Binary Bitchslap

Binary Bitchslap

A Poem by Robert Wilson

The internet is just another tool for a humanity so cruel

Megan Meier hung herself
After an ambiguous puppet
Drove her mad

Kevin Whitrick soon followed
While being egged on by
A group of faceless acquaintances

The rest of us are having mental ejaculations
Watching fat men dancing to
�Dragostea din tei�
And spoiled suburban kids
Whining about a blonde w***e

Humanity has taken its stupidity
And poured it onto the virtual

We will beat each other with
Cyber woe
Until that rope invites us
Into its playful embrace

You can't be nice
You can't be mean
You can't express yourself
Without suffering a binary bitchslap

And you can't be human
Without destroying someone else's

© 2008 Robert Wilson

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Thanks for sharing Robert, great write.

'binary bitchslap' - The thing about ones and zeros is all computers use them.

I think what most people forget is we all sit behind a computer to communicate online. The online space we exist in finite. Nobody moves when communicating, yet there are acts committed based on the assumption we can simply disappear or pretend someone does not exist anymore.
The human condition can be exposed without retribution and that in itself is an act of cruelty. If bitten, I can only suggest people have the faith to let go and allow the conscience of those cruel individuals to be their guide... and master. Personally, I don't forget that easy.

Q. If two people are at opposite ends of the earth, how far apart are they?
A. The same.


Posted 16 Years Ago

love the last three lines... it's cruel, but it is true. =)

Posted 16 Years Ago

That was pretty trippy. If there was a point to it, it went over my head. But I liked the read.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I don't agree, being ever the optimist, and dreamer, I suppose.
But I do agree in the free range of power people wield with their opinions on the web, and that careless negativity can trigger further needless harm.
I guess we all have to protect ourselves. And listen to caution, as I find in your words.
Thanks for sharing, and thinking - making me think.
Sparky read :-)

Posted 16 Years Ago

I know that nothing is perfect, but this is damn close to it. THANK YOU! VERY good piece you have here.

Posted 16 Years Ago

And you can't be human
Without destroying someone else's

great final thats full of realism. well done my friend

Posted 16 Years Ago

My goodness .. powerful stuff..............

Posted 16 Years Ago

yikes. well put out. i agree whole heartedly. the cyber world is out there and people are taking advantage of it in the wrongs ways.

the last stanze:
"And you can't be human
Without destroying someone else's

what a chilling phrase. well done.
thanks for sharing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

ouch. that last verse is KILLER.

'Humanity has taken its stupidity
And poured it onto the virtual
Highway "

that's another great verse. geeze this is really great my dear.
these thougths have been really rampant lately, and people have been concerned. a couple people have come to me and asked about my thoughts on this subject - as a younger teacher in teh school system. and it's quite the topic of conversation... and such cruelty is just so ridiculous and saddening.

really great piece

Posted 16 Years Ago

So powerful. I do find some truth in this. People can be so mean, especially when they have the false anonymity of the Internet to hide behind. It's tragic, really. Perhaps even more tragic is that some people treat the Internet as their real life rather than as a tool and as entertainment. Sure, you meet some interesting people online and true friendships can develop, but it's not a substitute for living your life.

That said, I like the phrase "binary bitchslap." It works so well within the context of this poem. I love the way you addressed this subject; it's one that should receive more attention than it currently does. More people should read this. Great work here. Word choice, flow and tone are all superb.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Added on April 8, 2008


Robert Wilson
Robert Wilson

Morgantown, WV

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