The Follower

The Follower

A Story by RuthlessMind

They say we all have our demons. Millie is no different, in fact, her demon is rather attached to her.


It's dark, the ground is cold against my cheek, fear starts to rise in my chest.  The rope tied around my wrists is itchy and uncomfortable. “Hello?” I wait for a response that never comes. I slowly try to sit up, POP! “AHHH!” pain shoots up my left wrist.

“That wasn’t smart, now was it?” The disembodied voice echoed along the walls.

I turned my head,”Who’s there?” He didn’t answer, the dark room grew silent once more. The ropes around my wrist were untied and a cold hand took hold of my wrist. Without a word the stranger let go and I could hear footsteps.

“Be careful. Next time I may not be able to help.” His low-honeyed voice echoed once more.




I  wake up to the sound of my alarm, the phantom pain in my left wrist still residing. Sitting up I check to see that everything is ok, What the hell? Shaking my head wildly, I make my way out of bed and start getting ready for the day. Summer had ended and it was back to school with me; tying my ,bright copper red, hair into a bun, I slip on my favorite skinny jeans and band tee. Looking in the mirror I give myself a once over, “Good enough.” I give a  shrug and head  to the kitchen.

“Are you really wearing that on your first day back?” my mom sips her coffee while judging my outfit.

“To be honest mom, I really don’t care.”

She lets out a long sigh and heads out the door for work. “Just don’t be late.” She waves goodbye as the door shuts behind her.

As I make my way through the doors of the school I notice that the entire commons area is a buzz about something. Good thing at St. June’s no one really knows how to “whisper”; as I made my way to the library every girl was in full gossip about a new kid.

“He’s a senior, and SO cute!”

“Have you seen his eyes, that green is mesmerizing!”

“I know right, and don’t get me started with that golden brown hair of his.”

After a comment about his butt, I stopped listening . I take my normal seat at the back of the library, pulling out my favorite book, Wake by Lisa Mcmann, I instantly delve into the life of “Janie Hannagan”.  It wasn’t till the bell rang and I looked up from the book that I even noticed him reading there.

I jumped a bit, hitting my knee on the table,as I sucked in a breath,  he looked up, “You okay? That had to hurt.” His husky voice was easy to get lost in.

Nodding, I laugh it off, “No blood, no gore. I will live.”

He lets out a small, but concerned, laugh. He reaches out his hand, “I’m  Blake Gale. I just moved here.”

Ah, so he was the new kid everyone was in buzz about. “Millie. Millie Loughty.” I shake his hand. I give him a once over, he wasn’t bad looking.  

He lets out another small laugh, “Like what you see?”

Crap, he noticed. “Sorry. I guess it just nice to meet the guy all the girls are in love with. You know, pretty green eyes, that golden brown hair. Not to mention an a*s to die for.”

He pulls back a bit shocked, then his cheeks turn a brilliant red. “Is that what they are whispering about?” We both let out a laugh.

© 2017 RuthlessMind

Author's Note

Okay, here it is. The first look at the new story! Did I mention I was excited about this one?

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Added on November 29, 2017
Last Updated on November 29, 2017



I tend to jump around in interest. Makes life a little hard, but fun all the same. Hey guys, want an easy way to see what I'm up to or know when I post updates? Follow my group on facebook, Ruthle.. more..
