Shreds of Silence

Shreds of Silence

A Story by SUGATA M

This story is the beginning of my novel 'Shreds of Silence' - a story of Mahabharata.


‘Bro, are you ready to move?’

Ballu gave an amusing look to his younger brother. ‘Why are you in so much of hurry, Krish?  To add one more woman to the list of your wives? Are you still not satisfied with your wife-collection venture?’

‘Bro, I told you before,’ Krishna said giving usual deaf ear to big brother’s snide comment. ‘I am going to Panchal to serve a totally different purpose.’

‘I see!’ Ballu didn’t change the mocking tone of his voice, ‘May I know what that purpose is.’

‘Of course Bro. I am going there to look for the future king of the country.’

‘Future king of the country?’ Ballu erected himself on the bed on a jolt of surprise. A young, bulky maid was massaging his feet so long. He hinted her to leave. ‘It is Duryodhan who will be ruling the country soon following his father. I can’t see anyone else who is better than him to play the role. What rubbish you are talking, Krish?’

‘Sorry Bro, but you know what? You are deeply biased with Duryodhan as he happened to be your best trainee-student. Your affinity to him is natural but that doesn’t mean that you have the right to overlook his discripencies. He is not competent enough to be a king after all.’ Krishna asserted in a tone of stronger confidence.

‘You always remain critical to my best boy without any valid reasons. May I know why you can’t tolerate him, Krish?’ Ballu argued back.

‘That is not right. I am not judgemental with him the way you think. My assessment on him is very straight-forward and logical. He is lacking the qualities of a genuine king that the country so badly needs today.’

‘How do you define a genuine king?’

‘Bro, can we discuss all these things on our way to Panchal?’ Krishna tried to draw a full-stop on their growing debate. ‘Otherwise we will be late for the main event.’

‘Answer my question, Krish.’

He received big brother’s sharp reaction in exchange.

‘Can’t you see, Bro, how the existing royal dynasties are being swept away by the waves of vices? Greed, selfishness, vanity, profligacy, lust and liquor have engulfed them completely. They are not able to attend the basic needs of the common people any more. They are incapacitated to protect them from the scourge of assailants. They forget the language of justice and welfare.  Their lives revolve around their narrow-minded, petty interests.  The country is becoming weaker politically. Common people’s agony and frustration has touched the sky. Bro, don’t you think this is the time when we should think about a drastic change in the system?’

Ballu kept quiet for a while then said, ‘So where do you expect to find the right people to rule the country? In Panchal? Why only in Panchal?’

A faint smile spread over Krishna’s face.

‘Why are you laughing Krish?’

‘I am expecting them in the mega event of Panchal, Bro, which we are also attending.’

‘They?’ Ballu’s eye-brows were raised instantly. ‘Who are they?’

‘The Pandavas.’

‘Are you crazy? The Pandavas are already dead. They lost their lives in the ill-fated firebreak of Barnabat along with their mother, our beloved aunt Kunti. Have you been totally unaware of that?’

‘No Bro, I am fully aware of that. But my mind was doubtful about their death from the beginning. So I had visited the place right after the firebreak.’

‘You already made a visit to Barnabat by this time? You never told me!’

‘I thoroughly examined the remnants of bones that were mixed with the ashes in the place.’ Krishna said in a slow, hiding tone. ‘There was not a single piece of bone lying over there that could have belonged to a hunk like Bhima.’

‘So you concluded that the sons of Pandu are still alive and they are coming to Panchal to participate in the mega event? How come you reach your conclusion so fast, Krish?’

‘I don’t know if they will be participating or not. But my logical mind is saying they should make a try ……..for the sake of their own survival.’  

‘Survival? What do you mean by that?’

‘Simple Bro. Your hot favorite student, the great Duryodhan has been chasing after their blood like a crazy wolf since their boyhood. The Pandavas must be seeking for an urgent protection now from his non-stop assassination initiatives. The king of Panchal can offer them that much needed protection if they can win the competition.’ Krishna made an intentional pause to see the immediate reaction of his big brother.

‘Continue Krish.’

‘And you know what Bro? They have a bright chance to win the game as Parth is with them, the champion archer.’

‘Interesting sequencing of the logic that you are always an expert to put in. But Krish, what will happen if you don’t find them there as they might prefer not to participate in the presence of Duryadhan and his associates? They might even lose the competition? Remember, Duryadhan can also win.’

A deep frown appreared in Krishna’s forehead, ‘You made him only a champion clubber Bro, not archer.’

‘You are not counting Karn, Krish. He is also a champion archer like Parth. Duryodhan might very well utilize his potential to win the competition on his behalf.’

Krishna’s face was momentarily clouded with unknown concern at the name of Karn.

‘What happens Krish? You are looking worried?’ The mockery in Ballu’s voice became overtly prominent this time.

‘You are right Bro. There are multiple possibilities. Many things can happen with or without our knowledge. I just try to make certain assumptions with appropriate logic. My logic says…….’

He was interrupted by his big brother in the middle. ‘Why you always think that your logic is the most appropriate one, Krish?’

 ‘Bro, this is because my logics don’t flow under the control of any kind of emotions and biasnesses.’ Krishna said in an unaltered voice.

‘That’s so nice to know, Krish. But tell me something else. What will you do with the sons of king Pandu? Make them the kings of Hastinapur, replacing Durydhan and his brothers? What makes you think that the Pandavas have the potential to establish a better governance than Duryadhan? What your logic says?’

‘My logic is now saying only one thing Bro. We are getting late. You must start the preparation now. Your exercise, massage, bath, meals, rest….there is a long list of activities that you need to accomplish before we start for Panchal. So please hurry up.’

‘Ok Krish, as you are insisting on so much! But you know what? My mind is saying Duryodhan will be winning this competition. There is no one among the contemporary kings who can challenge him. He himself sent a special invitation to me to attend the event and cheer him up. How can I ignore his invitation? I am so much proud of that lad of mine.’

Krishna didn’t speak out a word this time. An affectionate, pampering smile beamed across his face.

But his mind was a bit disturbed. He never thought of Karn. He neither thought of Ekalabya.

The king of Panchal, Drupad sent off the invitation to everyone to participate in his unique archery competition to win over his only daughter Draupadi.

© 2016 SUGATA M

My Review

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A very good chapter. Left me with the need to know and read more. I like the set-up and the good characters/story line. I like the thoughts on the competition. Thank you dear friend for sharing your amazing tale.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you so much Sir

8 Years Ago

Thank you so much Sir
Coyote Poetry

8 Years Ago

You are welcome my friend.

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1 Review
Added on May 26, 2016
Last Updated on May 27, 2016



New Delhi, South Asia, India

Moody, creative, romantic man loves intelligent and witty women and friendly men, adores simplicity and abominates double standard more..


A Story by SUGATA M

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A Story by SUGATA M