![]() UnforgettableA Chapter by SAAV13She walked into her new school with her head down. After seeing how small the school was she knew she wouldn't fit in. She wasn't quite normal. Really, she felt blessed that she had friends at her old school. Walking through the doors, she knew she'd never fit in again. The office was small with a tall, ugly yellow counter separating the office ladies and the students. When she opened the door everyone turned to look at her. Her usual confidence dwindled. She smiled sweetly and looked around at the women sitting at their desks. None of them moved. "I love your outfit" said a voice from behind her. Startled, she turned to see a tall, blond hair, blue eyed boy. His hair was dirty blond and almost covered his eyes. He smiled at her and she felt like she might just belong there. "Thanks" she smiled back, pushing her red hair behind her ear. She was glad she had picked the rainbow tights and orange tutu. "I'm Malachy" He said, extending his hand "I'm Alloralie, and I don't shake hands" She said smiling "It weirds me out" He laughed and put his arm down. His smile made her heart soar. Alloralie turned back around and asked for her schedule, her confidence returning. After she receive her schedule and locker information she turned to leave. "Wait," Malachy said, grabbing her arm "let me show you around" "Alright," She said, beaming "Thanks" "No problem" He replied with a smile as big as hers "Let's go" Alloralie handed him her schedule and locker number and followed him out of the office "Alright," Malachy said after studying Alloralie's schedule "First question. Favorite genre of music?" "I listen to everything," Alloralie answered "I'm really into jazz at the moment though" "Wow, how old are you?" He asked "I'm 17" She answered, proudly "A 17 year old that likes jazz?" He said, giving her a quizzical look "I never thought I'd meet another one of our kind" "Your kind?" She asked, giving him the same look he had just shot at her "Yeah," He started "I listen to a lot of jazz, and so do some of my friends" "Awesome!" Alloralie exclaimed "Yeah," He said smiling "So who's your favorite?" "It's a tie between Norah Jones and Nat King Cole. You?" She responded "Definitely Nat King Cole" He told her "Nothing can beat the King" She was beginning to think that she might actually fit in here. She reached into her purse for her phone. Hoping maybe one of her old friends might have texted her. When she pulled her phone out her heart sank. She had a new message from him. hope ur first day goes well. love u <3 She felt the tears welling up in her eyes. She thought for sure Malachy would notice, but he didn't. He just continued on talking about Jazz. Alloralie focused solely on what he was saying. Trying to keep her mind off of him. She wasn't going to let him get to her. Not here. She finally got away, she wasn't going back. "Yeah, I play trombone in the band" He told her. "You're a band kid? That explains a lot" She said smiling "Well I'm band and choir" He explained "No way! So am I!" She exclaimed "Well now we have a lot to talk about" He said "But we'll have to talk about it later, cause this is your class" "Oh, ok" She said "Thank you" "I'll come find you after this class" He explained "You're locker is down that hallway, meet me there" He pointed down the hallway perpendicular to the room they were standing in front of. She nodded and walked into the class. Precalc. Advanced math for her whole school career. She was good at it, but she didn't enjoy it much. She really loved English. She was incredibly excited about taking Creative Writing, which was her second. Then she moved on to Lit and Comp. Then Choir, then Computers. All in all, she was pleased with her schedule. As she walked into the class all eyes turned to her. A couple people blatantly shouted "who are you?" and the teacher smiled as she walked up to her. Her teacher almost looked like a student. She was short and really skinny. "You must be Alloralie" She said "You can have a seat right there. We're working on limits" Alloralie went and sat down in the second row, third chair back. It was the first row with students in them, and she was the last person in the row. Next to her was a beautiful girl with dark brown hair. She had the most captivating blue eyes Alloralie had ever seen, and she had a great smile. "I'm Carlee" She said, smiling "I'm Alloralie" She answered, returning her smile The two immediately hit it off. Carlee was in choir, and she was an actress, like Alloralie. Alloralie was excited to hear that they were having auditions for a musical in a couple days. They talked the whole hour, and Alloralie was excited to see that she would fit in a lot better here than she had originally thought. After class Alloralie found her locker, and put her new math book in it. She stood and waited for Malachy. When he finally came he just said hey, and walked her to the end of the hallway, on the other side. "Go to the end of this hallway, and you'll find your class" Malachy said "I won't have time to take you to your next class, so you'll have to find someone else to do it" "Alright, that's fine" Alloralie answered "Thank you" Alloralie