Chapter 01: It Begins

Chapter 01: It Begins

A Chapter by Felipe

             Around five hundred and twenty three  years ago, in the fourteen hundred’s, the Humans, Mystical races and some unique Demons live in coexistence, while the humans and mystical races feared the Demon’s due to their power and all though there was some tension between them, there was peace between them, however eventually a war broke out between all three of them, devastating the entire world, the war resulted in a great number of people killed, both soldiers and civilians alike, during the final phase of the war numerous leaders who tried to make peace with their enemies to no avail lead one final stand against their enemies despite the odds being against them, these rulers were the Drakon king Thorven Reinhardt,  and the Lisitsa Demon queen Tanya 

Ivanova, hours of fighting in the war however destroyed most of the Drakon and Lisitsa, forcing most of them to surrender, however Thorven and Tanya did not surrender and continue fighting, however both of them are heavily wounded to the point they cannot continue to fight anymore and collapse to the ground.

            “Ugh…you monster…why are…you doing…this?” Thorven said with difficulty due to his wounds to a figure above him and Tanya who was shrouded in darkness and it’s eyes were glowing in a blue light.
            “You…won’t….get…away with….this…” Tanya said to the figure, struggling to talk due to her wounds.
            “Hahaha…I just did mortals, but don’t worry you two won’t live to see how the world will be shaped by me.” The figure said with a incredible sinister tone of voice as it opened it’s palm and charges a massive amount of drive, it began to laugh loudly as he fired a gigantic beam of drive that engulfed both Thorven and Tanya completely, killing them and leaving nothing of their bodies.
            “And so…the world is mine for the taking hehehehe….what the?” the figure while laughing was suddenly struck with a beam of red energy that seems to sucking him towards a book, it stared at this In disbelief  while it slowly got near the book.
            “You…I will remember this mortal, you were too late to save your friends…yet you were able to seal me away…but know this, I will return eventually.” The figure said with malicious intent towards a man who was holding the book, he has short black hair with bangs obscuring his eyes, he has black armor underneath a long black cloak
            “You will not return, you shall remain in darkness never to hurt anybody again.” The man said as he sealed the book, he put it in his black cloak, behind him appeared another cloaked figure, this one is a woman with silver hair seen from her hood.
            “Is it over?” the woman asked.
            “No…they will come for us…we need to disappear…now…I will seal you away…it is the only way.” The man said as he  looked at her with sad eyes.
            “…I understand, what will you do once you do that?” the woman asked.
            “I will vanish as well, don’t worry we will see each other again one day.” The man said to her as she nodded and they began to run away from the battlefield never to be seen for a very long time.

In the year two thousand and thirteen, the world of Gaia is under the control of the government who’s tyrannical rule over the people goes unnoticed thanks to their control of the media and the politician’s charismatic ability to manipulate the people however the world is about to be engulfed in a series of events that will determine the course of history forever.

Lucarnus City a city located in the country Brael is home to a mercenary organization named Dark Blade wich is renewed as the greatest mercenary group in the world.
             In the Dark Blades organization HQ, there are many people gathered in what appears to be a battle arena of sorts with audience stands on the west, north, and east part of it, on the center it has a martial arts tournament floor. People are filling the stands, sitting and gathered around two individuals, a man with long crimson red hair in a ponytail, emerald green eyes, a long scar across his left eye and long pointy ears, dressed in a black coat that has three leather belts on the right sleeve and a brand on the right arm, he is six foot tall. The other is a woman with really long azure blue hair reaching her knees with something resembling an antenna, a bottom middle lip piercing and heterochronic eyes with her left eye being golden yellow and her right eye being blood red and wears small black square glasses, she has a long dark grey coat which has three black leather belts on both sleeves, the same brand that the red haired man’s coat has and a long black three pyramid row belt, she is five foot and ten inches tall.


                        The woman got back in her stance which was her knee up and having her left hand back a little closed in a fist while the other is pulled forward also in a fist, as the man gets in his stance which was his legs widen a little and his fist open in palms also widen, both keeping eyes on each other scouting for any weak spots on the other. the woman charges first throwing a kick to the man’s face which he evaded and countered with a palm strike to her chest which she sidesteps pushing the man forward putting him off balance as she runs. The man turns around with a kick aimed at her face which the woman dodged and grabs the man’s head and trying to drive it to her knees, but the man covers his face with his hands in the nick of time. The woman jumps back and looks back at the man while he looks back, as both were starting to run at each other they hear clapping in the distance and both stop to look at to the clapping figure, a man with short slicked back brown hair with a single strand hanging on his face and black eyes, he was of average height, thin but not too thin.

