Triptych: Horizon

Triptych: Horizon

A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

1. Overseas (Overzee) 2. Wind ( Wind) 3. Night (Nacht) brought by the Dutch 'Pius Choir' conducted by Peter Lejaeghere, my brother (composer-musician) Thank you for reading and listening.




Ze glijden verder over zee


gedachten in een handvol wit



af en toe

plukt de wind

wat woorden mee

en dreunen golven

verzen op


zo ver

zo wijd

zo wild


ik verwacht hen morgen

aan de horizon

in de branding

en op het strand


hoor hun rijmen ruisen

in de schelpen

op het zand.







klieft wind de lucht,

ontsnapt gezwind

de armen van de bomen,

lachend giert hij

op de vliering van de zolder.


Zijn kille adem

schrijft met vleugels

warme woorden

in een witte nevel

dampend weg.


Dartel speelt hij door de takken

als een jonge hond en springt

het blad gevallen na.



wacht hij soms op een bries

die hem bevrijden zal

uit de luwte van z'n kooi.





Een kraai vliegt langs

en krast

de kantjes van de dag

in avond af.

De nacht wiekt zwart

van boom naar boom,

zijn grens is schaduw,

zijn nest is graf.


Een kraai vliegt langs

en krast

de restjes slaap

naar wakker weg.

Het donker spiegelt angst

in oog en oor,

tot 's morgens,

bij het eerste kraaien,

de geesten weer vervagen.

English version


They’re sailing further overseas


thoughts sent away

in a handful of white


now and then

the wind is whispering

some of the words

and the waves are rumbling

through the verses


so far

so wide

so wild


I suspect them tomorrow

at the horizon

in the wave breakers

stranded on the beach



how their rhymes rustle

in the shells

and on the sand.


…Free as a bird,

the wind splits the air,

escaping in a rapid way

the arms of the trees,

laughing he shrieks

on the garret of the attic.


His chilly breath

writes with wings

warm words

evaporating away

in the haze.


Frolic it plays through the branches

as a young dog and jumps

after the fallen leaves.



it waits sometimes on a breeze

that will free him

out of the lee of his cage…


A crow is flying by

and caws the little edges off the day

in evening away.


Night is crawling black from tree to tree,

his limit is the shadow

his nest is down the grave.


A crow is flying by

and caws the rest of sleep

into so wide awake.


The dark is mirroring fear

in open and behind the sleepy eyes


until in the morning

with the first crowing

the ghosts are gone again.


© Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere



© 2015 Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

Author's Note

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere
1. Overseas (Overzee)
2. Wind ( Wind)
3. Night (Nacht)

brought by the Dutch 'Pius Choir' conducted by Peter Lejaeghere (my brother, composer, musician)

Thank you for reading and listening.

My Review

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Featured Review

Heel mooie! The first poem sets the scene and the second seems to foreshadow and carry the third which you added. I find it very interesting how you combine Overseas with Wind and Night, as if the sails were set on a shore in the evening, yet without knowing if the boats are headed to or away from the harbor, either way one knows the eyes are set on the Horizon. I also like how the last stanza of each poem ties in together speaking about something being there, but it has no name, it is like a rustle in a shell, waiting on a breeze, that disappears with the morning. You combine images of light and dark so well, and thank you for sharing your poems in both Dutch and English, really wonderful!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Dank je wel, Nadia. Thank you very much, for reading and such a beautiful review. :) Rudi


Heel mooie! The first poem sets the scene and the second seems to foreshadow and carry the third which you added. I find it very interesting how you combine Overseas with Wind and Night, as if the sails were set on a shore in the evening, yet without knowing if the boats are headed to or away from the harbor, either way one knows the eyes are set on the Horizon. I also like how the last stanza of each poem ties in together speaking about something being there, but it has no name, it is like a rustle in a shell, waiting on a breeze, that disappears with the morning. You combine images of light and dark so well, and thank you for sharing your poems in both Dutch and English, really wonderful!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Dank je wel, Nadia. Thank you very much, for reading and such a beautiful review. :) Rudi
wow this is so beautiful....stunning combinations!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Sereena, for reading and reviewing. Have a good day. :) Rudi
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Oh Rudi...this is so beautiful! The poetry that is the music, as the music is the poetry

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Lynn, for your nice words, very appreciated. Have a good day. :) Rudi
Oh this Is fantastic! I prefer the Dutch version though.....:) English is my second language too, but I am sure you will understand my first language (Afrikaans)

Uitstekende gedig! Het my laat dink aan Vivaldi se vier seisoene! :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much SleeplessVolcano. Bedankt voor je mooie commentaar. Groetjes van uit België. :.. read more
Brilliant work Rudi to you and your brother The Wind is a masterpiece, thanks for the share :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much, Richard, for the nice comment. Have a good day, my friend. :) Rudi
It's a masterpiece Rudi, the best I've read in last few days. I wish I could write something like this, someday maybe. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Thanks, Sanjh, a really great compliment. Really appreciated. :) Rudi
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I truly love this work of art. The music and your words.....

A very unique write
My favorite is the Wind

…Free as a bird,
the wind splits the air,

The wind is free

You hit all my senses
I am high lol

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

I'm very glad reading your words, Nisreen. The Wind is also my fovorite. :) Rudi
Really enjoyed inclusion of the Dutch, it brings such diversity to this piece. Also loved the music. Those ghosts come and go, and they haunt us, and there isn't much we can do to prevent it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Thank you FT for reading and listening. :) Rudi
we try to write out those ghosts....but they linger....
there is beauty and sadness both contained in your words, Rudi...

love this trio of thoughts.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

thank you, jacob, really appreciated. :) Rudi
Spectacular! What a treat! Both music and words are just wonderful. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Ana Sophia. I sign for the words, but for the music the honor goes to my brother. :) Rud.. read more
Matching Socks

9 Years Ago

A wonderful collaboration. :)

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 3, 2015
Last Updated on June 5, 2015


Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere
Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

Wingene, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

I'm from Belgium. English is not my native language, but I like to read English poems and books. I have written a lot of Dutch poems during the last forty years. With some of them I've got prizes in B.. more..


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