![]() Prolouge and Chapter 1A Chapter by S.C DawsonPrologue Aurelia sighed and leaned back against the column. She watched as the sun faded away and night blanketed the world. The moon would soon begin its accent into the heavens and her power would strengthen. She could already see the silvery shimmer that hovered faintly about her skin, marking her as a rare Elite. Regulis, a majestic white wolf, sat faithfully by her side. Almost perfect, only one thing was missing. As if bidden by her thoughts there came the soft pad of paws on the stone floor. Ryley moved brusquely down the corridor, his lioness Nadia beside him. Her welcoming smile withered as she saw the worried frown he wore. “Ryley what’s wrong?” He didn’t answer just grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hall. Finally he spoke in short clipped tones, “They’ve found us. They’re at the front gates at this moment. The others are going to hold them off for as long as possible while we escape. “ He lengthened his already wide stride, clearly agitated. This frightened Aurelia. He was never frightened.A loud bang reverberated from down the hall, startling her. Ryley paused for the barest of seconds. “Damn.” he swore viciously as he swept her up in his arms. “Nadia, Regulis, Grow!” By the time he turned around Regulis had enlarged to a size far taller than your average Clydesdale, franticly he seated her on the massive wolf. In one fluid movement he leaped on to the equally large Nadia’s back. The lioness tore down the hallway, claws digging for more speed. Regulis kept up easily. They rounded a curve losing precious time as their mounts fought for traction on the polished marble. A large wooden door blocked their exit from the passage. Ryley raised his palm, a golden glow emanating from it, the same glow reflected in his topaz eyes. The glow morphed into a orb which shot forward, decimating the door. Nadia fell back to let Regulis take the lead as the humans bent low over their mounts’ backs. As they passed under Aurelia could just feel her spine sweep the top. Racing out onto a plain illuminated by the moon, they could see the damage done to their precious kingdom. Ryley’s teeth grit with anger as he watched the sun tower fall. His home was toppled. But the two did not mourn for long. The full moon that hung above their heads began to bleed. Red began to pour across its ivory surface, like blood spreading through water. The red light flooded the field. Ryley pulled up short. Regulis had stopped a few yards back. Even from where he sat Ryley could see the slumped figure on the wolf’s back. Horror filled him as he slid off and tumbled to the grass. Picking himself up he stumbled to Aurelia. An arrow protruded grotesquely from her back and blood dripped from the corners of her mouth. “No!” Franticly he tried to summon his powers of healing but this time he could not even produce even the faintest glimmer. “No powers without the moon remember?” She said calm as ever. “Oh Aury. Does it hurt much?” She drew a ragged breath and winced, “Not that badly.” He chuckled “Liar.” She grew somber and raised one hand to wipe away his tears, “I guess this goodbye Ryley.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it to his face, “Never Goodbye. Just -” “Until we meet again.” They finished together. She closed her eyes and said softly, “We’ll meet in the next life. I love you Ryley, my brother.” “I love you too Aurelia.” But she was already gone. A dark shadow loomed over the heartbroken man. He looked up into the black face of death and swore, “If it takes eternity I will hunt you like the Hounds of Hell. And I will show you the same mercy as Hades. None.” Laughter seemed to echo around him, chilling him like a cold mist. “I look forward to the challenge Youngling.” The black blade rose and fell.
