Black Cats and Firestone Den (Working Title)
A Book by SDGeiger
A young man sails through the apocalypse, seeking the magical stones of the gods because he believes the stones can help him save the world.
This is an epic, action-packed fantasy adventure.
© 2016 SDGeiger
Author's Note
Open to all critique.
Specifically looking for:
- Mistakes on "archaic" modern english dialogue
- Inaccurate sailing terms
- Repetitive and boring parts (I'm being ruthless cutting stuff out so don't be afraid to tell me to put something on the chopping block).
- Anything that needs more explaining (I've cut out the boring mythology and there's a lot going on so I hope the plot makes sense).
Please note sailor dialogue is different than other dialogue and makes use of singular you (ya) and plural you (ye).
This is a giant book. It's actually 4 books, but I've decided to just put it all together.