It lay impregnated with clay and broken shale, embedded in its lair of dense blackness, like its wicked heart where no singular photon of light existed or ever entered. Deep was the monster's crypt, the cavern's deepest fissure, resulted from man's intrusive search for lead, depleted uranium. Like this ore, the monster walked earth millions of years ago when lead was still uranium. Both were created in a time when the forlorn Panamint Mountains of Death Valley were lush, dense forests like idyllic Eden. One was destined to be mined; the other for an assault on those who mined their own estate.
Like the dense metal itself the creature lay in dormant sleep. It slumbered cold, alone for eons, its fate sealed due its role in rebellion against his creator and crown of creation's glory- man.
Were it not for an earthquake which random struck, or so it seems, the creature would have slumbered in its banishment. The quake's rumble emanated a quick, 7.7 on Richter's Scale, epicentered 2.5 miles under the desert. The sealed tomb cracked loud like the thunder which rampant wild ran a mile above earth's crust of rock. And still it lay undisturbed.
To the eye that watches all that lives, its form was black like tar and dense like the same lead as sealed the creature. It reeked of sewage, like the putrid mix of cadaverine, that rotted flesh, decomposed in vats of sludge that festered. Flesh that smelled like a vulture's beak upon its carrion feast of death's decay.
It lay for weeks in its chained state. Not chains made by mortal's forge, but made by hands divine, angelic beings at God's behest to arrest this plague of demon's breadth.
Then the lighting storms came in their appointed time, replete with rain and jarring thunder that ripped the land with winds asunder. The flashes of ultra violet light emitted sent fear convulsions into the desert's beasts great and small.
The light reached deep into the cavern's maw, its ultra violet photon flecks bounced- reflected fast below into and through the fragmented fissure and struck the creature.
It stirred and heaved, and rough exhaled a sudden explosive breath and roared. 

     "Free at last. Due war's rebellion's tumult in the air and ground above; an earthquake sure did come. I roam again to stalk infest affect, their minds to torture maim and kill. To scorn and pillage, rape and take whatever is not mine that feeds me bloody thrill. To seek a host, one I detest the most, who also seeks to render hurt to those most innocent that seek to know of God. Fulfill my lust upon the weak."

The lightening ultra violet lights' photon particles, though dimly weak at such great depth had broken his binding chains. He shook them loose and rose from his ancient place. He crawled though chaotic morass, plied his way with wretchedness, sought revenge in blood. His every twitch of movement's urge made it to a moonlit surface, thorny plane. Surrounded by myriad cactii and scaled creatures of every nocturnal sort, he transformed himself to a specter's ilk of gaseous form, rising high into the frigid desert air.
By moon's light and evil's intent, he sought warm company of sleeping man or his progeny, lured by instinctive motive to resume his centuries old plunder. He came upon by stealth in flight, a lone cabin, solitary in the night and saw a woman sitting by a tree whose low hung branches caught the silken whiteness of the moon. Her face pale in his sight, allured his wicked lust to bite. Descending to her level, he cast his spell of crafty charm upon her breast and cleaved her heart with one fell stroke. She fell into his claws and screamed, his intent to take her to his hell.
From within the broken cabin shack a sleeping man awoke and took a bible from the shelf. He cast it high into the air and shouted, "Satan beware!" Your time appointed is now come, you are destined for the lake of fire!"
The eyes of the beast flared red, his fanged devilish mouth exuded putrid breath and dragon's fire that roared and burned the man's wife. He screamed in agony and flung his book, that's what it took. Without page or its binding harmed, the holy King James word struck upon the wild thing's scaled snout; it broke in pain of agony with a scream. Yet it failed to release its hold on the woman victim's waist. It dribbled sweat and spit upon her naked form, he'd ripped her flannel clothing's modesty, revealed her pink white skin, violated by his lustful breath, fed by wanton reptile's eyes.
Though in fiercely stinging pain by the man's projected missile; in his weakened state he took his leisure nonetheless to instigate his rape's intent until a flaming messenger of God intervened. The being of supernatural light assigned and sent from on high, rescued the lady, enveloped her in a sphere of heaven's plasma's orb, safely cocooned. Her wounds were mercifully attended by grace's healing touch; while she viewed the battle from within the cabin. 
The angelic one, strongly bold, used his gleaming sword to slash and gut the emissary from hell who'd left his own estate to raid the one assigned to man. Despite the evil creature's pleas for mercy, the angel cried, "Righteous justice, God's vengeance befalls another of Satan's own. By edict, I banish you to the bottomless pit until the appointed time, your final end to come, the eternal burning lake of fire!"
Thus the creature's moans were silenced as he lost his head with one fell swoop delivered. A fatal blow, cast away from this earth; the realm of man, redeemed estate; since his kind, their father is the prince of death, not of life, cannot die as mortals do, so temporally confined. 
The monster spirit being's time to wander earth, as his kind do to this day- closed by heaven's sword.