            “Bravo, bravo, what a short but good spar Ryunosuke, Kaori.” The clapping man said.

                        The woman addressed as Kaori looks back at Jake while the man addressed as Ryu crosses his arms.

            “Humph, what is it Jake? I doubt you came all the way here just to clap and compliment us.” Kaori says.

            “Please tell me this isn’t about bloody treasures or jewels.” Ryu says.

            “What? Do you always assume that’s the only bloody thing I care about?” Jake asks annoyed with a Lucarnian accent.

            “Hai, Pretty much.” Ryu says casually.

            “Whatever, the boss wants to see you, he finally has a mission for both of you so go to his office ASAP, you know he hates being kept waiting so hurry up mates.” Jake says.

            “Hmm, ok, we will be there in a second.” Ryu says.

                        Jake nods and leaves the battle arena, the spectators also leave disappointed that the spar did not finish.

            “What the hell are we? Circus performers?” Ryu says.

            “Apparently we are.” Kaori says.

            “Heh, let’s get going.” Ryu says.

            “Yeah.” Kaori says.

                        Kaori and Ryu walk out of the battle arena, in the long hallway, the hallway has a red carpet that lead to different rooms; the walls were of a light black color and had lights on the ceiling as well as painting of famous warriors. Guards were stationed everywhere guarding every one of the rooms with uncanny determination on their faces. Ryu and Kaori find the door that leads to the office of their leader besides it was a brown desk with a lot of papers in it, in front of it it’s a woman sitting on a black office seat, she has shoulder length brown hair  and blue eyes.
            “Well hello there gorgeous hehehe.” Ryu says to the secretary.
Oh Kami-Sama” Kaori says in Setsurian while pinching her nose.
Nani? Are you jealous? I can flirt with you if you want” Ryu says looking at her with a grin.
            “…Humph.” Kaori says nothing with an annoyed look in her face.
            “Heh hang on a minute.” The secretary says chuckling as she goes to the phone on her desk and pushes a button.
            “Yes?” a man’s voice is heard on the phone speaker.
            “Mr. Erebus Ryu and Kaori are here to see you.” The secretary says.
            “Good, tell them they can come in.” Erebus says as he hangs up.
            “You two can pass.” The secretary says to both of them and they enter the office, the office is rather big, with many books stacked in a big shelf, a giant monitor behind a large brown desk that has many papers ordered on it, a man is sitting in the chair in behind the desk, he has shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes dressed in a black suit, there are two chairs in front of the desk,  gold in color with red cushions, sitting in one of the chairs is another man, he has short black hair with green eyes, the Dark Blade uniform he is wearing consist of a black vest with black pants and black boots, on his back there is a symbol of two swords crossed to one another with a plus symbol behind them,  Ryu and Kaori look at the man sitting at desk.

            “Meguro and Yamashita…I am glad you two came.” The black haired man says as he looks at Ryu and Kaori.

            “You called Erebus-san?” Kaori asks at the same time.
            “What’s up Bosu
?” Ryu asks.

            “I have a mission for the both of you.” Erebus says.

            “Oh what is this time?” Kaori asks calmly.

            “All right, let’s begin the briefing.” Erebus says as he turned on the monitor, showing a map of a town.

            “On this mission, you two will go to the town of Thardanus which is located to the south of here, in search of an artifact, however you must be careful, as this town is controlled by an unknown group, now based on the Intel our client gave us, Thardanus is heavily guarded with lots of soldiers patrolling the area.” Erebus says.

            “What exactly is the artifact?” Kaori asks.

            “It’s a key according to the Intel our client provided, it is located on a large spherical base inside the town.” Toshio says.

            “Humph…So our mission is to retrieve this key bring it back here correct?” Ryu asks.

            “That is correct Meguro, however there are a few things I must make clear to you, first of all, the leader of  the soldiers is a man named John, known as the governor of Thardanus, according to the information we have,  he uses mystic drive, as to what kind of mystic he is, we are not sure so you must be cautious if by any chance you will have to battle with him.” Toshio says.

            “What is Drive?” The man with short brow hair asks.

            “Shoshinsha” Ryu says in Setsurian.

            “…”  Kaori says nothing

            “Drive is the energy that all beings have, it is divided in several categories, Spirit drive, Mystic drive, Nature drive, Life drive and Demon drive.” Erebus says.

