![]() MR KETCHUP'S UPS AND DOWNSA Chapter by ROSALIND![]() MR KETCHUP'S GETS INTO ALL SORT OF TROUBLES.....![]() Poor Mr Ketchup's Flower beds...A Story by ROSALIND![]() Trouble was waiting for Mr Ketchup at home![]()
At last
Wednesday morning had arrived and the men from Yellow market arrived to
cut Mr Ketchup's grass trim the lawn and also the hedge but their was
no sign of Mr Ketchup or his friends so the men
decided to just carry on with the grass cutting without his permission. Well that wasn't a good idea at all. So the work had began on his garden then the fun began..... The lawn mover lost control and ran over Mr Ketchup's flower bed. and it didn't look to good with hedge trimmer neither what a terrible job these work men made of the hedge. Oh I would t like to be in there shoes wait until Mr Ketchup gets back from his shopping trip. Meanwhile Red pepper and Haggis were trying to convince Mr Ketchup to buy the brown coat with the hood because winter wasn't far behind. and he already tried on heaps of trousers, most of them were not suitable and the rest to short in the leg He picked up the black trousers with the baggy legs. moments later Mr Ketchup appeared to still be busy with a pile of jumpers hanging on a clothes rail. There was lots of different bright colourful shirts on the rack behind, finally after hours of shopping Mr Ketchup had finished. Poor Mr Ketchup struggled to the counter, and gave a sigh of relief pew that was hard work. "I think we all deserve some lunch, said Haggis" "I am hungry to replied Neaps and Red pepper" meanwhile at the counter Mr Ketchup pulled out his wallet and pulled out some twenty pounds notes He had over spent a bit. Oh dear he did look a bit washed out after trailing around Yellow market He could t wait to get home and put his feet up and watch his favorite television program. He slowly dragged his sore feet up the steep hill and O my goodness You should of seen his face it looked like he was ready to explode like a rocket. Haggis Neaps and Red pepper looked at each other I think its time we were off " Look Mr Ketchup just leave it until tomorrow its been a very long day you know groaned Haggis. "Yes we are all rather tired replied Red Pepper. "Okay okay keep your hair on grumbled Mr Ketchup " But one thing is for sure I will be getting to the bottom of this in the morning..... MR KETCHUP'S FORGOTTEN BIRTHDAY.........A Story by ROSALIND![]() Mr Ketchup had quite forgotten what day it was...![]() as nobody remembered it was his birthday. and O dear tears began to roll down his cheeks like water from a tap, in fact he cried that much that he went through umpteen packs of tissues. His face looked like a big red quashed tomato. and if that wasn't bad enough his hair looked like he'd been dragged through a bush. O bother he moaned its no use feeling sorry for myself I am not getting any sympathy, from the cat neither. a wee while later after he had found his old torn rain coat and musty old wellingtons boots off he trotted down a steep hill to yellow market to buy himself something for his birthday. You see he just couldn't help himself Mr Ketchup had to be the cent re of attention and he certainly wasn't getting any from his friends had they forgotten all about Mr Ketchup's birthday.? well perhaps they might have,!!! wait a second what day is this is it Saturday Oh fiddle sticks this is Friday and it isn't my birthday until tomorrow Oh what a silly sausage I am he grunted to himself fancy that in that case I better put these things back, I won't be needing the presents anymore and I cannot afford to waste my money on pointless things. Knowing haggis and neaps they will probably spoil me rotten I knew something wasn't quite right it would be most unusual for Haggis and Neaps not to remember my birthday and who knows they might even throw in a surprise birthday party.. Mr Ketchup began to get very excited about is birthday at least he didn't appear to have a face like a quashed tomato. Oh dear Mr Ketchup You are such a funny person what are we going to do with you. ![]() The five legged spider "A Story by ROSALIND
BANG BANG THUD THUD CRASH CRASH. "Eek, Mr Ketchup woke up rather
started. Help Help,!! he shot out of bed and darted so quickly like an acrobatic on a trampoline however, His foot became trapped, between the wardrobe. well as you can imagine how painful it was for poor old Ketchup not a pretty sight. "Get me out of here he yelled." and when finally Haggis Neaps arrived just in the nick of time by Jove it saved his bacon I can tell you. "oh, My goodness me. "Whatever, has happened inquired his friends?" "well, You see "I heard an unexpected noise from the hallway, it may have----- been Tabby,my cat.I think its a possibility that he knocked over the trash can. "He sighed deeply," "You all wait here a minute until I come back"? meanwhile Mr Ketchup groaned my foot hurts Neaps "shouted, Yes it is definitely the cat". "That cat is a terrible nuisance," its just not probably housed trained, at all. "Far from it said Mr Ketchup." "The poor wee..thing, (sympathized) Neaps, "what a shame for Tabby" Really, "Mr Ketchup You ought not to be so selfish, you know.!! I'd better take him home to my place for now, okay"? "Come come now Mr ketchup." At this remark Mr Ketchup just frowned. "Good riddance, I am very glad to see the back of that cat" after that haggis attended to his