I can feel God's vibrant anointing quiver like a shiver It slowly tickles upwards Towards my neck God's presence covers My room like rainbow Mist. Intruded by his thoughts O how God has captivated my heart True to his promises their is no compromises Weakness is a strength So why do you always Pretend. Look up to the clear blue magical sky. Rest your soul in the comfort Of my Arms.....
Your words are beautiful and surely reflect the full anointing of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Yes, we are weak but strong in Him!! We must acknowledge it as our strength!!
Comment about poem or author Response Country Response Added
Richard Gildea Hello Rosalind, Such a comforting "Blanket" which saves us from harm and lets us feel the warmth of His love. "Rest your Soul" is such good advice in relation to your final words. Beautifully expressed my dear Rosalind, words inspired by a pure Faith. God Bless, Richard /| UK 8/21/2012 9:12:49 AM
Hello my name is Rosalind and I first started writing poetry in April of 2011. I am a born again Christian and have a wonderful relationship
with father God I would have never imagined for one second.. more..