Sawtooth Peak// Mineral King California

Sawtooth Peak// Mineral King California

A Poem by RuseInex

Mountains are climbed for more reasons than because they are just there

She’s foreboding in an awesome
death titillating kind of way
like, as in, if i am to die perhaps
this would be the place
for her to take my life as i find myself
scrambling skittering with jagged bits of
particles’ ejections into prickly rarefied air
i’m high literally and figuratively, charged with an
adrenaline angst up the sharp spine of this killer ridge
sawtooth is seductive, 
she is has an alluring ominous slate grey side,
ripped, crevasse ’d, and cracked 
her beautiful northeast granite face 
albeit malevolent wears a 
perennially white snowy napkin in glacier’s cold
her chin is sloped sharply, wildly
straight skewed, dizzyingly far below me
her sensual sides are left of me - northeast;
her right side is southwest 
both i have fondled with my eyes
both precipitous, 
both candy i greedily engorge with hungry vision
she’s surreptitiously slight slipped and straight 
on both her sides, she’s gorgeous
she’s sexually appealing, 
she’s danger’s mystique
the girl next door in my fresno backyard
she calls me in wilderness intrigue,
“c’mon over here, just a little closer”
with a sinister pull of sensuality, arousing, 
she stands high towered, naked and raw 
her designated secluded space in time
she lies, a scaled version of Mount Everest’s
halfway across the world for you and me
if you dare the risk for a crazy careless plunge, 
an instant acceleration’s drop 
to sudden euphoric death
in nature’s den, fully lit and witnessed by 
a glaring sun of high altitude ecstasy
“get yourself together, she’s a maneater”
an inner voice cautions me
“beauty beguiles, a slight slip of enraptured mind’s flight
and you will fall into her arms”
a trance like euphoria descends and prevails
i vaguely recall
the mountain peak killer’s kinetic energy’s draws
me nonetheless to this highest top 
of this part of the world’s spring loaded 
potential plummet 
a personal carnal wreckage prospect
a bursting, cracking, spurting
blood pumping, vein tearing 
ripping flesh and fracturing bones . . .
“be care . . . fu .  .  . ll!”
A Scream, . . . 
Not mine
through clenched teeth . . . “noooooo!”
i know such a one, her victim
my friend
he who broke every rib except one
he broke a clavicle, and one side of his pelvis 
a crushing fall, his descent 
she foiled his return from her 14,000 foot crown
her saw’s tooth summit,
her jagged rocks did their harm
then feigned a phony benevolence, 
her futile stab of covert mercy stinted 
ruggedly stopped my friend’s unconscious flesh
from further fall by yet another brutal hindrance -
she abruptly stopped his careening fall
and cradled him close to brink of death,
his would be corpse
kept alive for her pleasure, l
ike cat and mouse
on her hard mineral skin, so cold 
sawtooth lapped thirstily
my fallen friend’s bright red splotches
she proudly sported, wore his speckles
his precious living human blood
she savored the sprayed foam of his punctured lungs 
those  gurgled bubbles, white, wet shiny
on her mineral tongues
in the glaring sun
my moans of agony muffled 
which she sawtooth sent
via her cruel condescending condolences
i still hear echoing 
her reverberations of a rock’s heartless mockery
amidst frantic satellite phone’s pleas’
calls of distress, mercy calls for human’s aide
deliverance from sawtooth’s harm
until helicopter help arrived 
sawtooth sierra nevada peak
she’s appropriately named
her teeth are sharp; 
she’s widow maker’s peak 
of the sierra nevada’s spine
a razor’s edge climb
her prize is in reaching the top;
her summit point
the rub is a friend’s fall
shattered bones and a 3 month coma

© 2016 RuseInex

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Added on January 3, 2016
Last Updated on March 18, 2016



Fresno, CA

I was born in obscurity Outside a small country town’s limits In a plank shack I kept a few memories That come into my head That i still carry around That i visit now and then The dust .. more..

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