friends foot of course he just gave him an awkward look. The very next day Mr Ketchup threw the curtains ajar and Oh my it looked dull and over cast and all of a sudden the hail stones hit the path like Goff stones that is so annoying he thought. and Oh how he hated the hail stones it wasn't his cup of tea absolutely not, He hadn't much of a choice as Haggis and his friend Neaps were picking him up in their rusty old banger, it would be lucky to make it to the surgery and back again. After a long visit to the doctors Mr Ketchup decided to have a cat nap, but just then a spider ran across his cover at top speed how crazy was that, but Mr Ketchup could spy it from the corner of his eye before it escaped he grabbed a jam jar and threw it over the poor legless wee thing. Well I never he thought this black ragged we thing has only five little hairy legs, aren't they supposed to have eight,!! Mr Ketchup felt really bad because, he acted rather hasty he uttered to himself. "If only I hadn't been so cruel the wee thing didn't stand a chance, "DID IT NOW" OH Red Pepper I have been so stupid haven't I," "Come on Mr Ketchup that is quite enough drama for one day. "Answered Red Pepper fetch your new red coat," "Okay Okay, stop fussing" and at this they both trotted down the road with the five legged spider to the vet. © 2012 ROSALINDMr Ketchups nasty cold .........A Story by ROSALIND![]() Mr Ketchup was up to no good ......![]()
Poor Mr Ketchup felt a bit under the weather today, his head hurt so bad and Oh dear he really felt so
ill. and suddenly he began sneezing so loudly a tissue he sneezed again." Haggis said I'd better get you back to bed,' before You sneeze anymore of these nasty germs all over the place." Mr Ketchup wasn't to pleased at haggis comment in fact he thought to himself he just wants to get rid of me, Ah well if that's the way he wants it. Mr Ketchup slid quietly back into bed and pulled over his moth eaten sheets. "Are you still in the huff with me shouted haggis," "I suppose not replied Mr Ketchup..." "Would you like me to make you a hot water bottle,? then" "Okay he moaned" ah tissue he sneezed again. Quickly he trotted down the stairs to make him a hot water bottle. just then Neaps arrived with Mr Ketchup's with a bottle of lemonade and his favorite comic called the beano. that put a big smile on his face suddenly he felt a little bit better. Well he certainly looked brighter " Glad to see you perking up a bit said Neaps" Perhaps in a little while we should head off "I better get my skates on interrupted Neap, I really need to get going to catch my bus to Yellow market its a long way and the shops will be closing soon. bye bye for now sighed Mr Ketchup ..... is there anything else " No answered Mr Ketchup nothing" "Well I will visit you in the morning about 10 o clock please leave the spare key underneath the brown mat okay" Okay he muttered..... Mr Ketchup's cheery mood began to ware off very quickly I think that Mr Ketchup rather liked his friends running after him fetching and carrying everything for him just because he had caught a nasty cold, he just pulled a fast trick on his friend's as he pulled out his sneezing powder from under his bed Mr Ketchup had the last laugh What do You think? Mr Ketchup's nasty cold .........A Story by ROSALIND![]() Mr Ketchup was up to no good ......![]()
Poor Mr Ketchup felt a bit under the weather today, his head hurt so bad and Oh dear he really felt so
ill. and suddenly he began sneezing so loudly a tissue he sneezed again." Haggis said I'd better get you back to bed,' before You sneeze anymore of these nasty germs all over the place." Mr Ketchup wasn't to pleased at haggis comment in fact he thought to himself he just wants to get rid of me, Ah well if that's the way he wants it. Mr Ketchup slid quietly back into bed and pulled over his moth eaten sheets. "Are you still in the huff with me shouted haggis," "I suppose not replied Mr Ketchup..." "Would you like me to make you a hot water bottle,? then" "Okay he moaned" ah tissue he sneezed again. Quickly he trotted down the stairs to make him a hot water bottle. just then Neaps arrived with Mr Ketchup's with a bottle of lemonade and his favorite comic called the beano. that put a big smile on his face suddenly he felt a little bit better. Well he certainly looked brighter " Glad to see you perking up a bit said Neaps" Perhaps in a little while we should head off "I better get my skates on interrupted Neap, I really need to get going to catch my bus to Yellow market its a long way and the shops will be closing soon. bye bye for now sighed Mr Ketchup ..... is there anything else " No answered Mr Ketchup nothing" "Well I will visit you in the morning about 10 o clock please leave the spare key underneath the brown mat okay" Okay he muttered..... Mr Ketchup's cheery mood began to ware off very quickly I think that Mr Ketchup rather liked his friends running after him fetching and carrying everything for him just because he had caught a nasty cold, he just pulled a fast trick on his friend's as he pulled out his sneezing powder from under his bed Mr Ketchup had the last laugh What do You think? MONDAY MORNING BLUES..FOR POOR OLD MR KETCHUP...A Story by ROSALIND![]() Mr Ketchup hated housework never mind decorating the house it just wasn't his cup of tea..................![]() MONDAY MORNING BLUES..FOR POOR OLD MR KETCHUP...
