Thank you Mr Charlie

Thank you Mr Charlie

A Story by SUGATA M

‘Hi Mr Charlie’

Navin was Charlie today.

He painted his face white with that brushy butterfly moustache fitted perfectly below the nose. The black hat, the black suit, the black trouser and the purple bow-tie clung funnily around his neck " all matched flawlessly except those white, shabby, old-fashioned pairs of sneakers.

The shop-owner every time made the same old reply to his reminders of buying him a new pair,

‘Wait till next Diwali’

Two Diwali have passed already and the third one is not even a month away. Navin’s sneakers remained irreplaceable.

Lajpat Nagar is one of the busiest market places of South Delhi. The place is famous for readymade garments and foot wares under wide range of brands and prices. These days, people from Central Asia and Africa are equally seen in large numbers flocking at the shopping malls and eating corners in Lajpat Nagar.

Navin’s employer runs a foot wares’ shop in Lajpat Nagar which mainly sells kid’s shoes, sneakers and sandals. Navin got his appointment about three years back. He was given the job to stand outside the shop from late morning till night in the attire of a joker and attract easy attention of the kids and subsequently their parents to persuade them visit the shop. 

This happens to be a common crowd pulling strategy across the malls and market complexes of Delhi.

But Navin was an unsatisfied man. He is a born comedian but could not make a name for himself after years’ struggle in regional film industries and private TV channels. The luck factor was not exactly with him.

So he had no alternative except accepting this job, but there had been no way to display his acting skill in the stupid job of entertaining people as a joker.

One day he came up with the idea of the Charlie act, but as usual it didn’t look much appealing to the shop owner.

‘I understand only one thing in the world and that is business. I don’t care your being a joker or Charlie, but I will only look at my sale at the end of the day. As long as the selling graph going high, you can go by any damn way to mobilize people to my shop’

The shop-owner didn’t pay a penny to buy the dresses of Charlie. Navin borrowed money from his friends to buy them, but just couldn’t afford to change his old pair of sneakers.

His Charlie act came to be a big success.

Number of people visiting their shop after being charmed by Navin’s enchanting Charlie act rapidly increased, especially, those kids who were blind in love with Charlie.

Navin got famous for his Charlie act. Those short hilarious steps, constant blinking of the twinkling eyes with to and fro swinging of head, non-stop movement of the stick in the hand and sudden episodic stumbling with a fake funny fall on the ground with immediate securing of the displaced hat back on the scalp" his imitation of legendary actor was absolutely immaculate. Sometimes one two employees of the shop joined their Charlie to play small funny skits on the road which mostly revolved around kicking each other’s’ asses exactly the way it was screened in many of those Charlie Chaplin’s blockbusters.

Very surprisingly, the shop owner gave him an increment at par with the other employees of the shop, but still that is too little an increase in monthly salary to survive in a costly place like Delhi with wife and a growing up kid.

Lajpat Nagar remains busy throughout the year, but Diwali time converts the place into a complete madhouse with hundred thousands of bustling and bargaining buyers and those crazy and crude street vendors in the largest numbers keeping hardly any space in the roads free to move with ease.

But Navin fits himself perfectly with this chaotic environment.

It is the time to show his talent to more number of people.

Recently he himself composed a short funny act and hired two of his associates to participate in it. The act revolves around how Charlie protects a woman from an eve teaser in the most hilarious way.

The act became an instantaneous hit among the buyers of Lajpat Nagar.

Navin named it ‘Chalie’s Diwali Dhamaka’. Dhamaka is the Hindi word for explosion.

During Diwali time, the shops remain open generally till late evening.

After the end of one of the tiring pre-Diwali days, completely drained out Navin slowly approached his employer with a small request.

His employer is otherwise a soft spoken man and hardly misbehaves with his employees. He is also approachable and listens to his people, but…….

‘You would like to tell me something Navin?’

‘Sir, I need some money urgently’ Navin responded modestly

The boss didn’t lift his eyes to Navin at all as he was busy counting his profit of the day. The satisfaction floating around his face didn’t bypass Navin’s attention.

‘I believe I have already given you your monthly salary, right?’ he asked

Navin replied. ‘Yes Sir’

‘Then why are you asking for money again?’

‘Sir, actually’ Navin fumbled a bit this time, ‘I promised my son to buy him a toy for some days. He is sick, down with fever and nagging for the toy. I must buy one for him today, otherwise he won’t take food he already warned me in the morning’ Navin smiled

The shop owner didn’t give any reply.

‘Sir, I have to give some money to the two actors who are acting with me in the Charlie skit. That’s why I am really tight’ Navin continued his speech.

‘Look Navin’ the shop owner told him with a direct eye to eye contact this time, ‘Have I ever been told you to hire two more people for your Charlie act? This is entirely your decision Navin. If you run out of your money for this, I just can’t help you’

‘Sir, may I get advance from my next month’s salary?’

‘Sorry, there is no such facility for the employees of my shop…but’ the shop owner paused for a while.

‘I am happy with the kind of profit shop is making this Diwali, so deciding to give some bonus to the employees on the day of Diwali. I have considered your name too for the bonus’

‘Can’t even I get the bonus in advance, Sir’

‘Sorry Navin, I can’t break the rule of the shop only for the sake of your son’s toy’

Navin received the sweet ‘sorry’ from his boss which was not much unexpected.


 Bunty’s saddened, dejected face peeped in his mind.

He knew the poor boy won’t go to sleep tonight as well till his father will return. This has been happening for the last one week. Every time Navin needs to keep his excuse of not buying the toy fully ready before he steps in his house. But today Bunty won’t be convinced with any kind of excuses.

Today is his birthday.

