i am somebody, who is nobody
i have no face, but im so ugly
im emotionally unstable, but im numb
who on earth have i become?
i want to cry, but no tears fall
i crave everyone's attention, but i hate them all
i love those who mistreat me back
a hate my life, a life i lack
i am able, but im unable
im in control, then im unstable
i have to be right, but im always wrong
and i come over so weak when i try to be strong
im in a crowd, but im alone
many voices in my head, then it's only my own
so much noise in a silent room
i sleep through the sun, and stare at the moon
my days i spend trying to go forward
but realize then that everything's backward
i always laugh to those who cry
i feel so low then i fly to the sky
i am unhinged, mentally twisted
when i see danger, i take all and risk it
i sometimes care, and then i fail
people can see im going off the rails
when i talk, no words escape
when i feel normal, my life will take shape
doing okay, then where do i go?
i am a borderline, so i do not know
Michelle Draper
A friends poem whom i got permission to share from Face-book