Monday morning blues, and poor old Mr. Ketchup. had a lot on his mind. The bedroom next door was in a utter mess, and as for his room, that remained to be seen. There were piles of boxes lying in a heap all over the floor. Oh for goodness sake, there wasn't room to move a muscle. Mr. Ketchup gave a loud sigh “O dear, why is life so complicated? I certainly won’t be able to sleep with this lot in my bedroom tonight.” Meanwhile the door bell kept on ringing. “O bother who is that now at the door?” It is Red pepper your cousin. He has very kindly come to help with clearing out in your spare bedroom. Then it will all be ready to decorate.” “I suppose so,” said Mr. Ketchup. “The more hands on deck the better. It will be finished in plenty of time. Red pepper you can make a start on that pile of junk and I will sort out the clothes.” A little while later Haggis and Neaps arrived with some floor cleaner and what was left of the chewed up mop. Haggis shouted “I will make us all a nice cup of tea and Neaps can you look for the chocolate cookies? Oh yummy for my tummy. Didn't you have any breakfast then?” “No,” replied Mr. ketchup. “Why is that?” Haggis asked, with his head turning away from Mr. Ketchup’s face. “I have forgot to do my Monday morning shopping. O Dear, poor old Mr Ketchup. What ever shall become of him? © 2012 ROSALINDPUFFING AND PANTING ALL THE WAY HOME .....POOR OLD MR KETCHUPA Story by ROSALIND![]() What an evening it had been for poor old Mr Ketchup and his friends .![]()
"Lets all take a trip down to Yellow-field market to buy some
shopping, answered Red pepper the cousin of haggis " "Oh do get a move on complained Mr Ketchup its nearly 5 o'clock and its getting very dark outside I shan't be able to see without my glasses, "He moaned..... A little while later they were all struggling up the bum-pie road. "How much longer now replied Mr Ketchup," his feet were killing him and looked so washed out and definitely ready to put his feet up and watch his favorite television program called the daisy family. "Pew at last said Mr Ketchup with a big sigh of relief" "You sit now haggis and Red Pepper, and let me be mother for a change" At last every-one sat down slipping their tea Mr ketchup had a bad habit of dipping his biscuits into his tea and making an awful mess of his jumper. "Oh really do You have to eat your biscuit like that it is very rude of you. A little while later and he apologized for his behavior. Far away over the hill gleamed a beautiful sunset and Mr Ketchup's friends were in a hurry to catch a wee glimpse of it before it disappeared into the distance " goodnight they all shouted" Have a very nice evening and be careful and well you can work that one out for yourself........... © 2012 ROSALINDNO TRIP TO THE SEASIDE TODAY FOR MR KETCHUP ...!!!!!!!!!!A Story by ROSALIND![]() Poor old Mr Ketchup nothing went right for him ..........![]()
Saturday morning arrived. and Mr Ketchup was fast asleep
in his bed unaware that he might be snoring loudly. Oh dear Poor old Mr Ketchup" seemed to be in for a shock: The hands of the grandfather clock stuck 1 o'clock. Mr ketchup stumbled out of his bed. 'that's torn it now: He thought. better get a move on or I might miss the bus for the school summer outing. quickly throwing off his moth eaten night shirt. Mr ketchup made a quick exit downstairs. Meanwhile in the bathroom Mr Ketchup seemed to be in a spot of bother with the shower tap it had come right off and rolled all the way under the basin, that takes the biscuit. soon he had screwed the shower tap back on but before he could the water suddenly sprinkled everywhere; well that is life he thought to himself their is no use in moaning. Poor old Mr Ketchup well time just wasn't on his side. If he only just knew! minutes later he pulled the fridge door ajar and to his dismay: its empty 'Oh no he cried' what shall i do now,' Poor old Mr Ketchup nothing ever went right for him. Just then he flew up the stairs in a rage and moved towards the bathroom and opened the door forgetting the wet floor and O dear Poor old Mr Ketchup: WHOOPS down he slipped all the way to the floor looking dazed. What a dreadful morning it had been for him. Well as you can't imagine the look upon his face.? He wasn't going anywhere except to the hospital. MORE LAUGHS FROM POOR OLD MR KETCHUPA Story by ROSALINDMr ketchup made his way down to yellow market to buy some ant killer. Well that's torn it now he thought" I seem to have forgotten my purse Then to his surprise Mr Ketchup bumped into a friend of haggis called Neaps. Hello" Neaps you couldn't do me a favor please can you lend me a couple of pound for ant killer? Because ants have raided my kitchen, Why that is terrible and Neaps looked into his rack sack and pulled our some change here you are. better run now ketchup or you're miss the yellow market and before he had a chance to say goodbye off he went quickly into the distance. ![]() ©© 2012 ROSALINDAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on June 11, 2012 Last Updated on October 10, 2012 Author![]() ROSALINDEDINBURGH, lothian , United KingdomAboutHello my name is Rosalind and I first started writing poetry in April of 2011. I am a born again Christian and have a wonderful relationship with father God I would have never imagined for one second.. more..Writing