My body is tired But, my spirit still has plenty of fight in me yet To face challenges ahead . The dark nights ahead Struggling with gloomy thoughts. Hate winter cold nights Have to battle this sordid SAD...
Crazy dark moods Always surface on cold dark winter nights The strangest thoughts Tug away at my soul. They bug me Tease me Judge me
Ridicule me
Sometimes I bury my Thoughts in my dreams But they haunt me Subconsciouly I can't change, or control it . It controls me. I stuck in a web of unwanted thoughts. I am enslaved in a prison. But my spirit arises And says enough is enough Break free .. From the chains that enslave you. Run to the nearest exit My soul awakens from a bad dream..
Nailed it Ros! That's what depression is, at least to me- a drowning in the cold, dark, abyss of bleakness, chained and unable to escape. Yet, your Spirit, who knows, truly knows, your light and beauty and divinity shines though- " But my spirit arises
And says enough is enough
Break free ..
From the chains that enslave you.
Run to the nearest exit
My soul awakens from a bad dream"
always look to that light!
Well done
Life is struggle. We must overcome many things to find our proper place. I felt the struggle and need to find peace or escape. Thank you Rosalind for sharing your powerful poetry and thoughts.
Nailed it Ros! That's what depression is, at least to me- a drowning in the cold, dark, abyss of bleakness, chained and unable to escape. Yet, your Spirit, who knows, truly knows, your light and beauty and divinity shines though- " But my spirit arises
And says enough is enough
Break free ..
From the chains that enslave you.
Run to the nearest exit
My soul awakens from a bad dream"
always look to that light!
Well done
Hello my name is Rosalind and I first started writing poetry in April of 2011. I am a born again Christian and have a wonderful relationship
with father God I would have never imagined for one second.. more..