'Man's inhumanity to Man' becomes a more than crass quote after reading this superbly written tragedy, Truth. You know, this is a piece that ought to be added to the Christmas collab to remind people that history isn't all three kings offering exotic spices to a beautiful heart laid in a manger. Sighing, sad.. more than. Superb.
'.. for the innocence and the red .. of the blood they shed I pray .. before the cross in agony. '
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you, Emmajoy, for reading and reviewing, glad you liked it. Can you tell me how this poem can .. read moreThank you, Emmajoy, for reading and reviewing, glad you liked it. Can you tell me how this poem can be added to the Christmas collab? I've seen a message but I can't find it anymore. :) Rudi
Rudi, i can't release the words when i press 'read more' - consequently can't add more to my review .. read moreRudi, i can't release the words when i press 'read more' - consequently can't add more to my review at present.
9 Years Ago
Ah, tried again and can read your words now. If i may will add it for you, just let me know if that'.. read moreAh, tried again and can read your words now. If i may will add it for you, just let me know if that's permissable, please.
9 Years Ago
Not a problem, Emma, would be happy if you do. Have a good weekend. :) Rudi
'Man's inhumanity to Man' becomes a more than crass quote after reading this superbly written tragedy, Truth. You know, this is a piece that ought to be added to the Christmas collab to remind people that history isn't all three kings offering exotic spices to a beautiful heart laid in a manger. Sighing, sad.. more than. Superb.
'.. for the innocence and the red .. of the blood they shed I pray .. before the cross in agony. '
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you, Emmajoy, for reading and reviewing, glad you liked it. Can you tell me how this poem can .. read moreThank you, Emmajoy, for reading and reviewing, glad you liked it. Can you tell me how this poem can be added to the Christmas collab? I've seen a message but I can't find it anymore. :) Rudi
Rudi, i can't release the words when i press 'read more' - consequently can't add more to my review .. read moreRudi, i can't release the words when i press 'read more' - consequently can't add more to my review at present.
9 Years Ago
Ah, tried again and can read your words now. If i may will add it for you, just let me know if that'.. read moreAh, tried again and can read your words now. If i may will add it for you, just let me know if that's permissable, please.
9 Years Ago
Not a problem, Emma, would be happy if you do. Have a good weekend. :) Rudi
Rudi, you brought such pain to my heart as I read your words. It covers centuries of death of the innocent and some of the most evil come to my mind as I read your words. I am saddened for it happening and feel sadness and pain for those that have had to bear witness to such suffering.
Thank you for sharing this truth. Peace Out.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you, Willard, sad times indeed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this poem. :) Rudi
what a powerful sentiment and emotive for me for sure .. sometimes i think if anyone ever even got the tiniest peek at God's sorrow over mankind .. it would completely undo the person ..in every way ... just too much and humans can not bare it ... speaking of bare it ..for some reason i wanted it to be bared in this line "their teeth bare in fear" not sure if there is a correct choice .. just wanted to read it that way ... great pic ..very fitting .. being compassionate and having a thirst for justice are attributes your poem reminds me to strive for .. and gratitude .. on this very appropriate day ..for sufferings i am spared of ..
Powerful thoughts and description left the reader with something to think about.
"for what has been I grieve,
never has tomorrow been so dead,
as in my dreams I cry"
The above lines. Made me wish to know more. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you, John. It could have been a vision someone had of the things now are happening in the worl.. read moreThank you, John. It could have been a vision someone had of the things now are happening in the world. A vision that maybe is two centuries old. I'll let you think on it. :) Rudi
stunning poetry Rudi, enjoyed the reading very much :)
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you, Richard, a bit morbid or black poetry, but some days it happens to be the only one that l.. read moreThank you, Richard, a bit morbid or black poetry, but some days it happens to be the only one that leaves my pen. :) Rudi
I'm from Belgium. English is not my native language, but I like to read English poems and books. I have written a lot of Dutch poems during the last forty years. With some of them I've got prizes in B.. more..