            “Oh…but what’s the difference between each other?” the man asks.

            “Power, Spirit drive is the weakest and mostly humans have it, Mystic drive is two times stronger, used by mystical races, magic drive and nature drive is three times more powerful, it is used by the Elves and elemental spirits, Demon drive is also three times powerful but it’s much denser than nature and magic drive, it is used exclusively by demons.” Ryu says.

            “…Life drive is like the name suggest, the life energy of one’s being…it’s three times more powerful than spirit drive, but it comes at the cost of the user dying of having the lifespan cut…” Kaori says calmly.

            “Oh ok.” The man says.

            “Enough, go outside kid before you start asking more questions and distracting us.” Erebus say seriously.
            “Sorry boss I will go…” The man says as he leaves.
            “Harsh” Ryu says.
            “It can’t be helped, good kid, but he ask too many questions.” Erebus says.

            “…Anyways not knowing what kind of mystic he is could be problematic.” Kaori says calmly.

            “Indeed, you two will have to be extra cautious, second, this will be a stealth mission, you must not be seen no matter what, if you are seen, dispose of the witness as fast as possible.” Erebus says.

            “...It could create a potential national conflict, especially if this group is part of a another nation’s army…” Kaori says.

            “Correct, this is very important, we cannot afford to go in conflict with any nation or group.” Toshio says as he stands up and goes under the monitor and retrieves two maps and a picture which he hands over to Kaori

            “This a map of Thardanus while this one is a map of the base were the key is located and this is a picture of the key.” Erebus says.

            “All right, on with the mission then.” Ryu says.

            “Right, you two need to sign here.” Erebus says as he takes a paper that looks like a contract and places it on his desk, Ryu and Kaori both sign their names on the paper.

            “Very well, Good luck.” Erebus says.

                        Kaori and Ryu leave the office, while Erebus stands up and looks at the monitor that displays Thardanus, he goes to the keyboard and presses a few buttons, showing the obscure imagine of an unknown person. “This is Erebus, I inform you that your request has been accepted.” Erebus says coldly.

            “Very Good Erebus…I expect that artifact to be retrieved soon and proof before I deliver the payment.” The person says with a distorted voice.

            “Of course.” Toshio says as the screen turns off, he then passes a hand trought his hair. “And so it begins…” Erebus says to himself.

                        Meanwhile, Ryu and Kaori were walking to the dorms of the headquarters, the dorms were pretty big, like the hallways it was of black color with red carpet on them, it also had guards stationed there who nod at both of them and allow them to pass, both were walking until they reach their rooms to sleep.

            “Hmm… Another mission Eh? You and I have  been together in a lot of missions for 5 months now, though this is our first stealing mission.” Ryu says.

            “Yeah...we should go later at night, it gives us much better chance at infiltration” Kaori says softly.

            “Good idea, well then until later, good day Kaori.” Ryu says.

            “Good night Ryu.” Kaori says as both of them retired to their rooms.

                        Later that night, around twelve pm, both had meet at the headquarters’ gates this time, besides of wearing their uniforms Kaori has a long katana strapped to her back while Ryu has a katana strapped on his waist. Ryu’s katana is around five feet in height and it’s blade was black close to grey  while Kaori’s katana was around six feet in height being longer with a chain ball chained to the hilt and it’s blade was Black, both of them put on a long black cloak that covers their bodies and hiding their faces, after nodding to each other both started walking south, casually passing through Lucarnus city, the city was big and modern looking, with various restaurants around, people minding their own business and the streets looking busy, both reach the city’s main gate’s and finally exited the big city. Both walked for a few hours until they reach the gates of Thardanus, both of them hide from plain sight beside some big rocks near the entrance of the town, they begin to observe the town, Thardanus is average in size, with small buildings of all kinds and many cars parked in the streets, the streets are empty except for many soldiers in uniforms patrolling the streets, the uniforms consist of military pants with black boots reaching a little after the ankles with a short black jacket with an odd symbol in the back, the town is illuminated by the light poles on the streets, making the entire place clearly visible, they spot many soldiers patrolling the town with M4A1 assault rifles on their hands.

            “There’ way too many soldiers in there plus the town is way too illuminated to infiltrate.” Ryu says annoyed.

            “Hmm…If we find the generator that powers the whole town, we can sabotage it, that would eliminate their advantage with light and it would make infiltration much easier.” Kaori says.