walked to her class, and saw that the teacher wasn't in yet. She wasn't really sure what to do. She stood awkwardly at the front of the room until a boy approached her. He was tall with short brown hair, and brown eyes. He was really skinny, and had a football shirt on. He had a really great smile that made Alloralies heart beat just a little bit faster. "Hey, are you new?" He asked "Uh..." She started "Yeah, my names Alloralie" "Oh, that's a really cool name. My names Eric" He answered and extended his hand "I don't shake hands" She said chuckling "It weirds me out" "I see, alright then" He replied laughing. He had the most intoxicating laugh. "So, I have no idea what I'm doing" Alloralie said chuckling "I'm pretty sure you're just supposed to stand at the front of the class all hour" He answered, sarcastically. "Oh, really?" Alloralie answered "Fantastic. I love standing" Eric cracked up. Alloralie's heart soared. She had never felt this strongly about a guy so quickly. At least not that she wanted to remember. Her memories snuck up on her again, but she pushed them back. Talking to Eric helped more than she thought possible. She had just met him though. She was kind of scaring herself. The two of them talked until the teacher came in. Eric went to his seat, and the teacher gave Alloralie the seat behind him The class went by all too fast. Eric and Alloralie talked every chance they got. Eric couldn't believe that this girl was talking to him. She was beautiful. She had long, straight, red hair and green eyes. When she smiled it felt like the whole world stopped to envy it. He couldn't help but notice her amazing shape either. A perfect hourglass. When she was talking to the teacher, he couldn't help but notice her butt. It was big for a white girl. Part of him hoped that some day they'd be close enough for him to tell her that. As odd as it was. Eric couldn't help but wonder why she was talking to him though. All the other guys in the room were trying to flirt with her, but she brushed them off. He wondered if she even knew they were flirting with her. "Do you have anyone to take you to your next class?" Eric asked "No," She answered "This kid named Malachy was going to show me around, but he said he couldn't this hour" "Sounds like Malachy" Eric answered "I'll take you to your next class if you want" "That'd be great" Alloralie answered "What do you have next?" Eric asked "Uh.." She started, taking out her schedule "Lit and Comp with Mr. Bates" "Well it looks like we have another class together then" He said, smiling Alloralie could hardly keep herself from bursting at the seams. She had another class with this amazing guy. She couldn't believe she was this happy here. Having left nothing behind at her old school, she assumed she'd never have friends again. Yet, here she was, making friends. She'd been there for 2 hours and she had already made 3 new friends. "So what's Mr. Bates like?" Alloralie asked when later when they were in his room waiting for him. "He's one of my favorite teachers" Eric answered "I see" Alloralie said "I love English. It's my favorite subject" "Cool beans" Eric replied "Cool beans?" Alloralie asked, chuckling "Don't question it" Eric answered Mr. Bates sauntered into class a good 10 minutes after the bell rang. He was tall, with dark hair, and an approachable look about him. Alloralie took to him immediately. Eric felt slightly jealous. Alloralie seemed more interested in Mr. Bates than in him. He dismissed the thought quickly though. Alloralie didn't seem like the type to crush on a teacher. "That's quite the outfit" Mr. Bates said to Alloralie as he walked up "Don't start making fun of me until we've at least introduced ourselves" Alloralie said, smiling "Well, I'm Mr. Bates. Your teacher" He said, almost like he was confirming it "I'm Alloralie. Your student" Alloralie replied. Mr. Bates burst out laughing. His laugh was loud and contagious. "So, I can make fun of you now?" He asked "As long as I can make fun of you" She replied "I guess I can go with that" He said Mr. Bates told her to sit wherever she wanted, and she of course found the closest seat to Eric. They spent most of the hour talking. Alloralie felt more at home here then she had in her last few weeks in her old town. Eric felt so much better about himself than he had in the past few weeks. He had just gotten out of a relationship. He thought he was in love with the girl, and she crushed him. Part of him felt like he'd never find a girl like his ex. But here he was talking to a girl that was a 100 times better than her. When class got over Eric walked Alloralie to her locker. He was cracking jokes. Something he did all the time, but it was different today. Today he just wanted to hear her laugh, and see her smile. She had such a beautiful smile. "Why's your locker in the Sophomore hallway?" Eric asked, when they finally reached Alloralie's locker "I don't know" Alloralie answered "That's going to get annoying" He replied "It's not like I have much of a choice in the matter" She said "You could move into my locker if you want" He blurted out before his brain could filter it "Sure," She smiled "If you really want me to" "Of