Mr ketchup's gets more than he bargains for.

Mr ketchup's gets more than he bargains for.

A Chapter by ROSALIND

Mr Ketchup yawned Pulled back covers O Bother he said I feel so tired he mumbled to myself. Molly the mustard pot,  Crybaby, Stroppy Stripey Courgette Mr Ketchup's uncle had invited themselves up for a hoilday. Oh boy Mr Ketchup wasn't vrey pleased. In Fact he'd rather not be there at all. Because they were a nuisance.

"Haggis". could you please do me a favor, and collect My aunt and uncle from the station today at half past two"

"Why, replied Haggis".?

"You see it's just that i made other plans to go shopping. Frowned Mr Ketchup.

"Oh, okay  he sighed.

Mr ketchup Had been looking forward to a big spending spree

His pyjamas had srunk in the washing machine and the ones that were left the moth's had made a right meal of it.

O h fiddle stick's He Muttered to himself I shall have to replace the lot . Soon his bus arrived to take him to yellow market.

He pulled a face at the driver and quickly put some coins into the slot, grabbed the nearest seat and sat down next to His cousin Molly the Mustard pot.

"Why, Fancy meeting you here Mr ketchup.

 Mr Ketchup Face turned a deep purple red In fact he looked like he was about to pass out.

"Eh, just away to buy myself some new "stripey pyjamas"  blushing again."

Don't forget to pick up CryBaby and Stroppy Stripey courgette face.  Mr ketchup heart began to race like the hands from a clock. How on earth did Molly THE Mustard pot know about His aunt and uncle surely Ruby the Rude Raspberry hadn't mentioned anything. But Mr Ketchup thought about it for a while. Oh why should I bother what Ruby the Rude Raspberry and Molly the Mustard pot thinks I have got better things to do than worry about them meddling with things that don't concern them. The bus pulled outside the bus stop. quickly he strode up the big steeple hill. He arrived outside the shop to find it vrey busy. Oh thats torn it now, I do hope they havnet sold out of my Stripey red pyjamas he thought. Minutes later he pulled down a pair of Ladies pyjamas They were pink with while spots Oh i suspose they will just have to do. Mr ketchup decided to buy the lot all in different colour's. But Oh dearie me the buddle of pyjamas came tumbling down until all of the shelves were empty. The shop keeper frowned at Mr ketchup. wrapped up the contents and showed Mr Ketchup to the door and threw him out. Oh thank goodness that's over he thought. Oh what a day he thought so tired and hungry gasping on a cuppa. Mr ketchup took the nearest exit pulled the door wide open but over there in the corner where Crybaby with Stroppy Stripey courgette face.
Mr ketchup's eyes nearly popped out of thier sockets of all the people he least expected to see where his aunt and uncle. One thing for sure how was he going to explain himself  to them about not picking them up from the bus station he was about to turn around and avoid them when a dog began barking very louding at him for stepping on it's tail. O dear he couldt move a mussle the dog had looked like he might bite him.

" Hello Mr ketchup." have you come to pick us up, said CryBaby."

"oh, do hurry along Old Chap Please don't keep us waiting any longer."


Oh bother what have I let myself in for he thought ....

Part two.........................................................

Down down the rain poured. Oh Crumbs, "Why" does it haveto rain he moaned.                                                                                                   
"Oh, do hurry up, "Mr Ketchup, before Crybaby catches a cold."
Mr Ketchup shugghed his shouders at his uncle "
" And could you take these suitcases, as they are quite heavy indeed."
"Oh very well then, But what have you got in those suitcases they weigh a ton "moaned" Mr ketchup me feet are killing me.
Poor old mr ketchup you couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
Off he trod puffing and panting  until he suddenly droped all of the suitcases and of the lids came with Crybabys favorite dresses.
Oh No What ever am I GOING TO DO NOW........he sighed..
I will never live this one down.
Crybaby began to wail like an ally cat with piercing screams she screamed so loud that Mr KETCHUPS EARS HURT.!!!
Crybaby  carried on wailing.
"My, beautiful silk red dress it's ruined that cost me a fortune she cried."
I shall never get that mud stain out."
"Oh Mr Ketchup, " what have you got to say for yourself now, he Said angrily."
"Well," It's hardly my fault,  you stuffed  far to many dresses in her suitcase."
Stroppy Stripey courgette pulled a face at poor old mr ketchup. Picked up the rest of Crybabys dresses and quashed them into her case flagged down a taxi one by one they all piled into the black cab.
Mr ketchup  wished the holiday would end but oh boy the fun was just beginning. Poor old Mr ketchup nothing went right for him.



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Added on January 20, 2015
Last Updated on January 21, 2015



EDINBURGH, lothian , United Kingdom

Hello my name is Rosalind and I first started writing poetry in April of 2011. I am a born again Christian and have a wonderful relationship with father God I would have never imagined for one second.. more..

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