            “Yeah, but were the heck is that generator?” Ryu asks.

            “Hmm…”Kaori looks around and spots a small house behind a fence with a sign that had  a lightning bolt on it. “ that must be it.” Kaori says pointing towards it.

            “Ahh nice.” Ryu says lazily.

            “Let’s go.” Kaori says.

                        Ryu and Kaori began approaching the town silently without alerting the guards and staying in the shadows, walking around the town until they arrive behind the fence of the power station both hid under some rocks again waiting for the guard to turn around, as the guard turns around, they quickly sneak in by jumping over fence and quickly, but silently open de door to that leads to the underground, they enter through it and close it silently.

            “Well it sure is dark in here.” Ryu whispers to Kaori.

            “True…wait.” Kaori says as she closes her eyes and concentrates, a black flames with purple outlines appears on her hand illuminating the room a little.

            “Nice, those fire powers of yours are helpful in more than just battles.” Ryu says.

            “Hehe” Kaori chuckles then gives a small smile.

                        Both of them continue going underground, looking for the generator for about thirty minutes until they found a big machine.

            “Ahh this must be it.” Ryu says as he examines the machine.

            Time to sabotage it Ryu.” Kaori says.

            “One sabotage coming up!” Ryu says grinning as he put his hands on the generator and absorbs the generator electricity, black lightning cursing trough his arms as he does until the generator completely runs out of energy turning the lights of the town off.

            “Good job Ryu, let’s go before they manage to restore the power.” Kaori says.

            “Right.” Ryu says as he and Kaori got out of the power station and into the town, both of them climb up one building, taking advantage over the fact that all the soldiers are reunited in the middle of town.

Meanwhile the soldiers reunited in town were checking their surrounding’s with the flashlights on their rifles while civilians were getting out of their homes to check things.

            “What the heck is going on, what happened to the power?” a civilian man asks

            “You! Get the hell back inside, none of you are supposed to be out at night!” A soldier says pointing his rifle to them.

            “This is our concern as well you tyrannical son of a b***h!” the civilian man says.

            “What did you say?!” The soldier asks angry about to fire his weapon.

            “Calm down soldier.” Another soldier that has a different uniform than the rest says.

            “But Sergeant Evan, he is being a rebel!” The soldier says.

            “It doesn’t matter, the boss would kill you if you killed any of his precious money makers, use your  head.” Evan says irritated.

            “Yes sir…You are lucky he is here or I would have killed you for sure.” The soldier says.

            “Whatever.” The civilian says.

            “What’s the situation?” Evan asks another soldier.

            “Sir according to the system, the generator’s power levels are extremely low.” A soldier with a laptop says.

            “Strange…It should still have power for at least more weeks or so, send in someone and restore the power somehow.” Evan says.

            “Right away Sir.” The soldier says.

                        Meanwhile back with Ryu and Kaori, they are moving deeper into the town by jumping on the rooftops while soldiers investigate their surroundings, Ryu and Kaori arrive at a large spherical looking base and land on the ground and quickly move and enter the base which is also in complete darkness.

            “Damn, is darker than an eclipse in here.” Ryu says as he and Kaori keep walking inside the base.

            “…Hmm, we better hurry, they should have the power res-“ Kaori says as the power  in the town is restored.

            “S**t, they move fast.” Ryu says.

            “We got to hurry, the artifact must be in the top floor and judging by the shape of the base, it’s two or three floors top, let’s proceed with caution.” Kaori says calmly as she and Ryu continue running inside the building until they spot a door, Kaori however stops for a moment, she closes her eyes and sniffs, Ryu looks at her.

            “There are more soldiers still in the base, about twenty of them, all human.” Kaori says calmly.

            “Two against twenty? I like those odds.” Ryu says jokingly.

                        Both of them enter the door slowly, the room they are in is pretty big with lot’s of metal crates around it, in the room are at least twenty soldiers, all armed, both Ryu and Kaori hid from their view behind one of the crates.

            “Too many of them, no way we can slip through them without knocking them down or killing them.” Ryu whispers to Kaori.

            “Hmm…Indeed, better to kill them and rid Thardanus of their abusive ways….” Kaori says.

