The goal of both fiction and poetry is to make the reader react emotionally, as-an-entertainment for that reader.
In this piece, given that the reader doesn't know the one speaking, even to gender and age, and doesn't know what drove them to speak (or who they're speaking to) what can that reader say but, "Aww...poor baby." But isn't the purpose to make the reader know how you feel? And to do that, what works best, to grumble to the reader about someone the reader knows nothing about, or make the reader BECOME you and so experience what you do?
What you've written is you venting, in a way that's seen in lots of high school lit mags, where young poets cry that love is pain, and betrayal is inevitable. Teen aged girls, just learning to handle the emotions racing through them do it so often it's been called the dismal damsel poem.
Writing this was good therapy for you, because it gets the emotion out there where you can process it, and put it behind you. But because it's so personal it resonates only with someone in a like situation.
Do a search for poetry on depression. There are lots of sites, and if nothing else you'll find that you're far from alone, or unique in how you feel.
This page is about anxiety, depression's favorite cousin.
I thought several of the poems showed a good grasp of how to make the reader feel an empathetic connection to the poet.
Hope this helps
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
This is poetry though? If this is what the poet feels, then this is a masterpiece! i enjoyed this po.. read moreThis is poetry though? If this is what the poet feels, then this is a masterpiece! i enjoyed this poem. There is no "right" way to write in my opinion
9 Years Ago
Thank you for the help Jay (Sorry if this is going to Lilaa, I'm new so I might mess up) I'll check .. read moreThank you for the help Jay (Sorry if this is going to Lilaa, I'm new so I might mess up) I'll check the website.
9 Years Ago
You can never "mess up" when it comes to poetry. You did an excellent job, love! :)
Writing, of all kinds is a journey, not a destination, and we all proceed at our own pace. So compar.. read moreWriting, of all kinds is a journey, not a destination, and we all proceed at our own pace. So comparing yourself to another writer, to see if you're better or worse is wasted time. The key is, if you write a little better today than you did yesterday, and you live long enough...
9 Years Ago
There is no need to compare, every writer is unique in their own way.
Hi, My name is Rowen
I like to read, watch anime, and of course, write stories!
I'm currently learning Spanish at my school and self teaching myself Japanese.
I like learning languages, hate math .. more..