feather falling gracefully earthly bound thermal drifting slowed by clouds filled with tears of the sky gusty wind a whirling quick soft shadow drifting over broken sprits reaching fingers touches down found by a quill words flow poets eyes...
Beautiful work Rossen! You've really impressed me (and most likely so many others) with your wonderful works honoring and respecting other writers on this sit. You are showing all of us such kindness!
This is a beautiful tribute to Emily and well deserved at that. Thank you for all you do to show light and kindness here!
In the eye of the beholder, and when a poet beholds their will conceives a poetic verse, and you have captured this so poetically, the feather flows so light on the page, but can conjure a storm of emotion.
Wow... This is amazing, Rossen. The imagery was simply flawless and the way it had ended just took my breath away. I read this out loud a second time, much slower and found it even more riveting. "feather...falling gracefully..." Beautiful. Three words that captivated right from the start. Incredible tribute indeed. The inspiration is evident in each word. Truly perfect!
Beautiful work Rossen! You've really impressed me (and most likely so many others) with your wonderful works honoring and respecting other writers on this sit. You are showing all of us such kindness!
This is a beautiful tribute to Emily and well deserved at that. Thank you for all you do to show light and kindness here!