                        Back with Evan and the other soldiers, Evan is waiting for the soldiers he sent to the generator to return, after a few minutes they returned.
            “What is the situation soldier?” Evan asks.
            “Well sir, we suspect the generator was sabotaged, it’s not supposed to even stop so suddenly.” A soldier answers.
            “As I though…” Evan says while a man walks towards Evan, he is wearing an expensive looking black business suit with black pants and formal black shoes, he has short spiky black hair with light blue eyes, he is muscular and stands six foot with three inches.
            “Evan…What the hell is going on?”  The man says
            “The Generator was sabotaged sir, there might be intruders in the base as we speak.” Evan answers.
            “…I see, call all of Thardanus’s troops, we are going to the base, alert all soldiers in the base.” The man says with a menacing glare
            “…Yes Sir” Evan says, he then puts his fingers on a Bluetooth in his ear.

            “Yes sir?” A voice answers.
            “There are intruders in Thardanus, most likely inside the base since it’s the only place in Thardanus with something of value, use the base’s scanning system to figure out if they are there, once you do find them and kill them and being cautious, these intruders are likely professionals and might be dangerous, understood?” Evan says.

            “Yes Sir!” The soldier says as he opens a small computer panel in his wrist and taps a few buttons on it, an image of the base appears in the form of a green hologram, an orange lien begins scanning the image, the image then turn red, making a small alarm sound on the panel.

            “Sir we have confirmed the intruder’s presence in this room!” The soldier says through his Bluetooth.

            “Take defensive positions we are on our way.” Evan says.

            “Yes sir!” The soldiers says as John turns off his Bluetooth.

            “So much for stealth.” Ryu says casually as he grabs the hilt his katana.

            “Humph…” Kaori says nothing as she grabs the hilt of her katana.

                        Both of them nod at each other as they proceed towards the soldiers who aim their guns at them and start to shoot at them, however Ryu and Kaori kill them swiftly using their swords, dodging their bullets with swift movements and acrobatics before they hit them, the corpses of the soldiers are everywhere, with huge amount of blood around the room, giving it a very gory appearance, Ryu and Kaori sheath their swords.

            “For a small base, it is heavily guarded.” Ryu says.

            “Yeah…” Kaori says slightly distracted.

                        Ryu and Kaori began to run forward ignoring the side doors until they spot stairs, they go up reaching the second floor, they continue their way until they come across a big room with spherical room with a metal door at in the with a number pad at the side, they enter the room and began to walk carefully with a hand wrapped on their weapons and the other hand in an open palm, suddenly the room was encased in a red light and an alarm sounded.

            “Warning, level A security system activated…Sealing all doors.” A female voice says trough the speakers as the entrance of the room is sealed, in that moment about twenty panels suddenly opened, machine guns came out of them as the barrels started to move.

            “Dodge!” Kaori shouts.

            “Son of a…!” Ryu curses as he and Kaori began to dodge the bullets being fired at them as fast as they can however they were not fast enough and the bullets hit their cloaks to the point that only a small piece of the hoodie remains, they move towards the guns, Kaori takes her katana out and using a golden looking drive, sends swords beams towards the guns destroying ten of the guns little by little while Ryu charges his sword with Mystic Drive and Lightning quickly envelops it and throws it at the remaining guns like a boomerang, destroying the remaining guns in a flash if lightning that destroys the panels violently, Ryu then extends his hand in the direction of the sword which then returns back to his hand.

            “Are you ok?” Ryu asks.

            “Hai, what about you?” Kaori asks.
            “Well nothing broken yet.” Ryu answers
            “Good, let’s go, we don’t have much time.” Kaori says.

                        Both of them walk towards the door

            “Any chance you got the code for this?” Kaori asks.