Navin tried to borrow some money from some of the known persons of the shops, but couldn’t manage to find the required amount of money to reach the toy’s price.  

Diwali makes everyone so financially demanding and the toys are so bloody expensive these days.

He suddenly felt the harrowing vacuum engulfing his mind and soul.

He is such a useless father who can’t even buy a gift for his son on his birthday.


‘Why are you so late today?’ Tina had a breath of relief seeing Navin after opening the door.

Navin entered as silently as possible and whispered, ‘Has Bunty gone into sleep?’

‘Your son didn’t take a grain till you left for your job. He has become so much adamant. A five years child doesn’t even care for his mother’ Tina couldn’t help out bursting out her frustration.

Before Navin responded, they heard Bunty shouting from the next room, ‘Dad, have you got my toy gun?’

‘Have you bought it?’ Tina asked with worries in her voice. She knew very well how much her husband is pressed financially and how much hard work this man has to put on to make a decent earning for his family.

Navin didn’t answer to his wife but rushed to the next room to Bunty. Tina followed him.

‘Dad, please give me my toy. You can’t say ‘no’ to me today. It is my birthday’ Navin saw Bunty’s sickened face suddenly brightened.

‘Bunty’ Navin kissed his son’s forehead, ‘I have a very special gift for you today. But you have to make a promise to me’

‘What’s the gift?’ Bunty suddenly became hyper excited.

‘I won’t tell you now. Before that you must promise to me you take your food now and never irritate your mother’

‘Ok, but what’s the gift?’

‘Take your food first and then I will give you the gift’ Navin turned back to Tina, ‘Feed him now and I will be coming from the bathroom’

‘What gift you brought for Bunty and how much you paid for it, let me know now?’ Tina murmured as a natural response of a wife of a financially constrained man. Navin ignored her completely and sneaked into the bathroom.

When Tina almost completed feeding Bunty, the door of the bathroom opened.

‘Daddy, I kept my promise. Give me my gift right now’ screamed Bunty.

And both mother and son were stunned to see Charlie Chaplin in front of them.

Charlie, as if emerged directly from the TV screen in their room.

He shook hand with mesmerized Bunty and poured some chocolates and toffees in his hands and said in a different tone completely, ‘I am Mr Charlie. Many many happy returns of the day Mr Bunty. How are you today?’

Tina also lost her speech.

Next fifteen minutes, Charlie displayed the best of his show. Dancing, jumping, stumbling, falling down on the floor, throwing his hat to the roof and getting it back, shadow boxing, rescuing the invisible girl from those invisible street-teasers, he did everything whatever the buyers of Lajpat Nagar see in the Charlie act of the foot ware shop.

Tina burst into unstoppable laughter and Bunty never stopped his clapping for a moment. They never thought even in their dream that something of this kind can happen in their grief-stricken life.

‘Once more, once more’ Bunty insisted. His face was blooming in unfathomable joy

Charlie started his act again. His energy store had no depletion tonight.

The Charlie act could have seen no end tonight; after all this is the only gift the poor, ill-fated Mr Charlie can gift to his ailing son on his eventless birthday.




After several hours, when fully satisfied Bunty sank in deep sleep, husband and wife were sitting face to face across the dining table.

‘You have never told me before you do this job in your shop?’

‘Sorry Tina’ said guilty Navin, ‘this is not a job that can make you proud and happy for your husband. And I don’t have the qualification to do other job than this’ He paused and said again,

‘You know my passion for comic acting. The Charlie act makes me truly happy, especially after making those children like Bunty happy from morning to night. I love this job Tina’

Tina didn’t say a word. A completely new Navin appeared before her tonight whom she had no idea about earlier.

‘I hope I have made Bunty happy today’

‘Of course’ Tina suddenly looked genuinely glad after many months, ‘You know what? He didn’t recognize you in the beginning. You were so completely different. He even asked me, ‘Mom, has daddy brought Charlie as my gift? Will he be staying with us now? Please mom, tell daddy not to send Charlie back?’

‘And what about you? You did recognize me neither?’ Navin was constantly smiling.

‘Come on, I am not a kid, but I was struck by complete surprise. I never dreamt you can do something of this sort’

Navin was feeling ecstatic.

He does not have enough money to fulfil many of his family’s needs and desire, but he has something very special like Mr Charlie.

Mr Charlie has brought back the happiness in his family.

‘Thank you Mr Charlie’      


© 2012 SUGATA M

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Great write! I like your style of story telling!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

you've done a great job bringing the piece together.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I`m a big fan of Sugatas writing, although I don`t have much time to read prose - this is great, the background . he`s has simply the writer`s eye, great

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you for your kindness and motivation
What a heart touching story. I have kids myself and we struggle but it is always a nice surprise to find thing that make our kids happy without having to spend money.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Hi Allie, so nice to see you back after a long time. Hope you are doing fine. Thank you for your kin.. read more
This is a sweet story...I truly enjoyed the interaction with Bunty and Mr.Charlie. How great to have such a loving father! (Not letting hard times ruin his Birthday) I love this heartfelt tale. Great write!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you Robbie. enjoy the week-end
A beautiful story. The story took hold of me and held me to the very good ending. Gift of love and laughter are the true gifts we share in a life. Thank you for the outstanding story.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you.
There were several places where you are missing a period. Especially after dialogue. That was the only major mistakes I found but I enjoyed reading this very much. Keep writing.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you. Actually I posted it wrongly.....pathetically

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on August 31, 2012
Last Updated on September 3, 2012



New Delhi, South Asia, India

Moody, creative, romantic man loves intelligent and witty women and friendly men, adores simplicity and abominates double standard more..


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