Chapter 1 It was quite a marvelous sight. The fiery sun painted the sky a gorgeous array of red and orange. The black mountains that separated the secluded town of Beeves from the rest of the world, contrasted sharply against the bright canvas. Selena Kane leaned back against the mossy trunk of the tall oak she was perched in. It was normal for her to sneak away into the forest. There she could truly find peace and quiet to ponder over her thoughts and flights of fancy. Today she was entertaining the notion of what the sea looked like. She imagined the roar of the waves, thundering in her ears. The salty air. Seagulls crying out as they circled in the air. Selena had no memory of the sea, having gone there only once as a small child. But using passages read from books and her own flourishing imagination, she was able to create what she hoped was a fairly accurate portrayal. She sighed and slipped down the tree to the lowest branch. Bracing herself, she jumped the last few feet to the ground. Not the most graceful landing but she didn’t fall as she used to. Her fiery colt Arden was tethered to a nearby tree. A crimson coat with golden undertones mirrored the widest flames. Impatient, stubborn, and half-wild, he was a magnificent creature. His disposition matched his coat but his loyalty to her was resolute. He lifted his head as she drew near, nickering softly. Selena stroked his muzzle murmuring softly. Her emerald eyes looked into his wide, expressive ones. She mounted him then reached down to scratch the sweet spot behind his ear. “We have just enough time for a race across the plains. You ready?” He shifted impatiently so she mounted and gently tapped his sides. They set off at a brisk trot, but slowed down as the flat plains that spread just before the rolling foothills became visible through the trees. Arden slowed just on the fringe of the forest. The tension began to build in both of them. When she felt his muscles bunch beneath her with eagerness, she leaned forward. He responded to her silent signal by racing off, gathering speed with each long stride. The ground rushed by in a blur and the wind stung her eyes. She let him have his head for a while then reluctantly reined him in. Sweat had gathered on his flanks and his sides heaved but he was still eager for more. Laughing Selena slipped off his back and spread out on the grass. Arden snuffled her hair then walked to a nearby stream bored. She never penned him up because he came at her disposal, always responding to her unique whistle. Years ago, when she was a young girl she had stumbled upon him out here on the plains. He was a tiny foal, half starved, but still feisty. She had never been able to uncover how he had come to be there, but she had nursed him back to health, snatching milk then apples from their pantry to feed him. As he grew so had the bond between them, but he was never fully tamed.She was the only one he would permit to ride him. Selena laughed as she remembered the time that Christopher, a cocky youth from the village, had tried to catch him. Arden had trapped the poor boy in a tall pine. Hours had passed before Selena had come, holding back her mount as Chris scrambled down and fled to the forest. No one had gone near him since that day. It had taken some convincing to get him to stay out on the plains. Twice he had followed her back to her farmhouse. Once even to town, trying to follow her into a store. Let’s just say that Mr. Rowan wasn’t happy. The memory brought to mind her trip into town that she had to undertake tomorrow. That should be fun. Dusk made the usually comforting forest creepy and foreboding. Selena stepped warily among the dark shapes, eyes scanning the shadows amongst the towering trees. Her heart pounded in her chest, responding to the rush of adrenaline flowing through her veins. Behind her a twig snapped causing her to yelp and scurry for cover. With her backed pressed to a elm she searched for her assailant. But the woods were empty beside a small chipmunk who cast her a supercilious glance before climbing a nearby tree. She chided herself for being frightened like a child over nothing but a harmless chipmunk. Laughing, albeit a bit nervously, she turned and walked on. “There’s nothing scary here.’ She chattered to herself, ‘ You’ve walked this path home a thousand times before.” But still she remained on edge. Her vivid mind created visions of hags and fiends that crept forward from behind boulders and shrubs. Their decaying fingers stretching out to grasp her throat, wrench her hair, dragging her down. The forest floor was no longer beneath her, replaced by an icy sea. This savage and unforgiving ocean was so different from the peaceful one of her dreams. The shock of the cold stole the breath from her lungs and bit into her skin. Boney hands pulled her down into the surf, deeper, deeper, dee-. Selena sat up suddenly in her bed. Her head spun with the sudden movement and the aftereffects of that hideous nightmare. Cool air washed over her, floating in from her open window. Already her toes were chilled by the artic breeze. She slipped reluctantly from beneath the warm covers, gasping slightly when her feet touched the frigid floorboards, and moved to the window. She reached up to shut the pane and froze in shock. Moonlight paled her already fair skin, making the dark marks that crisscrossed her arms even more startling.. She reached out to touch them, insure it wasn’t a trick of the light. Sharp pain insured that it was indeed quite real. Hastily she slammed the window, fastening the locks beneath then double checking to ease her frantic mind. The room was too dark, shadows cast in the corners; reminding her of the gloomy forest. Her small lantern was weak and didn’t do much to change the lighting but it was enough. A full length mirror stood across from her chamber door, nest to the window. Selena looked at her tattered image. Her hair was matted and smelled of brine. Five more welts circled her throat; following an instinct, Selena raised a shaking hand to her neck. The bruises were sore but she managed to press her fingers to them. The marks were perfectly aligned to her fingers. This scared her even more than the thought that someone had attacked her. Was she really a threat to herself? Shaken she sat down, her back to the wall. Too scared too sleep. Frightened by the evil that stalked her dreams and . . . . frightened by herself.
