Captain's Cyborg Libido

Captain's Cyborg Libido

A Poem by RuseInex

Stranded space traveler lonely for fellow human company

Solis, the unfortunate space explorer
had drifted aimlessly in space, 
drifting in and out of sleep
computer crashes, reboots
system failures lost in space
spaceship radio transmission SOS
to Earth to spacecraft 450 minutes
rescue impossible
Solis space castaway time presently
15 years sustained, self-contained
electronic mechanical marvel 
technology’s boon of space travel comfort
plush amenities excepting one:
Solis’ mental physiological state has suffered 
loss of human companionship
weight of loneliness equivalent to
metaphorical g’s
equivalent to neuron damage
equal to psychological harm
Solis awakens, mind focus on
hungers human presence, 
female form 
feminine voice, mind, touch
electron virtual images fail 
Captain Solis craves created 
fully functioning female human
onboard computers fail: programmed with
artificial intelligence nanotech applications 
cold infinite incapability of human company, 
devoid of female soul spirit,
human woman: comprised, formed, created 
of organic cognitive indefinable 
God breathed attributes of life
Solis distracts by light glow outside his spacecraft
ponders his intergalactic location field of vision,
constellation Virgo 260 light years distant 
is steady, beautiful, 
like a woman,
unwavering, shining heat,
ultra-blue whiteness, young stars
unreachable, his mortality screams
Virgo 260 LY, light years constellation distant 
light speed 186,000 miles per second
Solis’ spacecraft speed 25 miles per second
1,935 years future Solis’ arrival
physics unattainable
Solis’ mind drifts back to loneliness
for female presence
“I will never live 260 years to Virgo
Spacecraft lurches,
calamitous course, gyroscopic functions erratic
intermittent pulses, inner ear, cranial spinning dizziness
Solis marvels computers’ self-correction, guidance
“I would trade the rest of my life for 24 hours of 
sweet love of a woman”
overwhelming computer hum 
synthetic comfort, his mind wanders 
exhaustion sleep 
computer biorhythm clock wakens him 
Solis senses presence near console behind him
Electroencephalographic register, 
a shadowy figure appears suddenly, 
eyes glowing reddish bright
his heart monitor displays a hyper beat, 
his brain presses tightly against his cranium
who shall move first?
“who are you?” Solis inquires
Intruder remains silent
Solis rises from his control seat
shadowy figure glides toward the ship’s hatch lock 
the intra-chamber exit/entrance tube
Solis warns, “don’t do that.”
Intruder telepathically interfaces with astronaut’s brain waves
“I was teleported here erroneously, I wish you no harm. I will depart.”
“But it’s not necessary.”
Solis’ loneliness overwhelms him. He senses no threat.
he senses, “intrusive creature willing to leave, 
must be benign”
“You don’t have to rush off”
“Come here, please sit. We can talk.”
life form human like
sinister due shadowy nature,
life form slides, legless,
lower body portion floats 
slightly above spacecraft floor 
lower body form resembles woman’s skirt
although no fabric
life form approaches,
translucent, glowing grey, 
face is feminine, humanlike 
features exotic alien, 
beautiful, glowing softly, 
Pastel neon light cheek bones, 
Eyes cat like, wide blinking inquisitively, 
benignly, femininely
Solis captures her eyes with his
devours her mentally, ravenously 
ravishes her form,
his previous perception affronting his senses 
was that of male form
though alien in appearance, 
Solis definitively affirms creature’s pheromone scent
fully female, buttressed by physical attributes
exceeding his most optimistic expectations, 
for she is lithe, curvaceously endowed, 
possessing breast like protrusions 
endowed to his delight with 
round overlays and inlays strategically located along
various planes of her horizontal longitudinal axis
intersecting subtlety 
Solis is erotically smitten
She is within arm’s reach now affirming femininity
“where were you headed?” he asks
female form, “outside of your capsule.”
Solis, “why?”
Intruder easily masters human communication skills
“outside, that my ship’s transponders may 
target, pinpoint my coordinate plane for rescue 
said signal is lost within your ship.”
“but you’ll die outside.”
“what is die?”
Solis overwhelmed with her feminine voice, 
creature voice is audible wonder 
far beyond capability of 
synthetic speech
Solis ventures explanation: “you will die, cease to exist.”
“I will not cease to exist. My substance of atoms is self-sustaining
my life is drawn from our creator
I will never cease existence
I cannot, as you stipulate, die
outside your craft, I am fully functional”
Solis ponders speechless, “won’t absolute zero cause your molecular framework 
complete freeze, stillness 
of electrons in all your atoms?”
fair creature receives his signal,
“my race is unaffected,”
“I must exit your craft”
Solis reasons audibly,
“seems trivial you can’t trans materialize 
through my craft’s metal wall?”
Solis transfixed with alien lady’s response
she alters telepathic communique with audible decibels
Her voice is mesmerizingly feminine,
“doing so would cause your spacecraft to implode, 
dematerializing is out of the question, 
my atoms would not reassemble correctly
I would be reduced in size, 
distorted and function as quadriplegic”
Solis experiences mental orgasm: “don’t go, 
I mean, please stay”
“Why do you ask me to stay?”
“I guess I’m lonely.
“I understand,
“You are alone,
“Alone is not good,
Do you need assistance in return to Earth?”
“I will help you in that matter”
“I must return to my mother ship in order to do so
"Then I will assist your return”
Solis pleads, “Will you stay awhile before you leave?”
Her pheromones fill, encapsulate his nostrils
She responds with supreme benevolence, “I have time to stay.”
creatures’ pheromones mix to 
incandescence close proximities
Solis loss of self-control, 
verge of unconsciousness again
She lifts him gently with 
psychokinetic energy
loneliness has had it’s toll, 
weakened his mental restraints to oblivion
He reaches out his hand 
near her armrest,
humming of his spacecraft’s mighty engines 
a monotonous blur of sound
Solis’ mind spirit merging with hers, 
former intruder
unresistingly she yields, 
he acquiesces 
She sits next to him, fluid movements like melting wax
solidifying at his touch
audibly again she speaks,
“Now what would you like to talk about?”

© 2015 RuseInex

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Added on December 6, 2015
Last Updated on December 6, 2015



Fresno, CA

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