![]() Fire Mare (Based of my fanfic) Spoilers-Ish.A Poem by Ruby Pokedex
Fire Mare, Fire Mare.
Brunette mane Blue-Eyed stare. This world would not get anywhere If it wasn't for the fire mare. Fire Mare, Fire Mare. Lost Past. Always scared. Nopony Knows where she came from or why she is the Fire Mare. Fire Mare, Fire Mare. Takes her creatures everywhere. One a dragon, one a bird. Two of names nopony has heard. Both spit fire both have claws. They have the species name "Pokemon" Fire Mare, Fire Mare. With the Ruby bracelet that you wear. Speaks to me, Speaks to you. It can only be removed by a titan true. Fire Mare, Fire Mare. Fiery Flames used by this mare can turn out in victory or destruction causing fear in this Fire Mare. Fire Mare, Fire Mare. Spoilers here, Spoilers there. I'm sorry for putting that there in a poem about the Fire Mare. (Like you care!) Fire Mare, Fire Mare. Brunette Mane Blue eyed-stare. This world is protected by equestria's own Fire Mare.
© 2015 Ruby PokedexAuthor's Note
Added on January 25, 2015 Last Updated on January 26, 2015 AuthorRuby PokedexWu Kai Sha, Hong Kong New Territory, Hong KongAboutAHAHAHA OH GOD. WHAT IS UP GAMERS. I decided to look back on some old writing accounts and oh my GOD. I'm shaking and crying. This is the epitome of my 13 year old stupidity. Shaking. and. crying. .. more..Writing