            “Oh yeah.” Ryu answers sarcastically as he charges lightning on his right hand and sends it on the number pad, overcharging it and opening the door, both of them continue on their way, they reach some stairs and go up to the final floor, they continue until the spot a door at the end of the corridor, both of them enter carefully in case it was rigged with a trap, nothing happened as they enter through the door, this room looks different from the other, it is big with a desk on the far end with a blue carpet below it, a giant monitor behind the desk, a large bookshelf on both sides of the room, there is a red carpet covering most of the floor, on the desk there is a strange oval object with inscriptions, both Ryu and Kaori walk towards the desk, Kaori then takes the picture that Toshio gave her.
            “Is that what we are looking for?” Ryu asks.
Hai, this is it” Kaori answers while comparing the object with the key in the picture “ Come on we should be on our way before they find us.” Kaori says taking the key and put it in her pocket.
            “That’s far enough’’ A voice suddenly says which makes Ryu and Kaori turn around to see a John and Evan with all of the remaining Thardanus soldiers behind him them.  The soldiers march in front of John and Evan and point their rifles at Ryu and Kaori.
            “It seems we have an infestation.” John says.
            “Identify yourselves!” Evan says pointing his Desert Eagle pistol at Ryu and Kaori.
            “We are your parents.” Ryu says sarcastically.
            “…Hehe” Kaori says chuckling.
            “Humph…soldiers…kill them.” John says,
            “…No choice then.” Kaori says calmly while John turns back and looks at Evan and his soldiers. “Kill them and retrieve the artifact.” John says coldly while the soldiers ready their weapons and begin to fire at Ryu and Kaori who quickly begin to dodge the bullets, and take their weapons at the same time, Kaori burst in mystic drive and send energy waves from her katana towards the soldiers killing a few of them by cutting them to pieces, Ryu does the same, bursting in Mystic drive and uses it to send waves of energy from his sword, killing a few of the soldiers as well, Evan sees this and is shocked.
            “Use the grenade launchers now!!” Evan yells to the remaining soldiers who use the grenade launcher attachments of their guns and fire many grenades towards Ryu and Kaori, who try to jump away, but the explosions caught their cloaks and burns them, however a smokescreen covers them, the soldier then reload their grenades.
            “A smokescreen…a perfect chance to counter attack Ryu, our cloaks are gone, we must kill them quickly before they see us.” Kaori whispers to Ryu.
            “Agreed.” Ryu says.
            Ryu pulls his hand towards the screen as lightning begins to show itself through his body, focusing it towards his hand while Kaori focuses her flames towards her hand, after a few seconds both of them fire their respective elements which combine to form a torrent of flames and lightning which fires towards the soldiers, Evan sees the lights of the attack through the smokescreen.
            “S**t! Dodge!” Evan says as he dodges, but he is too late as the attack hits and kills all of the remaining soldiers, the explosion caused by the attack knocks Evan quite a distance, the smoke clears to reveals the corpses of the soldiers and John who looks at their uniforms.
            “Humph…Dark Blade mercenaries I see…no matter, I will dispose of you two in a moment.” John says arrogantly as he walks towards Ryu and Kaori and burst in mystic drive, causing them to fall of balance.
Kuso!” Ryu curses in Setsurian as he and Kaori almost falls to their knees over the sheer power of John’s mystic drive.
            “Ugh his mystic drive is at least twice the amount of our drives…he knows about us now, we must kill him as well” Kaori says calmly even though she is feeling the effects of John’s mystic drive, John the slowly walks to the wall to his left and punches it, a panel opens and reveals two long swords, their hilts are silver while their blades are gold, he takes the swords and walks towards Ryu and Kaori.
            “You are right…what an annoyance.” Ryu says irritated.
            “Time to die now.” John says as he runs towards Ryu and Kaori, trying to swiftly cuts their heads off while they are stunned by his mystic drive, but they managed to shake off the effect of his mystic drive by using their own to push it back and dodge his attack, Ryu burst in mystic drive and attacks John with his sword, but John blocks his sword and kicks him sending him flying away, Kaori attacks him from behind while he is doing this, but he reacts quickly and blocks her sword with his own, Ryu takes this chances and slashes John’s back who grunts slightly in pain and uses his left sword to strike at Ryu who dodge the attack, Kaori capitalizes on this and knees john hard on the stomach, causing him to spit saliva to the ground due to the sheer force of the attack, Ryu then stabs John on the stomach with his sword as a lot of blood comes out of John who grits his teeth in anger and elbows Ryu on the face, sending him flying across the room, taking the sword with him, John regenerates the wound and kicks Kaori on the stomach and tries to slash her with his blades, but she reacts quickly and dodges it, so instead he pushes her away using his blades empowered by his mystic drive, Kaori quickly recovers and stands her ground.
            “He is surprisingly stronger than he looks…no choice then…” Kaori says calmly as fire begins to materialize around her, meanwhile Ryu is doing the same, materializing his lightning, he charges first at John attacking him with sword which now has electricity cursing through it, which pushes John back, he then fires more bolts of lightning which hit john head one, affecting him slightly, Kaori then slashes him on his back with her sword, John then tries to hit her with his swords, but Kaori jumps away, Ryu goes to cut john’s head off, but he jump away, dodging the attack.
            “You pathetic weaklings.” John says almost unfazed.
            “You say weaklings as much as the weaklings do.” Ryu says sarcastically.
            “Hehe…” Kaori says chuckling.
            “Enough you brat!!” John yells annoyed and unleashes all of his mystic drive and begins to transform to a seven feet tall beast with fur all over his body, horns in his head, black wings and a long tail, his muscle expand considerably and his face slowly morphs into something resembling a lion with sharp teeth, he growls furiously as his transformation ends.
            “A behemoth? F**k!” Ryu curses.
            “Calm down…he might be stronger, but that does not mean he is invincible…” Kaori states calmly.
            “How the hell can you keep calm at a time like this?” Ryu asks.
            “Humph…Because it's better than panicking.” Kaori says simply.
“Good Point." Ryu says
            “Hahahahaha! Witness the power , Hahaha die you pathetic weaklings!” John yells and runs towards them with his swords, he slashes at them, but they manage to dodge the attack, however John uses his wings to fly towards Ryu and hits him on the stomach with his elbow, causing Ryu to spit blood and sends him flying across the room  to the wall, hitting it hard, Ryu falls to the floor hard, while Kaori looks worried at his direction, but then goes to attack John, using her speed to slash him across the torso drawing blood, John grins and tries to stab her, but she sides steps and throws a fireball at John’s left hand, burning the hilt of his blade, causing it to slowly melt, John throws the sword towards her, but she dodges and throws another fireball at the sword, melting it.

