The Door In The DarkA Poem by S1lentK1ngEveryone has a nightmare that they will always remember .
I lay in my bed restless,
all these thoughts flooding my head. Thinking of every move just like in chess . I closed my eyes hoping to not open them for a while . No happy memories played in my thoughts, instead I felt an emptiness as if the shadows started forming a pile .. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness . I tried to turn around but I could'nt, I could barely move with all this heaviness .. When I finally turned I froze in place starring ... In the corner of blackness there was a door .. I was motionless and did'nt know what to do anymore . Then it swung open suddenly, letting loose these horrible feelings that shoved there way in through my skin pores ... My heart beating like I was being chased by a shark , I spaced out, looking in the door's dense dark . I was terrifyed of that door, it sent out signals of fear . But what scared me most was the crying I could hear . I opened my eyes for a second attempt , realizing it was just a bad dream . Except my cheeks were wet... Those sorrowful weeps belonged to me it seemed . Down to this day, I still don't know what the door in the dark ment ... © 2013 S1lentK1ng |