course," He said "I don't want you to be surrounded by immature 10th graders" Eric walked Alloralie to choir and they both felt as if they were already dating. They couldn't help but think how happy they would be together. They had just met though. Neither of them knew how they could possibly feel that strongly about someone they just met. Both of them were terrified of this feeling. It didn't work out so well the last time. Alloralie immediately found Carlee and went up to talk to her. Choir went by quickly, then they went on to lunch. Alloralie sat with Carlee and her boyfriend. She asked way too many questions about Eric, and the both of them got the picture pretty quickly. Carlee and her boyfriend were close friends with Eric. They both thought he was a really great guy, but they felt that Alloralie should be careful. He had just recently gotten out of a relationship, and it didn't end well. He fell in love with her, or at least he had thought he had, and she walked all over him. They dated off and on 3 different times. He still seemed to have feelings for her, and Carlee was afraid he might go back to her if she asked him too. Eric couldn't stop thinking about Alloralie. He was supposed to meet up with her after her lunch. He was going to take her to her 5th hour class. He couldn't wait to see her again. He talked to his friend David about her nonstop. David was thrilled to hear Eric talking about a new girl. This was a great step for him. When lunch was over Alloralie found Eric right outside of the cafeteria. The minute she saw him her heart skipped a beat. As they walked to Alloralie's next class Eric talked about his friend David, telling her that he had the same class as her this hour. He was sure they'd get a long well. Alloralie was excited to make yet another new friend. Eric took her into her class, and sat her down next to David. Then he left and went to his own class. David was tall, with really short blond hair, and blue eyes. He was wearing an ICP shirt and baggy pants. He didn't really seem like the type of person Eric would hang out with. She was anxious to see what he would end up being like. She sat down next to him and introduced herself as usual. He seemed nice enough. "So, is this class any fun?" Alloralie asked, looking around "Yes" David said, instantly "More fun then you've ever had in your life" "Well then.." Alloralie said, chuckling. "No, seriously" David said "Most fun, ever. Don't fight it" "Alright, I believe you" Alloralie said David was right. The teacher was fun, the class was easy going, and they spent the whole hour cracking jokes. Alloralie and David were close friends by the end of the class. David invited her to a movie night at his house that Friday. Eric was going to be there, so Alloralie couldn't say no. Now she had to find a ride. She walked out of class and turned to find Eric at his locker. She snuck up behind him and tried to tickle his side. He turned around and smiled at her. "Nice try, but, I'm not ticklish" He said "Well that's just lame" Alloralie said, smiling "Lame for you!" He said, laughing "So, do you have to catch a bus?" "No, I walk" She answered "I live down the road from the movie theater" "Oh, cool" He said "I don't live too far from there" "So, does that mean I don't have to walk home by myself?" She asked "I guess it does" He said, smiling. He liked the idea of walking her home "Why don't you go get your stuff so you can put it in my locker" "Alright, I'll be right back" She said. Eric watched her as she walked away. She was so beautiful. Alloralie smiled to herself. She was happier than she'd been in a long time. Everything seemed better, and it was only her first day of school there. She grabbed all of her stuff from her locker and walked back to Eric's locker. After she put her stuff in his locker and they got everything situated they started walking home. They talked about pretty much everything. Alloralie dodged questions about why she had moved though, and Eric couldn't figure out why. She didn't seem like the type to have a shady past. "So, David's having a movie night Friday, and he invited me" Alloralie said as they approached her house "Yeah. He has them every other Friday. I'm gonna be there. Are you gonna go?" Eric said "I will if I can get a ride. My dad doesn't have a car" Alloralie explained "I can give you a ride" David said, smiling "Thanks," Alloralie said, returning his smile "I'm excited now" They said goodbye to each other, and Eric turned back the way they had come. They had passed his house on the way, but he wanted to walk her all the way home. He agreed to come to her house in the morning to walk her to school. As he walked away Alloralie felt tears welling up in her eyes. She pushed them back and opened the door to her new house. A tiny apartment above a marina, where she lived alone. © 2011 SAAV13Author's Note
4 Reviews Added on March 10, 2010 Last Updated on May 19, 2011 Previous Versions AuthorSAAV13ColomaAboutI'm a firm believer that poetry has no limits and that writing is a door to another world. I read often, and write as much as possible. Although I'm probably only a mediocre poet, I like to think I ge.. more..Writing