            “Clever B***h, but you still will lose! Now the real fun begins!” John says grinning.
            “Humph…” Kaori says.
                        Suddenly Ryu throws a lightning bolt towards John who dodges causing the bolt to strike the wall of the base and destroy it, causing John to grin as he begins to fly outside and concentrates mystic drive as many stone float in the air and go flying towards Ryu and Kaori who dodge the attack, Kaori concentrates and puts her katana in flames and slashes horizontally, creating a wave of flames towards John who uses more rocks to protect himself, but the flames are too powerful and destroy the rocks, burning him, causing him to crash on the ground, Kaori then jumps outside and sends another wave of flames towards John, hitting him at point blank and causing a torrent of flames to burn him as he screams in pain. Kaori lands inside the base.
            “Now is our chance, let’s finish…Ryu?” Kaori says as she looks at Ryu who is clutching his head, a severed pained expression on his face.
            “Ugh…” Ryu grunts.
            “Kill them all….destroy everything that causes you pain…” a voice whispers to Ryu who clutches his head even harder.
Urusai!!!’ Ryu yells in pain, Kaori then puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes him, looking at him with a concerned look. “Ryu!” She yells to him causing him to snap back to reality.
            “…Sorry” Ryu says with a low voice, at this moment John flies up in the air with burn marks, he narrows his eyes in anger, he bursts in mystic drive and many rocks fly around him and he sends them towards them, they dodge and run towards him and jump to attack him, he flies to the side dodging their attacks, while they are falling to the ground, Ryu fires a lightning bolt while Kaori throws a fireball, the attacks combined and hit John in the torso, making him fall to the ground again while Ryu and Kaori turn their bodies to land on their feet.
            “He is though…for a politician.” Ryu says.
            “Focus…he is not defeated yet.” Kaori states.

“Argh…you two will pay for this…I will slowly torture you both to death!” John yells at them in pure rage as he stands up and unleashes his mystic drive, making the ground shake, he sends many stalagmites towards them, but they dodge them, Ryu charges his arms with lightning and runs towards John, he punches him in the stomach, shocking briefly while concentrating the lightning to his sword and slashing him horizontally, making him bleed heavily while also shocking him, but John recovers quickly and punches Ryu in his left eye, blinding it and sending back a great distance While Kaori appears from behind John and stabs him near the heart, making John throw up blood from his mouth in pain, he then turns around and slashes her across the torso, sending a lot of blood flying around and making her close her eyes in pain and jump away to were Ryu is as he stands on one knee while holding his left eye which is bleeding.
            “Why is it always the f*****g left eye?!” Ryu says greatly annoyed.
            “Hang in there, he is wounded, we need to finish this…now.” Kaori says looking at him concerned yet in pain due to the wound in her torso.
            “You are right, let’s finish him.” Ryu says seriously.
            “You two? Kill me? Hahahahahah not a chance!” John says as he jumps towards them, he tries to slash them, but they dodge and slash his legs with their swords filled with lightning and fire, shocking and burning him, he falls to his knees in pain, Ryu and Kaori they then focus what is left of their drives, Kaori is surrounded by a huge amount of flames while Ryu is surrounded by a huge amount of lightning, they then combine their elements together.

