![]() Chapter EighteenA Chapter by Zack BlackThe plan was going perfectly. Guards swarmed to the town square to try and stop the blaze from burning down the entire Capital. The Widow, Garret, and Amanda made it past the guards and made their way to the prison, where Shelly,Emily, and Lucas waited for them. By the time Widow and company made it to the prison, Lucas was already in the vents on his way into the prison. Lucas makes it out of the vents into the area with the cells, and just as planned, all the guards are out of the prison attending to the fire. Now the only problem is, since the guards on gone, so are the keys to the cells. Lucas looks high and low, searches in every drawer and cabinet, moving tables and rugs. The key just manages to elude him. The fire will only take so long for the guards to put out, but recapturing prisoners could take a long time. Hopefully long enough to leave the Elder with limited resources. Lucas decides the best choice is probably just to make a lockpick, but the time it could take would be too long, but it’s worth a try. He finds a paperclip on a stack of papers and unbends it, then he finds a pen. He’d done it years before trying to break out of his own house, but it took hours. The first lock he picks is the front door to let his accomplices in. It takes almost twenty minutes. Shelly offers to help, and so does Emily. Shelly grabs a paper clip and a pen as well, but Emily has a different plan. Emily, being a genie, has the ability to turn herself into this purple cloud of smoke. It is released from her mouth and encloses her body making it seem like she disappears. She travels out of the prison quicky bustling through the empty streets. She made one mistake. She began to fly high in the air to see the guards from above, and she was spotted, not by the guards, but Elder Sarah. Elder Sarah sits in her throne, in a room where the walls are windows to give her access to her beautiful city. She was aware of the fire, but now purple smoke. The Elder could not be fooled by the tricks of a simple Genie. She was disgusted at what tricks might be unfolding in her majestic city. “Someone get that Goddamn Genie out of my Capital.” says the Elder slamming her staff on the ground. “Yes my Elder” says only one of three guards who stayed back to protect the Elder from possible danger. The guard walks out the door into an enclosed hallway. He is met at a bend in the hallway by Elijah. The two face for a moment. “State your business with the Elder, simple Pagan.” says the Guard. “I am not just a simple Pagan, I am from the Black Marsh, I am a Pagan of the Black Arts.” says Elijah with a grin, knowing his magic will best the guard, who himself must surely be a simple Pagan. “Could you be?” asks the Guard. “No you couldn’t. Sire Elijah died years ago in a fire.” continues the Guard in almost utter disbelief. “I served the Elder just like you do now, She betrayed me. Tried to kill me and my entire family. Killed my brothers and sisters. My mother and I made it out. My father almost did, then you had him arrested, and executed in your pretty town square.” says Elijah in a fit of rage. Elijah looks over and sees a knight standing, not a real one, but for mere decoration. Elijah’s eyes turn red, and he kicks in the leg of the knight, and just as he does this, the guard’s leg snaps just as the leg of armour did on the knight. The guard yelps in pain on the ground, but he is silenced by Elijah’s size eleven boot over his face until he suffocates to death. Elijah continues his walk down the hallway into the Elder’s throne room. Before he opens the door, he takes one large breath, and then walks in. Elder Sarah has a face of pure shock. “Sire, Sire Elijah, I knew you were still alive. Somewhere hiding under a rock waiting for your chance to try and reclaim fame. Who did you trick into helping you this time? Please tell me it isn’t the Genie flying overhead.” says the Elder with a grin as she stands up with the help of her staff. “Not so able-bodied anymore are we?” asks Elijah coming closer to the throne. “Come to take my throne have we? Well you’ll just have to kill me for it then.” says the Elder with her two remaining guards stepping in front of her. “Wouldn’t it be a shame if the ole’ high and mighty fell and all of these people have to answer to me?” asks Elijah with brass confidence. “Having people of such upper class answer to the lower class would be a flop in this world I’ve worked so hard to reunite.” says the Elder. “Reunite? Is that what you call killing all the Necromancers? Reuniting us? I think it’s called a war tactic you self-righteous b***h.” says Elijah whose eyes are turning red. “Calm yourself Sire. No need to get into a fit of rage over little ol’ me.” says the Elder. “I fear no Angel,Demon, Human, Beast of anyone’s creation. Surely no simple Pagan with an extra juice of power.” proclaims Elijah. “Your courage and valor is impressive Sire. I am more powerful than a Pagan with a boost. I have some aid with me.” says Elder Sarah with a chuckle. “Quite an Elder you have here Elijah.” says Sabri, still using Marsha’s body, as he comes in the room from the same door that Elijah used. “Let’s see if your still as might when you don’t have your magic to take your back.” chuckles Sabri. Just as Sabri finishes his gloating, a door opens. Not the door that Elijah and Sabri came through, but a door like a portal. Walking through the door was an unexpected visitor. Aldemar. The wiser and older brother of Sabri. Elder Sarah stands in protest to his arrival, and then Aldemar swings his arm, and she falls back into the thrown as if she was shoved. “Brother, what do I owe this visit to? The last time I saw you, was what about 300 years ago when you sealed me back into my tomb?” asks Sabri, in shock of seeing his brother again. “You were a little less feminine than I remember you Sabri.” says Aldemar with a chuckle. “You make do with what you have I guess.” says Sabri, explaining his use of Marsha’s body. “Marsha-” says Aldemar before Sabri cuts him off. “The Psychic’s mother, I know. Kinda the point of this.” says Sabri with a chuckle. “You’re killing her. Look at the body. It could implode any time now. Sabri, let her go. This is a battle between you, me, and the Psychics. Not a mortal!” yells Aldemar. “Lower your tone with me brother. Just because you’re older does not make me inferior.” says Sabri. “You heard me. Let her go.” says Aldemar. “Where do you want me to go brother?” asks Sabri. “To your tomb, where you belong.” says Aldemar in spite. “Listen, I love a brotherly reunion as much as the next Pagan, but can we cut the crap?” asks Elijah. “A Pagan of Black Magic running his mouth. Go figure.” says Sabri. “The body Sabri.” says Aldemar trying to refocus the group. “Give me a body to use then Aldemar. And I’ll let this one go.” says Sabri trying to make a deal. Elijah’s plan did not go as plan, but it is going just as well. Instead of distracting the guards, he is distracting the Elder from giving orders to her guards. The Widow, Garret,Amanda,Lucas,Shelly, and Emily meet up again outside of the palace. Prisoners free, guards distracted. Now they can take their own swing at the Elder, little do they know Sabri and Aldemar are there as well. © 2015 Zack Black |
Added on September 11, 2015 Last Updated on September 11, 2015 Author![]() Zack BlackOHAboutI am a supernatural story based writer who will attempt to blow your mind! more..Writing