A Chapter by ROSALIND

" MR

All night long Mr Ketchup tossed and turned
“Oh bother,” he said “I just cannot fall asleep.”
but O dear he had forgotten to buy his new mattress
and his bed was so uncomfortable to sleep in.
He had been saving his money for a rainy day.
Sweet Potato Face wondered what on earth
was the matter with Mr Ketchup's face. He looked rather cross this morning.
"Mr Ketchup whatever is the matter now?” she replied.
"Well you see I just couldn't fall asleep the mattress is so uncomfortable,
I think that the springs may have popped and Oh my back it is in agony."
"Oh dear I am so sorry, Why didn't you wake me up last night.
You were soundly snoring so I crept down the stairs quietly
And made a bed up on the sofa.
Oh Mr Ketchup What am I going to do with you now?
Let’s go shopping for a new mattress."
" Oh bother then we will need to raid the piggy bank groaned Mr
Well as you can imagine Mr Ketchup wasn't wanting to part with his
hard earned cash.
So off he trotted down to the junk yard to see if someone may have
thrown out a better mattress than his.
At last he arrived at the junk yard and to his surprise there was a
mattress wrapped up just like new, some-one must have been mad
to throw that away in the junk yard.
Off he trotted down the road to see if Haggis his friend would help
to take it home to his house.
But whatever would Sweet Potato Face say? I am not sure that she would approve
taking something from the junk yard.
At last Haggis, Neaps and Torn Face Tomato all arrived at the junk yard .
They all heaved it out but Oh dearie me the mice had made a right
meal out it.
“Oh fiddle sticks that's torn it now “wailed Mr Ketchup.
What ever shall I do now he sighed.
"Why don't we all have cake sale and raise money for Mr Ketchup?”
suggested Neaps.
“Why that is a splendid idea,” said Haggis
And soon Mr Ketchup spirits lifted up.
The very next day Sweet Potato Face had been busy in the kitchen
baking all kinds of different yummy cakes there were chocolate creams, Coconut
buns, sweet jelly’s, carrot cake, Victoria sponge.
My word she had been very busy.
Mr Ketchup got stuck into the washing up and soon it was time
to deliver all the baking at the fair.
All of Mr Ketchup's family and friends rallied round to help out too.
Neaps and even Torn Face Tomato had helped to bake for this event.
Soon the Day took off to a grand start and every-one seemed to be
having fun, even Mr Ketchup surprisingly. He seemed so happy for
once, but that was short lived, all of a sudden it started to pour with
rain.”The baking”, cried Mr Ketchup “quick everybody grab what you can before
it all goes to waste”. Lucky it was only a few cakes left unsold
otherwise Mr Ketchup's day would have been ruined.
After they got home Haggis counted up the money and they made enough to buy a
complete new king size bed .
“Whoopee” cheered Mr Ketchup,” this is the best day ever.
And I would like to say thank You to all of my friends and family.”
Well what a day at least it turned out a happy day for Mr Ketchup.