            “ Infernal Bolt!” Both of them yell as the elements take the form of bolt of fire and lightning and fire it towards John hits his chest and completely pierces it, leaving nothing in there and killing him, his corpse falls to the ground in wave of flames and lightning.
            “Finally ugh.’’ Ryu says as he holds stomach in pain.
            “We need to get out of here…now.” Kaori says in pain yet calmly as she and Ryu jump at the top of one of the buildings, just in time to avoid being seen by the people of Thardanus who begin to surround John’s corpse, Ryu and Kaori see this and then jump from rooftop to rooftop until they arrive at the gates of Thardanus, they start running from the gate towards Lucarnus.

© 2013 Felipe

Author's Note

Here is the first chapter of RM, it's in professional mode, the he/she said thigns is not compeltly edited wich i will get to soon,i have changed the he/she said to present tense so it's easier to understand,i am starting to edit everything else like one error with a characther's purple hair with brown highlighs since the highlighs don't go there

Nodachi is a long katana who's average height is five feet long, daito is the standard samurai katana

Very soon i will put a list here of the non english words for those that don't understand it

My Review

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This a very good start, I'm impressed. You did a very good work describing everything. However, i don't think there's a need to point out when a character remains silent unless he has something on his mind that you need to describe. I wonder what was it that distracted them both at the beginning of the chapter when they were sparring. Also, you're doing a very good job, but try to write in present tense so that it will be easier to read. I'm not gonna get on grammar crap, but try to keep common words with lowercase letters. I hope these few pointers are helpful to you, keep up the good work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Wow! This chapter was just awesome as an introduction, it was really badass, I loved everything, about it, the simplicity, the fights, the background description, and just wow, even the implemented cultural history. You did a great job writting this Phil, keep it up, I can wait for chapter 2. Hurry it up!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


When I find the time to dive into the rest of your chapters (count me in).

Interesting names… fits the story line well. If you don't mind me say something (The king grabs the queen’s hand tightly and smiles at her and she smiles back at him.) in this line for example, there are too many conjunction words.

Thanks Again - looking for time as we speak.

Have A Great Day
Great Job


Posted 13 Years Ago

Chapter one is very good! But try to write present tense because at some points I got lost, but other then that BRAVO! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

So, yes, I just finished re-reading this first chapter, and I gotta said, I am hooked up once again, and I am not going to drop this boook again! OK, I AM going to ignore what I write at past and write everything once again. I gotta said, ts not boring, or should I say interesting to re read it again! The every details you have given for the fights is really detailed. When theres more than oneperson, you managed to give them a play for each of them! Also, I think the setting of the story is really amazing! And I think the deatails are once of the reasons why you keep people hooked, we just cant miss a thing in order to know the whole story!!
Great Job!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

add to library - fav!!! XDDDD wow!!
the details are - wow!
plot - awesome!! XDD and i like how you started it by saying "Hundreds of years ago" :D it made me imagine how it would start when it's turned into a movie X3

Posted 14 Years Ago

Nice Start! Really, I am hnest, that's REALLY AMAZING! I love how you describe eveerything, including the characters and..... I agree with Alex, if someone is remainsilent, it's kinda weird you pointed it out, I think you should 'pop' his conversation out when he finall talk, I hope you will understand what I mean, and remember I don't mean anythign rude by this.I really love it!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Overall, I really like this. I like the story, the plotline, and where you're taking it; howe you're taking it there. You might want to work on spelling errors and grammar. Punctuation, et cetera. It makes it easier to follow the dialogue and narration.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This a very good start, I'm impressed. You did a very good work describing everything. However, i don't think there's a need to point out when a character remains silent unless he has something on his mind that you need to describe. I wonder what was it that distracted them both at the beginning of the chapter when they were sparring. Also, you're doing a very good job, but try to write in present tense so that it will be easier to read. I'm not gonna get on grammar crap, but try to keep common words with lowercase letters. I hope these few pointers are helpful to you, keep up the good work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Hahaha, I agree with Mizuki Tsukiakari, it is a great start, I hope to read chapter 2 soon, keep it up dude.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It's a good start! I'm looking forward to the rest of it! ;p

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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10 Reviews
Added on September 13, 2010
Last Updated on October 26, 2013



Arecibo, Santana, Puerto Rico

My Name is Felipe, i am currently 24 years old, my birth day is on December 30, Well i consider myself to be the Average person, i love to writte and draw, i been doing both for a little while so i ne.. more..


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