![]() About AlchemyA Story by Roxxi![]() Some medieval alchemists summoned demons to assist them in their discoveries. Others may have been connected by extraterrestrials. The knowledge was passed on by certain secret societies today.![]() The essence of medieval alchemy lay in the belief that certain incantations and rituals could persuade or command angelic beings to change base metals into precious ones. The seven principal angels whose favor the alchemist sought were Michael, who supposedly could transmute base metals into gold and dissolve any enmity directed towards the alchemist; Gabriel, who fashioned silver and foresaw the future; Samual, who protected against physical harm; and Raphael, Sachiel, Ansel and Cassiel, who created various gems and guarded the alchemist from attack by negative entities. Members of the clergy were skeptical that the alchemists were truly calling upon angels, rather than demons in disguise, and they recalled the words of the church father Terturllian (c. 160-240), who confirmed earlier beliefs that the "sons of God" referred to in Genesis were evil corrupters who bequeathed their wisdom with the sole intention of seducing them to mundane pleasures. Some students of the history of alchemy have stated that crumbling, yellow records of the alchemists remain in dusty libraries more than 100,000 ancient volumes written in a code that has never been sufficiently deciphered. Evidence disinterred from the alchemists' libraries in Europe suggests that certain medieval and Renaissance practitioners conducted experiments with photography, radio transmission, phonography, and aerial flight, as well as the endless quest to transmute base metals to gold. If individuals of exceptional intellect, power, and wealth actually achieve a high degree of technical accomplishment several centuries ago, perhaps alien life forms established an alliance with some of them being worthy of receiving the benefits of extraterrestrial super science. Perhaps we have early instances in which the mysterious Men in Black (MIB) visited a select number of earth scientists. On December 27, 1666 when Johann Friedrich Schweitzer, called Helvetius, was working in his study at The Hagus, a stranger attired all in black appeared and informed him that he would remove all Helvetius' doubts about the existence of the legendary philosopher's Stone that could serve as the catalyst to change base metals into gold. The stranger immediately drew from his pocket a small ivory box containing three pieces of metal the color of brimstone and, for their size, extremely heavy. The man proclaimed that with these three bits of metal, he could make as much as twenty tons of gold. Helvetius, examined the pieces of metal, taking opportunity of a moment's distraction to scrape off a small portion with his thumbnail. Returning the metal to is mysterious visitor, he asked that he perform the process of transmutation before him. The stranger answered firmly that he was not allowed to do so. It was enough that he verified the existence of the metal to Helvetius. It was his purpose only to offer encouragement to alchemical experiments. After the man's departure, Helvetius procured a crucible and a portion of lead in which, when the metal was in a molten state, he threw the stolen grain he had secretly scraped from the stranger's Stone. The alchemist was disappointed when the grain evaporated and left the lead in it's original state. Some weeks later, when he had almost forgotten the incident, Helvetius received another visit from the stranger. This time the man transmuted several ounces of lead in gold. Then he permitted Helvetius to repeat the process by himself, and the alchemist converted six ounces of lead into very pure gold. Later Helvetius demonstrated the power of the philosopher's stone in the presence of the Duke of Orange and many other prestigious witnesses. After repeated demands for such incredible demonstrations, Helvetius exhausted the small supply of catalyst pieces that he had received from the mysterious visitor. Search as he might, he could not find the man in all of North Holland or learn his name-nor did the stranger visit him again. An increasing number of UFO investigators firmly believe that certain secret societies behind our terrestrial power structures have been communicating with alien intelligence and receiving guidance from them. Some theorists go so far as to declare that every major improvement in our culture, our science, our technology-literally every major turn humankind has taken throughout history-rersulted from this behind the scenes alien manipulation. Principal amount these secret societies, and the group most often named as the conduit for alien control of world governments, is the Illuminati, founded in 1776 by a German law professor named Adam Weishaupt. Persistent researchers claim to have trace the history of the Illuminati back to the ancient Temple of Wisdom in Cairo. Albertus Magnus (c. 1193-1280), bishop of Ratisbon, who achieved the transmutation of base metals into gold by means of the philosopher's stone. Magnus is also credited with other extraordinary accomplishments, including the invention of the pistol and the cannon. In addition, he reportedly was able to exert control over atmospheric conditions, once even transforming a cold winter's day into a pleasure summer's afternoon so he and his guest could dine comfortably outside. Tradition has it the Magnus bequeathed the philosopher's stone to his distinguished pupil Saint Thomas Aquinas; but once the devout Aquinas had it in his possession, he destroyed it, fearful that the accusations of Magnus' having comuned with Satan might be true. Many other alchemists, although never witnessed the legendary philosopher's stone, achieved discoveries of lasting value to humanity. Ramon Llull (1235-1315) was credited with the discovery in 1275 of ethoxythane (ether); Paracelsus (1493-1541) was the first to discover zinc and various chemical compounds in medicine; Blaise de Vigenere (1523-96) discovered benzoic acid. Discoveries increased during the Renaissance, when such men as Basil Valentine (fifteenth century) discovered sulphuric acid and Johann Friedrich Boetticher (1682-1719) became the first Europian to produce porcelain. If an ancient secret society of alchemists and alien super scientists developed a technology that they have managed to keep hidden from outsiders, the matter of perpetual debate is whether the Secret Ones are benevolently guiding us to a time when they can share their accomplishments more openly or are merely awaiting the appropriate moment to conquer the entire world.
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