might reject. The jinxed mafia-king shouldn’t be alive till the end. He is a devil after all, owner of the evil spirit.’

‘So what you suggest, dear?’

‘Let me introduce a character of an honest and daring cop in the second half of the movie who will terminate the devil after a series of nail-biting encounters with the help of a tantrik.’

‘This is fine but the producer won’t agree.’ Argued Sriram.

‘In that case shoot the film with two different ends.’ Replied Snehal. ‘We will then see which one is more suitable and appropriate with the flow of the film and release that.’

Sriram liked the idea instantly. ‘You are simply a darling Snehal. I was also sceptical about the storyline. You made me clear just now.’ He reciprocated patting his back with a big, relieved smile.

So the script was written and the shooting started after a mammoth publicity of the film, a mafia story with supernatural touch. The leading pair of the industry and a bunch of highly talented and popular actors were roped for the film. ‘Devil’ created sensation overnight.

Rakesh Ranbal Mehra was found to be an extraordinarily extravagant producer without any kind of interference in the film-making. Apart from offering exorbitant fees to the casts and crews he frequented lavish parties in exotic locations of the country and abroad, booked executive class tickets and five-star hotels for everyone during all outdoor shoots. His own personal hospitality team took special care of the stars and actors. The entire unit was so much impressed with Mehra that already a section of them started saying, ‘This man has spoilt us completely. Would have a tough time later to digest the stingy producers.’

Sriram shot the film with two ends. The one with the termination of the devil was shot with additional characters. Rakesh Mehra was kept in complete dark about this development.

When Sriram watched both versions of the film he instantly liked one with the end of the devil, so the rest of his unit.

But how to convince Mehra?

Mehra himself brought the solution to Sriram. ‘Why not you sell the film on my behalf to the distributors? I am a novice producer, no idea and knowledge about this. Whatever profit the film will make keep fifty percent for me and take the rest as part of your fees.’

Unthinkable offer! Sriram also found his way.

The film was released in India and worldwide with record five thousand prints. Everyone was damn confident about the film’s outstanding success.

But reality was so different.

The film showed a massive opening collection which sharply dipped after just a couple of days. The reviewers slammed the film with hard words. ‘The film started promisingly but stumbled with a horrible end.’ The audience response was not different.

Sriram didn’t have the courage to face Mehra. His confidence was on a jolt. He had now just one option left, to rapidly withdraw the running prints and replace them with the one where the devil destroyed his entire group s of rivals and remained invincible till the end.

The box-office calculation changed overnight. The lukewarm response soon turned into craze.

The huge production cost of the film was made up within a week and then touching the milestones of hundred crores began with serial breaking of previous records.

‘’Devil’ took no time to become the biggest blockbuster of the year.

Sriram was a relieved man. Even Snehal called him up to say, ‘Boss, we are yet to pick up the pulse of the people. They liked the devil’s character so much that hated to see him dead at the end.’

Meanwhile Sriram tried to call up Mehra but couldn’t get through. Surprisingly the phone was either switched off or engaged. Mehra neither called him back. It didn’t happen before.

Mehra’s unexpected call came  after three long months when Sriram was discussing a new story with Snehal and an old, known producer in his residence.

‘Hello Mehra Sir, what a pleasant surprise! How are you? You must have heard about the stupendous success of our film.’ He couldn’t check his emotions in the phone.

‘Where are you now, Mr Sriram?’ Rakesh Mehra’s voice was cool and straight without an iota of emotion.’

‘Anything urgent, Sir?’

‘I am presently in suite no 4368 of Taj. Can you please come down? Would like to make a sequel of ‘Devil’. Need some handy discussion with you.’

‘Storyline must be ready, Sir?’

Sriram heard a pinch of giggle on the other side of the phone. ‘You still have doubt?’

‘No Sir. I am reaching you by thirty minutes.’

‘Thank you Mr Sriram.’



© 2016 SUGATA M

My Review

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A very interesting tale. I liked the goal and the creation of the film. I liked the personal conversation and the characters. A nice ending. I was glad to find your work today. Your stories are always wonderful and filled with mystery and possibilities. Thank you for sharing the excellent tale.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 30, 2016
Last Updated on May 30, 2016



New Delhi, South Asia, India

Moody, creative, romantic man loves intelligent and witty women and friendly men, adores simplicity and abominates double standard more..


A Story by SUGATA M

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A Story by SUGATA M