Humans.... Said to be one of the brinks of God's creation. Is it a known fact or is it the delusion we humans create to better ourselves or to "widen our knowledge" of the world we perceive today. I don't know, you don't know, nobody except maybe god who knows this "for now" theory. Can we really say we are the dominate species in every-way? You put a human being in a cage with a lion can you confidently say the human will win? Saying that with confidence some or to say most human beings go with in history. I could say that confident attitude might fail easily. To show that my theory could be correct, look at the wars we humans have caused. Some have caused wars for greed, loyalty, and surprisingly love for something. To tell you the truth, using love as an excuse to start a time of shame, hate, and sadness and many horrible feelings is but ONE of the lowest points us humans have ever done. Just to prove it, I will tell you of a man of Adolf Hitler. He has caused many tragic moments of history, killing off millions of Jews and many millions of people who weren't even Jewish. Before all that happened he made the idea in his head and used a lot of conviction to make that happen. Which showed he relished or more importantly to say Loved the idea of it. You can't say love is the liking of an object( humans, cars, etc.). It could be an inanimate object, a thought to be more clearer. So can you say the human can win against a lion in a cage. The answer is obviously "who knows". Why?
Think about it, we humans haven't always made bad judgments. If we did, could we have lived with ourselves?.. Maybe. We have amazed ourselves on our resilience to any problem that came our way. Beating against the odds, who is to say we are weak? God? Apparently not if he is going to take his time to create us. I think we humans could fly or pick up objects with our minds if we could. It could take years or maybe a quarter of a second to achieve those abilities. Yet I have no doubt in my mind we could do it. We are amazing yet so unsure of our success rate of making a thriving race. So my bet is on the human cause we are powerful. Then when you think about it, I said earlier if we really are strong with a bit of doubt in my writing. We'll than if we humans have made so many more mistakes than any other species, I'm guessing the lion could win too. In the end the only way we can know who is going to win is the one with the most hope or conviction. I might be wrong, or I might be right. Like I said only God knows.
End of Chapter 1.