The sun shone so brightly. And Mr ketchup got out of bed very early only to stand on the "cats tail".
Tabby let out a squeak which sounded more like a mouse. In fact Tabby did have a mouse in her mouth.
And if their was one thing that Mr Ketchup couldn't stand were mice. That was the only reason he put up
with tabby.
Otherwise if he had his way she would be off to stay with
his cousin Ruby the Rude raspberry. Why Mr Ketchup couldn't stand
her in fact he could not even be in the same room as her.
I think
that is why he loathed tabby because she often would spy on him. And
make her presence Known to every living creature that lived in the house
Mr ketchup had a hard time getting on with anyone.
Well Mr ketchup liked being the center of attention. because He was
such a drama queen to say the least. Perhaps that is why he got himself
in these silly little awkward muddles, of course it always involved his
friend Haggis. If it wasn't for Neaps and Haggis It doesn't bear
thinking about.
You see Mr Ketchup You either liked him or disliked him.
Mr Ketchup dragged the deck chair from the back of the hut. But oh dear
everything including the spiders fell on top of him in fact the spiders
mistook him for little black flies and began spinning a
huge web around his face. You see he lay there for hours under heaps of garden
tools. Mr ketchup

kept nothing in order every time he used a garden tool he just threw into the shed and shut the door
tight. Poor Mr Ketchup you couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
Sweet Potato face had been shouting Mr Ketchup for his breakfast His cornflakes went all soggy
and his tea had gone a cold and his toast all hard. Poor Mr Ketchup was terrified, the spiders were
now ready for their dinner.
"Help,' help cried Mr ketchup."
but no-one heard him. The trees looked down at him and giggled and the sun pulled faces at him.
" Help help he began shouting."
he woke up trembling. H e looked around the bedroom I could have sworn I
was in the shed and I was being attacked by an army of spiders .
" Oh dear Mr Ketchup you must have nodded off again and had another one of your nightmares.
" it felt ever so real. He groaned.....
" Come come now Dear it was only a bad dream."
" I'll need to ask haggis a favor."
" and what might that be frowned Sweet Potato Face."
" I think I better start clearing out that shed."
" Yes that is probably a good idea smiled Sweet Potato face."
When hard work was involved Mr Ketchup would usually find some excuse
to wriggle out of it and so his friends would feel sorry for him. I
think that its about time he learned a hard lesson don't you.....