An insight into hell!

An insight into hell!

A Poem by Samhitha Mopati

Hell's description! car games while driving

We knock at the doorway to hell,
Betwixt death and after-life; we stand still,
And then the door opens,
An old hunch-back stands with an oar,
"Welcome to torture," says he in a roar!
We step into his boat, hesitating in despise!
Repenting over the crimes and the lies,
That define us when we are alive!
The gross cacophony of lashing whips;
Thundering cries, ruthless bashing of ribs,
The rapist electrocuted with furnaces of fire,
Kicked and gored was the dishonest lawyer,
Even the pettiest thief struck with the sting of remorse,
The horrendous sight brings blood to our pores!
Millions of sinners gnashing their teeth,
For torments surround from behind, above or beneath!
At Hell, the sins of mankind can never withhold,
Even the slightest scandal, the demon shall unfold! 
Ultimately, this is called the scourge of conscience,
Thirsty Satan's revenge, they say the vengeance!


© 2015 Samhitha Mopati

Author's Note

Samhitha Mopati

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A while ago, I read a poem like this, but that was some what humorous, but this poem of yours is stark dark. I want to mention a book, by the Legendary Poet of Italian Literature Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy. In which the poet himself, is on a journey of three places, first Inferno (Hell), second Purgatory(A place for repentance of sinners), and third Paradise( Abode of God).

In fact, I can see the whole book of his, summarized into a small poetry.

If everyone begin to get feared by God and Hell, then everyone in this world won't commit crime

A wonderful attempt to instill fear of Hell in sinners.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Samhitha Mopati

9 Years Ago

Thanks for stopping by, Devanshu! :)

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Though I don't believe in hell, it interests me. I like how you described it and the journey.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Samhitha Mopati

9 Years Ago

:) Glad you did!
A while ago, I read a poem like this, but that was some what humorous, but this poem of yours is stark dark. I want to mention a book, by the Legendary Poet of Italian Literature Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy. In which the poet himself, is on a journey of three places, first Inferno (Hell), second Purgatory(A place for repentance of sinners), and third Paradise( Abode of God).

In fact, I can see the whole book of his, summarized into a small poetry.

If everyone begin to get feared by God and Hell, then everyone in this world won't commit crime

A wonderful attempt to instill fear of Hell in sinners.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Samhitha Mopati

9 Years Ago

Thanks for stopping by, Devanshu! :)

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I wish people understand this concept of hell way before they are left with no time to repent.. excellent poetry.. good job

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A hard topic. A lot of people believe this is hell on earth. I disagree. I believe we can make our world heaven or hell. It is our decision. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Samhitha Mopati

9 Years Ago

I totally agree to your views! My pleasure ! :)

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Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are welcome.
This world is hell, I wouldn't be here otherwise.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Samhitha Mopati

9 Years Ago

Those who show hell to others when alive; are shown hell upon death! That is what I wanted to convey.. read more
wonder who has seen it.... sometimes living in this world can be more painful than the description of hell given by you....

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Samhitha Mopati

9 Years Ago

True indeed!

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this does sound like what it would be like at the door..."welcome to my nightmare"---

really torrid description...felt the heat within.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Samhitha Mopati

9 Years Ago

Thanks a ton! :)

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7 Reviews
Added on February 28, 2015
Last Updated on February 28, 2015
Tags: Hell, Satan, Sinners, torture


Samhitha Mopati
Samhitha Mopati

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

A girl with a generous and dwindling soul, attempting to speak my heart out to the world. I'm enamoured by people and their behavior and often dedicate my poems and articles to them. I'm seventeen ye.. more..


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