just a jetA Poem by RuseInexi looked up from my point in time a passenger jet twin engines on the tail further it went way out of my reach what a thought it came to me, passengers within, like mitochondria, vacuoles, cytoplasm and such contained within our cells, yet, so far out of reach unseen but there large to small micro to macro the ultra small it has depth, breadth and height how can it be but, it is the speck of jet, pin prick small and getting more so with each passing second i stare in amazement as if a deaf and mute of my view, this jet a model of anything else physical of our world, so incredibly tiny without dimensions from this point in time invisible now, yet, each mechanism each reaction way out of my reach, still all functions without me or you, like breathing involuntarily like digesting our food we don't even think about it, we just breathe, without thought the jet disappeared into the eastern sky within the dimension of atmosphere though its engines' roars still emitting there, its rivets an’ bolts, crafted of countless stages of created alloys, built by forces, by brain by action reactions untold, over time perfectly placed twists an’ turns of internal wires up, under and below through and around, copper and gold thin and thick, crafted by mind mind of man, like the number of grains of sand in the beaches of all beaches in all our known universe thousands of miles is their length and guided by hand of man each in their own designed place of space like you an' me no accidents electrons’ flow at speed of light, faraday laws of wonder and then some, borne of countless years’ past an’ present invention innovation, trial and error, experimentation, human flesh awake at night at sleep at play in the fray of life and death struggle drama and vice and such, research and development lives lost in the transactions somewhere out of my sight thousands fly all over the world's sky they sit on their seats people like you and me hurling through the air the passengers' thoughts on myriad subjects the least of them on the craft's functions wilbur and oroville would flip their lids given a chance they’d take control, they’d swoon at the knowledge from kitty hawk to our aerospace on land an’ aircraft carrier sea borne of the mind of man our passenger jet never mind our submerged atomic submarines, fully contained, "you can even walk down the aisle, wilbur" the computers partners at the helm comprised of golden circuits microprocessors diodes and chips all contained in that speck in the sky, like the unseen cells in our bodies within how is it that you question not, the creations of man, just acceptance, like his philosophies, pertaining to eternal life and such, that God does not exist that all in the universe the seen and unseen, just by chance just brought itself into creation as in the theory of evolution just confusion, i took another sip of the primordial soup and considered, Colossians 1:15 the Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation 16 for in him all things were created things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for him 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together © 2019 RuseInex |
Added on February 17, 2019 Last Updated on February 17, 2019 AuthorRuseInexFresno, CAAboutI was born in obscurity Outside a small country town’s limits In a plank shack I kept a few memories That come into my head That i still carry around That i visit now and then The dust .. more..Writing