Dawn was smothered by the thick storm clouds that covered not just Beeves but the entire county of Briar. The clouds, unusual during this time of year, were dark and ominous. Their black mass stretched from one horizon to another, with no break in sight. They absorbed light mercilessly and looked ready to unleash a torrent at any moment. Selena was grateful for the weather fore it gave her an excuse to wear her Saxe colored cloak . All night she had worried about how to hide her injuries from Marian, her kind grandmother. Marian would worry endlessly, driving herself into a frenzy to find a solution. She would force one herbal drink after another down Selena’s throat. Each more horrid than the last. Selena smiled fondly at the thought. But her smile faded as she caught sight of her reflection. The light material was cool enough for the summer weather but wouldn’t offer much protection against even a drizzle. But more importantly the sleeves reached down to the middle of her hand, effectively covering her wrists. The only problem was her neck. The collar didn’t come up far enough, hanging loosely below her collar bones. Experimentally she pulled her ebony locks to where they flowed over her shoulders. Perfect! She thought triumphantly. Her thick curls disguised any discoloration, What little peeked through could easily be mistaken for a stray strand. The dark hair contrasted sharply with her pale face. Her silver eyes were thickly framed with equally dark lashes. Bags underneath betrayed her lack of sleep but they were only slightly pronounced. Quickly she pinched her cheeks trying to bring some color to the them, unsuccessfully. I look sick. Sighing she grabbed her sack and left her room. With heavy steps she descended the stairs into their cozy little kitchen. Bright sunshine poured in from the multiple windows. A small wooden table, improvised from a barrel and spare wood, sat in the middle of the room. It was here she sat with her tea, careful not to spill it on the hand-crocheted table cloth. A vase of fresh wildflowers sat in the middle, handpicked by herself. Marion had already generously laid out a fresh sugar-butter biscuit. The things were divine and normally Selena could eat two in scant time. But today she picked at it listlessly. At that moment Marion breezed in bringing with her basket of freshly laundered clothes and the soothing scent of lavender and lilies. Immediately she picked up on the odd atmosphere. Frowning (an emotion so foreign to the usually smiling face) she placed her load on the counter and studied the girl at the table. Selena hadn’t moved with her arrival, but now abruptly looked up. “Have you ever experienced a dream so vivid that you could swear it was real. And then when you woke you were in a place different than one you fell asleep at?” The elder woman paused as she considered the question. The bruises beneath Selena’s eyes did not escape her notice nor did the ones around her throat and peeked out from her cuffs. But she did comment on this, assuming Selena would tell her when she was ready. Slowly she said, “No Dear I don’t suppose I ever have had that happen. Have you?” Shifting uncomfortably underneath the scrutiny, the girl evaded the question with a sly, “Maybe. I’m not entirely sure.” Her gaze was pinned on the far wall with vacant eyes. “Selena . . . “ Marion said worriedly. Not breaking her stare Selena answered with an abstracted “Hmmm?” Thunder boomed across the violent sky, finally bringing her to attention. Jumping up she gathered her things and moved toward the small door. “Just stay home. You‘ll never make it there before the storm breaks.” Her grandmother begged desperately. But Selena was not easily swayed, “Boots’ll be furious if I miss today. Besides I’m riding Arden.” With that she was out into the storm. Intense winds buffeted her, almost knocking her down. But still she managed to let out one shrill whistle that undulated at the end. With an answering neigh her steed approached from the woods in which he had taken shelter. Selena swung onto him bareback, lacking the time to properly saddle him, and insured her pack was secured on her back. Twining her fingers in the fiery mane she leaned forward until her face was pressed against Arden’s neck. The spirited animal moved forward with amazing speed and continued to gain speed. To any passer by he would have appeared as a red blur. The wind whistled in her ears and isnared her hair, pulling sharply at her scalp. But the pain didn't bother her if anything it invigorated her.
© 2010 S.C DawsonAuthor's Note
Featured Review
3 Reviews Added on August 2, 2010 Last Updated on December 18, 2010 Previous Versions Author![]() S.C DawsonJasper, ALAboutI've decided to post my story a little bit at a time that way I can judge by feedback how I'm doing. Please give your opinions. Hopefully they'll be good and I continue wrighting or . . . they're bad .. more..Writing