![]() MR KETCHUP GOES FLYING ON A BANANA SKINA Chapter by ROSALIND![]() Trouble again for Mr Ketchup....![]()
The following morning Mr Ketchup decided
to rise early and catch clothes sale. It was 6 am in the morning and poor old Mr Ketchup thought he would begin his day with some left over porridge from the night before but O dearly me the flies made a right meal of it the night before, as Mr Ketchup forgot just one thing to put his left overs into the fridge O bother he muttered to himself just then the clock stuck 7am is that the time already he thought I'd better get a move on before i miss the bus to take me to Yellow market. Down down the steep hill he trotted and oh dear he'd forgot about just one thing he left his bus pass on the kitchen table. Poor old Mr Ketchup nothing seemed to go according to plan ![]() after trekking for some miles he decided to call it a day and made his way to the nearest coffee shop. At last about time too I am gasping on a hot drink and those sandwiches look yummy I will have egg with no mustard please and a large mug of tea with plenty of milk only one sugar thank you. lying on the floor at Mr ketchup feet lay a banana skin and you can guess what happened next? Mr ketchup took one step and forward he leaped, Oh my goodness Mr ketchup and the teacup took of like a flying saucer from outer space poor old Mr ketchup appeared to be in a daze just then both neaps and haggis seemed to come in the nick of time. out of nowhere. Look Mr ketchup you have had quite an ordeal for one day now we better get you home please don't worry we will take care of You what are friends for. As you can quite imagine Mr Ketchup was feeling rather annoyed with himself why is life so complicated he groaned to himself ... © 2012 ROSALIND |
Added on June 25, 2012 Last Updated on June 25, 2012 Author![]() ROSALINDEDINBURGH, lothian , United KingdomAboutHello my name is Rosalind and I first started writing poetry in April of 2011. I am a born again Christian and have a wonderful relationship with father God I would have never imagined for one second.. more..Writing