There is something so comforting about this write. To have a friend on whom you can depend even after death is to be a lucky soul. To have memories to share....special places you have visited that hold deep meaning for only the two of particularly wonderful in this life. While the words hold a message that is sad, it was a peaceful poem....and written with wonderful honesty. Lydi**
Rossen, this poem haunts me. The fact that your account opens and closes has us all wondering whether or not you've been hacked or really have passed, but this poem was so memorable, I used it in a tribute to you, my friend. We hope you are still among the land of the living. Take care.
Rossen, this is a wonderful, wonderful piece. You made a final request funny and touching, sweet and sensitive, with beautiful take the reader to this rock behind the restaurant. There is no room for tears and sorrow. You make it sound like your right there with your friend, there to celebrate the last adventure together. One last trip. I absolutely love this! I'm so thankful I signed up for WC so that I could find you and have the honor to read your work. Beautiful! I'll be thinking about this piece all day. It's positively haunting! 100/100
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Anne Pesacreta you...sweet you for this heart warming and memorable Review..
I've been to the Cliff House restaurant in San Francisco when I was growing up out there.. as haunted a feeling on those cliffs as your words bring forth in dark music, and memories of light.
I love the specificity, and the reflexive nature of the poem. 'please take me where we sat on that huge rock etched out by the crashing waves behind the Cliffhouse restaurant in San Francisco'. So simple and honest and unaffected, real. The craftsmanship of sound is effective and effortless, so unlabored. Good job
There is something so comforting about this write. To have a friend on whom you can depend even after death is to be a lucky soul. To have memories to share....special places you have visited that hold deep meaning for only the two of particularly wonderful in this life. While the words hold a message that is sad, it was a peaceful poem....and written with wonderful honesty. Lydi**
This is lovely... a meandering thought...
A sad, yet loving request, which brings a song to my mind...
"Somewhere only we know"~by Keane... I love that song...
Thank you for sharing your heart, dear Rossen~xoxo~:)
wow, i am really liking your words....there is so much realness...they feel like they just flow from the depths of you..
love the theme here...don't get all gloomy and depressed over my death, celebrate me and the life we had, keep me with me still as you did when i was alive.
smile for me, please.
Posted 10 Years Ago
I do like this so much Rossen, it's a snap-shot or a memory, or both, back and forward it seems,
Brilliant little details, your pen shows us, and those are the ones of a true poet, only one who can see them, write them out. I really enjoyed this piece of your library.
This reads like a last request from a man dying, it's heartbreaking yet warm in thoughts of someone that is/was dear and gave you many beautiful memories, so beautiful infact that you want to be tossed at the feet of them so you can blow away on the thought winds of your fondest memories.